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Started (just barely) the keysigning party toolkit

Samuel W. Flint 7 years ago
1 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 263 0

+ 263 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#+Title: Keysigning Party Toolkit
+# #+Subtitle: A Quick way to run them
+#+AUTHOR: Samuel W. Flint
+#+DATE: <2017-02-05 Sun 17:08>
+#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:nil path:
+#+OPTIONS: toc:nil H:5 ':t *:t todo:nil stat:nil d:nil
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :noweb tangle :comments noweb
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margins=0.75in]{geometry}
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \parskip=5pt
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \parindent=0pt
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \lstset{texcl=true,breaklines=true,columns=fullflexible,basicstyle=\ttfamily,frame=lines,literate={<=}{$\leq$}1 {>=}{$\geq$}1}
+#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [10pt,twoside]
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \pagestyle{headings}
+* Export                                                           :noexport:
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:09>
+#+Caption: Export Document
+#+Name: export-document
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports none :results none
+  (save-buffer)
+  (let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate
+         (lambda (lang body)
+           (declare (ignorable lang body))
+           nil)))
+  (org-latex-export-to-pdf))
+* Tangle                                                           :noexport:
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:09>
+#+Caption: Tangle Document
+#+Name: tangle-document
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports none :results none
+  (save-buffer)
+  (let ((python-indent-offset 4))
+    (org-babel-tangle))
+* Introduction
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:08>
+* TOC                                                                :ignore:
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:58>
+#+TOC: headlines 3
+#+TOC: listings
+* Create An Event
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:56>
+:ID:       c8681554-7d80-4706-b4ce-7ab4d6976ec6
+#+Caption: Create an Event
+#+Name: create-event
+#+BEGIN_SRC sh :shebang "#!/bin/sh" :tangle "create-event"
+  if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then
+      echo "$0 event-name \"Long Name\" [keyserver]"
+      exit 1
+  fi
+  NAME=$1
+  KEYSERVER=${3:=hkp://}
+  cat <<EOF > get-key
+  #!/bin/sh
+  <<get-key>>
+  EOF
+  chown u+x get-key
+  cat <<EOF > announce
+  #!/bin/sh
+  <<gen-announce>>
+  EOF
+  chown u+x announce
+  cat <<EOF > key-email
+  #!/bin/sh
+  <<gen-key-email>>
+  EOF
+  chown u+x key-email
+* Add Key to Keyring
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:58>
+:ID:       03114be8-a70c-4a1c-9876-d06500dc4d90
+#+Caption: Get Key
+#+Name: get-key
+#+BEGIN_SRC sh 
+  gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring `pwd`/${NAME}.gpg --keyserver $KEYSERVER --recv-key $@
+* Generate Announcement
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:56>
+#+Caption: Generate Announcement
+#+Name: gen-announce
+#+BEGIN_SRC sh 
+  figlet -c OpenPGP >announcement.txt
+  echo >>announcement.txt
+  echo >>announcement.txt
+  cat <<EOF >>announcement.txt
+  There will be an OpenPGP keysigning party held at LOCATION on DATE at TIME.
+  Full details available at URL.
+  To participate:
+   - Please submit your key to the keyserver: ${KEYSERVER}
+   - Please email your key ID and fingerprint to SUBMISSION_EMAIL by FINAL_DATE_TIME
+   - Please prepare a sheet with your key ID, fingerprint, type, size, name and expiration
+   - Bring a pen, your key info sheet, and a copy of the key data sheet that will be distributed to the list.
+   - Bring at least 1 form of Government Issued photographic ID and at least one other form of photo id.
+  EOF
+* Generate Key Email
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:56>
+#+Caption: Generate Key Email
+#+Name: gen-key-email
+#+BEGIN_SRC sh 
+* Key Information Sheet Generator
+:CREATED:  <2017-02-05 Sun 17:10>
+#+Caption: Key Info Sheet Generator
+#+Name: kisg
+#+BEGIN_SRC perl :shebang "#!/usr/bin/perl -w"
+  use strict;
+  use POSIX qw(strftime);
+  # Version: 1.1
+  # Date:    2001.01.07
+  # Revised: 2004.04.06
+  # Author:  V. Alex Brennen <>
+  #
+  # Author:  Gerfried Fuchs <>
+  #
+  # License: Public Domain
+  # Description:
+  #          This script was written as part of the gpg keysigning
+  #          party howto.  It generates a checklist for individuals
+  #          participating in a keysigning party. The keysigning
+  #          howto lives at:
+  #     
+  unless($ARGV[0])
+  {
+      print "\nUsage: <keyring> > out_file.html\n";
+      print "\nThe keyring should be the keyring where the public keys for the\n";
+      print "party participants are stored.\n\n";
+      exit;
+  }
+  my @fps = `gpg --fingerprint --no-default-keyring --no-options --with-colons --keyring $ARGV[0] | egrep '^(pub|fpr):'`;
+  print <<EOF;
+  \\documentclass[10pt]{article}
+  \\usepackage[landscape,margin=0.25in]{geometry}
+  \\usepackage{longtable}
+  \\begin{document}
+  \\begin{longtable}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
+  \\hline
+    & & & & & \\textbf{Expiration} & \\textbf{Info} & \\textbf{Owner} \\\\
+  \\textbf{Key ID} & \\textbf{Owner} & \\textbf{Fingerprint} & \\textbf{Size} & \\textbf{Type} & \\textbf{Date} & \\textbf{Match} & \\textbf{Match} \\\\
+  \\hline\\hline\\endhead
+  \\hline\\hline
+  & & & & & \\textbf{Expiration} & \\textbf{Info} & \\textbf{Owner} \\\\
+  \\textbf{Key ID} & \\textbf{Owner} & \\textbf{Fingerprint} & \\textbf{Size} & \\textbf{Type} & \\textbf{Date} & \\textbf{Match} & \\textbf{Match} \\\\
+  \\hline\\endfoot
+  EOF
+  while(my $line = shift(@fps)) {
+      if($line =~ /^pub/) {
+          my ($pub,$comptrust,$size,$type,$longid,$date,$expr,
+              undef,$settrust,$owner,undef,undef,$flags,undef)
+              = split /:/, $line;
+          my $id = substr($longid, 8);
+          my ($fpr,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$fingerprint)
+              = split /:/, shift(@fps);
+          my ($upperFP, $lowerFP);
+          if($type eq '17') {
+              $type = 'DSA';
+          }
+          elsif($type eq '20') {
+              $type = 'El Gamal';
+          }
+          elsif($type eq '1') {
+              $type = 'RSA';
+          }
+          if(length($fingerprint) == 40) {
+              for my $i (36,32,28,24,20,16,12,8,4) {
+                  substr($fingerprint,$i,0,' ');
+              }
+              $upperFP = substr($fingerprint,0,24);
+              $lowerFP = substr($fingerprint,25);
+          }
+          elsif (length($fingerprint) == 32) {
+              for my $i (30,28,26,24,22,20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2) {
+                  substr($fingerprint,$i,0,' ');
+              }
+              $upperFP = substr($fingerprint,0,23);
+              $lowerFP = substr($fingerprint,24);
+          }
+          $owner =~ s/&/\\&/;
+          $owner =~ s/</\$<\$/;
+          $owner =~ s/>/\$>\$/;
+          print <<EOF;
+  \\texttt{$id} & $owner & \\texttt{$upperFP} & $size & $type & $expr & & \\\\
+   & & \\texttt{$lowerFP} & & & & & \\\\
+  \\hline
+  EOF
+      }
+  }
+  print <<EOF;
+  \\end{longtable}
+  \\end{document}
+  EOF