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Moved polynomial functions to their own package

Samuel W. Flint 8 years ago
1 changed files with 144 additions and 116 deletions
  1. 144 116

+ 144 - 116

@@ -662,14 +662,12 @@ This assembles the classification library, which in the ~#:larcs.classify~ packa
-* WORKING Algebraic Manipulation [3/5]
+* WORKING Polynomial Related Functions [3/10]
-:CREATED:  <2016-06-09 Thu 09:20>
-:ID:       b2c1fd45-b631-48f9-a093-66e1a0faa77f
+:CREATED:  <2016-05-01 Sun 12:29>
+:ID:       984d0f52-4c52-4bfa-a150-f3289d25bdf1
-One of the most important parts of this system is the "algebraic manipulator", a sub-system that provides utilities for symbolic arithmetic, that is to say addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, along with trigonometric functions and exponential/logarithmic functions.  These function, as many other portions of this system, using rewrite rules, implementing a form of specialized generic programming.
 ** DONE Collect Variables
 CLOSED: [2016-06-21 Tue 22:10]
@@ -707,7 +705,7 @@ An expression is passed in, and if a variable, it is collected, if non-atomic, a
 #+Caption: Collect Variables
-#+Name: am-collect-variables
+#+Name: poly-collect-variables
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun collect-variables (expression)
     (let ((variables '()))
@@ -722,86 +720,7 @@ An expression is passed in, and if a variable, it is collected, if non-atomic, a
       (reverse variables)))
-** DONE Term Collection
-CLOSED: [2016-06-24 Fri 20:57]
-:CREATED:  <2016-04-30 Sat 22:59>
-:ID:       c1856735-914b-4f73-8825-3e5a062113d2
-To aid in the design and implementation of various sub-systems, from simplification to the basics of algebraic manipulators, the ability to collect terms is extremely important. It is accomplished as follows:
- 1. Lists for each of the types are initialized as empty.
- 2. For each term in the given expression, put it into the given list.
- 3. Return an alist containing the names of the types and the given lists, with the conses removed if the CDR is null.
-#+Caption: Collect Terms
-#+Name: am-collect-terms
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
-  (defun collect-terms (expression &aux (terms (rest expression)))
-    (let ((numerics '())
-          (variables '())
-          (additives '())
-          (subtractives '())
-          (multiplicatives '())
-          (polynomial-terms '())
-          (rationals '())
-          (powers '())
-          (natural-exponentials '())
-          (exponentials '())
-          (natural-logarithmics '())
-          (trigonometrics '()))
-      (dolist (term terms)
-        (classification-case term
-                             (numeric (pushnew term numerics))
-                             (variable (pushnew term variables))
-                             (power (pushnew term powers))
-                             (additive (pushnew term additives))
-                             (subtractive (pushnew term subtractives))
-                             (polynomial-term (pushnew term polynomial-terms))
-                             (multiplicative (pushnew term multiplicatives))
-                             (rational (pushnew term rationals))
-                             (power (pushnew term powers))
-                             (natural-exponential (pushnew term natural-exponentials))
-                             (exponential (pushnew term exponentials))
-                             (natural-logarithmic (pushnew term natural-logarithmics))
-                             (trigonometric (pushnew term trigonometrics))))
-      (remove-if #'(lambda (expr) (null (cdr expr)))
-                 (list (cons :numerics numerics)
-                       (cons :variables variables)
-                       (cons :powers powers)
-                       (cons :additives additives)
-                       (cons :subtractives subtractives)
-                       (cons :multiplicatives multiplicatives)
-                       (cons :polynomial-terms polynomial-terms)
-                       (cons :rationals rationals)
-                       (cons :powers powers)
-                       (cons :natural-exponentials natural-exponentials)
-                       (cons :exponentials exponentials)
-                       (cons :natural-logarithmics natural-logarithmics)
-                       (cons :trigonometrics trigonometrics)))))
-** WORKING Polynomial Related Functions [2/8]
-:CREATED:  <2016-05-01 Sun 12:29>
-:ID:       984d0f52-4c52-4bfa-a150-f3289d25bdf1
-#+Caption: Polynomial Related Functions
-#+Name: am-polynomial-related-functions
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
-  <<am-get-coefficient>>
-  <<am-get-term-variable>>
-  <<am-get-power>>
-  <<am-term-order-less-than>>
-  <<am-same-order>>
-  <<am-term-order-greater-than>>
-  <<am-same-variable>>
-  <<am-is-combinable>>
-*** DONE Get Coefficient
+** DONE Get Coefficient
 CLOSED: [2016-06-26 Sun 19:50]
 :CREATED:  <2016-05-31 Tue 19:08>
@@ -815,7 +734,7 @@ To get the coefficient of a polynomial term there are three possibilities
  - All else :: 1
 #+Caption: Get Coefficient
-#+Name: am-get-coefficient
+#+Name: poly-get-coefficient
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun coefficient (term)
     (when (classified-as-p term 'polynomial-term)
@@ -825,7 +744,7 @@ To get the coefficient of a polynomial term there are three possibilities
                            (* 1))))
-*** DONE Get Term Variables
+** DONE Get Term Variables
 CLOSED: [2016-06-27 Mon 18:40]
 :CREATED:  <2016-05-31 Tue 19:08>
@@ -835,21 +754,21 @@ CLOSED: [2016-06-27 Mon 18:40]
 The ability to retrieve tha variable in a polynomial term is important.  This is accomplished by collecting the variables in the term and returning the first.  If this is simply a numeric expression, ~nil~ is returned as there are no variables.
 #+Caption: Get Term Variable
-#+Name: am-get-term-variable
+#+Name: poly-get-term-variable
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun term-variable (term)
     (when (classified-as-p term 'polynomial-term)
       (first (collect-variables term))))
-*** TODO Get Power
+** TODO Get Power
 :CREATED:  <2016-05-31 Tue 19:08>
 :ID:       7d5a10da-bb30-496f-b285-470057a46db0
 #+Caption: Get Power
-#+Name: am-get-power
+#+Name: poly-get-power
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun get-power (term)
     (classification-case term
@@ -863,76 +782,165 @@ The ability to retrieve tha variable in a polynomial term is important.  This is
                          (* 0)))
-*** TODO Term Order Less Than
+** TODO Term Order Less Than
 :CREATED:  <2016-06-24 Fri 20:57>
 :ID:       b7fcb056-2494-4142-aad5-7619629b1980
 #+Caption: Term Order Less Than
-#+Name: am-term-order-less-than
+#+Name: poly-term-order-less-than
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun term-order-< (a b)
     (< (get-power a)
        (get-power b)))
-*** TODO Same Order
+** TODO Same Order
 :CREATED:  <2016-05-31 Tue 19:08>
 :ID:       c56a1496-f4c2-4693-9448-5043570a752f
 #+Caption: Same Order
-#+Name: am-same-order
+#+Name: poly-same-order
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun term-order-= (term-a term-b)
     (= (get-power term-a)
        (get-power term-b)))
-*** TODO Term Order Greater Than
+** TODO Term Order Greater Than
 :CREATED:  <2016-06-24 Fri 20:57>
 :ID:       27f836aa-8522-4a4c-88b3-6f19a505916f
 #+Caption: Term Order Greater Than
-#+Name: am-term-order-greater-than
+#+Name: poly-term-order-greater-than
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun term-order-> (a b)
     (> (get-power a)
        (get-power b)))
-*** TODO Same Variable
+** TODO Same Variable
 :CREATED:  <2016-05-31 Tue 19:08>
 :ID:       3806c97a-12fa-4488-b38c-d9ff3570c139
 #+Caption: Same Variable
-#+Name: am-same-variable
+#+Name: poly-same-variable
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun same-variable-p (term-a term-b)
     (eq (term-variable term-a)
         (term-variable term-b)))
-*** TODO Is Combinable
+** TODO Is Combinable
 :CREATED:  <2016-05-31 Tue 19:08>
 :ID:       db0410aa-bb12-4933-9be7-1a50d70ae90f
 #+Caption: Is Combinable
-#+Name: am-is-combinable
+#+Name: poly-is-combinable
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
   (defun single-term-combinable-p (term-a term-b)
     (and (term-order-= term-a term-b)
        (same-variable-p term-a term-b)))
+** TODO Assembly
+:CREATED:  <2016-08-21 Sun 11:03>
+:ID:       0c64cf6f-818d-4d39-9dc3-ab9353a6d66e
+#+Caption: Polynomial Related Functions
+#+Name: poly-assembly
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle "larcs-polynomials.lisp"
+  (in-package #:larcs.polynomials)
+  <<poly-collect-variables>>
+  <<poly-get-coefficient>>
+  <<poly-get-term-variable>>
+  <<poly-get-power>>
+  <<poly-term-order-less-than>>
+  <<poly-same-order>>
+  <<poly-term-order-greater-than>>
+  <<poly-same-variable>>
+  <<poly-is-combinable>>
+* WORKING Algebraic Manipulation [3/5]
+:CREATED:  <2016-06-09 Thu 09:20>
+:ID:       b2c1fd45-b631-48f9-a093-66e1a0faa77f
+One of the most important parts of this system is the "algebraic manipulator", a sub-system that provides utilities for symbolic arithmetic, that is to say addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, along with trigonometric functions and exponential/logarithmic functions.  These function, as many other portions of this system, using rewrite rules, implementing a form of specialized generic programming.
+** DONE Term Collection
+CLOSED: [2016-06-24 Fri 20:57]
+:CREATED:  <2016-04-30 Sat 22:59>
+:ID:       c1856735-914b-4f73-8825-3e5a062113d2
+To aid in the design and implementation of various sub-systems, from simplification to the basics of algebraic manipulators, the ability to collect terms is extremely important. It is accomplished as follows:
+ 1. Lists for each of the types are initialized as empty.
+ 2. For each term in the given expression, put it into the given list.
+ 3. Return an alist containing the names of the types and the given lists, with the conses removed if the CDR is null.
+#+Caption: Collect Terms
+#+Name: am-collect-terms
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
+  (defun collect-terms (expression &aux (terms (rest expression)))
+    (let ((numerics '())
+          (variables '())
+          (additives '())
+          (subtractives '())
+          (multiplicatives '())
+          (polynomial-terms '())
+          (rationals '())
+          (powers '())
+          (natural-exponentials '())
+          (exponentials '())
+          (natural-logarithmics '())
+          (trigonometrics '()))
+      (dolist (term terms)
+        (classification-case term
+                             (numeric (pushnew term numerics))
+                             (variable (pushnew term variables))
+                             (power (pushnew term powers))
+                             (additive (pushnew term additives))
+                             (subtractive (pushnew term subtractives))
+                             (polynomial-term (pushnew term polynomial-terms))
+                             (multiplicative (pushnew term multiplicatives))
+                             (rational (pushnew term rationals))
+                             (power (pushnew term powers))
+                             (natural-exponential (pushnew term natural-exponentials))
+                             (exponential (pushnew term exponentials))
+                             (natural-logarithmic (pushnew term natural-logarithmics))
+                             (trigonometric (pushnew term trigonometrics))))
+      (remove-if #'(lambda (expr) (null (cdr expr)))
+                 (list (cons :numerics numerics)
+                       (cons :variables variables)
+                       (cons :powers powers)
+                       (cons :additives additives)
+                       (cons :subtractives subtractives)
+                       (cons :multiplicatives multiplicatives)
+                       (cons :polynomial-terms polynomial-terms)
+                       (cons :rationals rationals)
+                       (cons :powers powers)
+                       (cons :natural-exponentials natural-exponentials)
+                       (cons :exponentials exponentials)
+                       (cons :natural-logarithmics natural-logarithmics)
+                       (cons :trigonometrics trigonometrics)))))
 ** WORKING Expression Manipulators [0/7]
 :CREATED:  <2016-04-30 Sat 22:58>
@@ -1371,7 +1379,6 @@ This is the assembly of the ~#:larcs.manipulate~ package.  It includes, in corre
-  <<am-polynomial-related-functions>>
@@ -2319,7 +2326,7 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
 :ID:       89370949-8f58-41cf-8c4f-92f81d48ac23
-** WORKING Package Definitions [0/5]
+** WORKING Package Definitions [0/6]
 :CREATED:  <2016-06-13 Mon 15:00>
 :ID:       573a8352-8cbe-408c-8c27-3cf0b66da885
@@ -2330,6 +2337,7 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle "larcs-packages.lisp"
+  <<polynomial-package-def>>
@@ -2374,6 +2382,31 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
     (:nicknames #:classify))
+*** TODO Polynomial Functions
+:CREATED:  <2016-08-21 Sun 10:58>
+:ID:       c97b187c-22c8-4332-902e-3be2247b277e
+#+Caption: Polynomial Package Definition
+#+Name: polynomial-package-def
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp 
+  (defpackage #:larcs.polynomials
+    (:use #:cl
+          #:larcs.common
+          #:larcs.classify)
+    (:export #:collect-variables
+             #:coefficient
+             #:term-variable
+             #:get-power
+             #:term-order-<
+             #:term-order-=
+             #:term-order->
+             #:save-variable-p
+             #:single-term-combinable-p)
+    (:nicknames #:polynomials))
 *** TODO Manipulation
 :CREATED:  <2016-08-05 Fri 22:07>
@@ -2386,20 +2419,12 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
   (defpackage #:larcs.manipulate
     (:use #:cl
-          #:larcs.classify)
+          #:larcs.classify
+          #:larcs.polynomials)
     (:import-from #:alexandria
     (:export #:manipulate
-             #:collect-variables
-             #:collect-terms
-             #:coefficient
-             #:term-variable
-             #:get-power
-             #:term-order-<
-             #:term-order-=
-             #:term-order->
-             #:save-variable-p
-             #:single-term-combinable-p)
+             #:collect-terms)
     (:nicknames #:manipulate))
@@ -2416,7 +2441,8 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
     (:use #:cl
-          #:larcs.manipulate)
+          #:larcs.manipulate
+          #:larcs.polynomials)
     (:import-from #:alexandria
     (:import-from #:com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.list
@@ -2439,7 +2465,8 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
     (:use #:cl
-          #:larcs.manipulate)
+          #:larcs.manipulate
+          #:larcs.polynomials)
     (:import-from #:alexandria
     (:import-from #:com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.list
@@ -2468,6 +2495,7 @@ The final assembly of this portion of the system is as simple as the rest, resol
     :components ((:file "larcs-packages")
                  (:file "larcs-common")
                  (:file "larcs-classify")
+                 (:file "larcs-polynomials")
                  (:file "larcs-manipulation")
                  (:file "larcs-differentiate")
                  (:file "larcs-typeset")))