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Moved some stuff around for packaging

Samuel W. Flint 7 years ago
1 changed files with 31 additions and 9 deletions
  1. 31 9

+ 31 - 9

@@ -55,24 +55,46 @@ LARCS is, in and of itself, only a library.  While this allows it to be used in
 #+TOC: headlines 3
 #+TOC: listings
-* TODO System Definition
+* TODO Functionality
 :CREATED:  <2016-06-13 Mon 14:51>
-#+Caption: Text User System Definition
-#+Name: text-ui-system-definition
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
-  '(#:alexandria
-    #:command-line-arguments
-    #:cl-readline)
+* WORKING Packaging [0/2]
+:CREATED:  <2016-06-13 Mon 14:51>
+** TODO Packaging
+:CREATED:  <2016-08-20 Sat 16:03>
+#+Caption: LARCS TUI Packaging
+#+Name: packaging
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle "larcs-tui-packages.lisp"
-* TODO Functionality
+** TODO System Definition
-:CREATED:  <2016-06-13 Mon 14:51>
+:CREATED:  <2016-08-20 Sat 16:02>
+#+Caption: Text User System Definition
+#+Name: text-ui-system-definition
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle "larcs-tui.asd"
+  (asdf:defsystem #:larcs-tui
+      :description "A Text-based User Interface for LARCS"
+      :author "Samuel Flint <>"
+      :license "GNU GPLv3 or Later"
+      :depends-on (#:alexandria
+                   #:command-line-arguments
+                   #:cl-readline)
+      :serial t
+      :components ((:file "larcs-tui-packages")))
 * Push to bottom                                                     :ignore:
 :CREATED:  <2016-07-17 Sun 13:58>