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Moved stuff around for addition manipulators

Samuel W. Flint 7 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 69 добавлено и 55 удалено
  1. 69 55

+ 69 - 55

@@ -1092,13 +1092,13 @@ This is the assembly of the ~#:larcs.manipulate~ package.  It includes, in corre
-* TODO Manipulators for Addition
+* WORKING Manipulators for Addition [0/1]
 :CREATED:  <2016-04-30 Sat 23:08>
 :ID:       b794486c-e493-408f-b80c-a440edae1bc8
+To accomplish the goal of providing a system that can manipulate any and all proper algebraic expressions, one of the most basic operations of such is addition.  This provides a set of manipulators acting upon proper additive expressions.  It declares itself to be a part of the ~#:larcs.manipulate~ package; defines an operation for addition, called ~add~, taking 2 arguments with a short-name of ~+~.  It then includes the various manipulators that are defined for addition.
 #+Caption: Addition Manipulator
 #+Name: am-addition-manipulator
@@ -1107,72 +1107,86 @@ Foo
   (define-operation add 2 +)
+  <<addition-manipulators-for-numerics>>
+** TODO Numerics
+:CREATED:  <2016-09-23 Fri 16:38>
+:ID:       3d9c9da7-ab93-48e3-a340-07d4d80f7f47
+Find Outer Otter
+#+Caption: Addition Manipulators for Numerics
+#+Name: addition-manipulators-for-numerics
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp 
   (define-add-manipulator (numeric numeric)
-    (+ expression-a expression-b))
+      (+ expression-a expression-b))
   (define-add-manipulator (numeric additive)
-    (let ((total expression-a)
-          (remainder (rest expression-b))
-          (non-numeric '()))
-      (dolist (element remainder)
-        (if (classified-as-p element 'numeric)
-            (incf total element)
-            (push element non-numeric)))
-      (cond
-        ((null non-numeric)
-         total)
-        ((= 0 total)
-         `(+ ,@non-numeric))
-        (t
-         `(+ ,total ,@non-numeric)))))
+      (let ((total expression-a)
+            (remainder (rest expression-b))
+            (non-numeric '()))
+        (dolist (element remainder)
+          (if (classified-as-p element 'numeric)
+              (incf total element)
+              (push element non-numeric)))
+        (cond
+          ((null non-numeric)
+           total)
+          ((= 0 total)
+           `(+ ,@non-numeric))
+          (t
+           `(+ ,total ,@non-numeric)))))
   (define-add-manipulator (additive additive)
-    (let ((total 0)
-          (elements (append (rest expression-a)
-                            (rest expression-b)))
-          (non-numeric '()))
-      (dolist (element elements)
-        (if (classified-as-p element 'numeric)
-            (incf total element)
-            (push element non-numeric)))
-      (cond
-        ((null non-numeric)
-         total)
-        ((= 0 total)
-         `(+ ,@non-numeric))
-        (t
-         `(+ ,total ,@non-numeric)))))
+      (let ((total 0)
+            (elements (append (rest expression-a)
+                              (rest expression-b)))
+            (non-numeric '()))
+        (dolist (element elements)
+          (if (classified-as-p element 'numeric)
+              (incf total element)
+              (push element non-numeric)))
+        (cond
+          ((null non-numeric)
+           total)
+          ((= 0 total)
+           `(+ ,@non-numeric))
+          (t
+           `(+ ,total ,@non-numeric)))))
   (define-add-manipulator (numeric subtractive)
-    (let ((total expression-a)
-          (the-other (rest expression-b))
-          (non-numeric '()))
-      (dolist (element the-other)
-        (if (classified-as-p element 'numeric)
-            (decf total element)
-            (push element non-numeric)))
-      (cond
-        ((null non-numeric)
-         total)
-        ((= 0 total)
-         `(+ ,@non-numeric))
-        (t
-         `(+ ,total (-,@non-numeric))))))
+      (let ((total expression-a)
+            (the-other (rest expression-b))
+            (non-numeric '()))
+        (dolist (element the-other)
+          (if (classified-as-p element 'numeric)
+              (decf total element)
+              (push element non-numeric)))
+        (cond
+          ((null non-numeric)
+           total)
+          ((= 0 total)
+           `(+ ,@non-numeric))
+          (t
+           `(+ ,total (-,@non-numeric))))))
   (define-add-manipulator (numeric polynomial-term)
-    `(+ ,expression-a ,expression-b))
+      `(+ ,expression-a ,expression-b))
   (define-add-manipulator (polynomial-term polynomial-term)
-    (if (single-term-combinable-p expression-a expression-b)
-        (let ((new-coefficient (+ (coefficient expression-a)
-                                  (coefficient expression-b)))
-              (variable (term-variable expression-a))
-              (power (get-power expression-a)))
-          `(* ,new-coefficient (expt ,variable ,power)))
-        `(+ ,expression-a ,expression-b)))
+      (if (single-term-combinable-p expression-a expression-b)
+          (let ((new-coefficient (+ (coefficient expression-a)
+                                    (coefficient expression-b)))
+                (variable (term-variable expression-a))
+                (power (get-power expression-a)))
+            `(* ,new-coefficient (expt ,variable ,power)))
+          `(+ ,expression-a ,expression-b)))
   (define-add-manipulator (* numeric)
-    (add expression-b expression-a))
+      (add expression-b expression-a))
 * TODO Manipulators for Subtraction