document.tex 1.8 KB

  1. \documentclass[paper=6.5in:9.25in,fontsize=11pt,parskip=half,twoside,DIV=16]{scrbook}
  2. \KOMAoptions{toc=flat}
  3. \KOMAoptions{toc=idx}
  4. \usepackage{helpers}
  5. \usepackage{version-and-copyright}
  6. \usepackage{recipe}
  7. \usepackage{hyperxmp}
  8. \usepackage[type={CC},modifier={by-sa},version={4.0}]{doclicense}
  9. \usepackage{makeidx}
  10. \makeindex
  11. \usepackage[toc,style=altlist,nopostdot,nomain]{glossaries}
  12. \newglossary*{term}{Cooking Terms}
  13. \newglossary*{tech}{Cooking Techniques}
  14. \newglossary*{eqpt}{Equipment}
  15. \makeglossaries
  16. \loadglsentries[term]{term-glossary}
  17. \loadglsentries[tech]{tech-glossary}
  18. \loadglsentries[eqpt]{eqpt-glossary}
  19. \glsaddall
  20. \title{The Open Source Cookbook}
  21. \lowertitleback{This compilation \copyrightRange{2020} Samuel Flint
  22. and the named contributors.
  23. This compilation is licensed under
  24. \doclicenseLongNameRef\ (\doclicenseIcon).
  25. You should have received a copy of the license along with this
  26. work. If not, see \href{\doclicenseURL}{\texttt{\doclicenseURL}}.
  27. Revision \texttt{\gitrevision}.
  28. }
  29. \usepackage{hyperref}
  30. \hypersetup{
  31. pdftitle={The Open Source Cookbook},
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  39. }
  40. \begin{document}
  41. \maketitle
  42. \frontmatter
  43. \tableofcontents
  44. \mainmatter
  45. \input{01-basics}
  46. \input{02-breads}
  47. \input{03-salads-dressings}
  48. \input{04-soups}
  49. \input{05-appetizers}
  50. \input{06-mains-and-entrees}
  51. \input{07-sides}
  52. \input{08-desserts}
  53. \input{09-snacks}
  54. % Maybe a "Punches chapter?"
  55. \backmatter
  56. \input{91-groups}
  57. \input{92-menus}
  58. % Glossaries (consider re-ordering)
  59. \printglossary[type=tech,nonumberlist] %Techniques
  60. \printglossary[type=eqpt,nonumberlist] %Equiptment
  61. \printglossary[type=term,nonumberlist] %Terms
  62. % Index
  63. \printindex
  64. \end{document}
  65. %%% Local Variables:
  66. %%% mode: latex
  67. %%% TeX-master: t
  68. %%% End: