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Moved list of the packages

Samuel W. Flint 8 years ago
1 changed files with 15 additions and 17 deletions
  1. 15 17

+ 15 - 17

@@ -280,22 +280,6 @@ This file describes and defines that packages, or namespaces used in the applica
 The definition of a system, or in Lisp terms, a set of connected and related software, either libraries or applications is what allows this to be put together and built.  This is done using *ASDF*, or the "Another System Definition Facility".
-This defines the system itself, ~#:meeting-minds~, and it depends on the following other systems:
- - ~ningle~ :: A smart, simple web framework for the management/browsing interface.
- - ~clack-errors~ :: An error handling library for the clack/ningle framework.
- - ~clsql~ :: An SQL interface library that works extremely well with PostgreSQL.
- - ~stefil~ :: A testing framework
- - ~ironclad~ :: Encryption and hashing.
- - ~cl-who~ :: HTML Generation.
- - ~commonqt~, ~qtools~, & ~qtools-ui~ :: A GUI library for the user interface.
- - ~daemon~ :: A daemonization system for the server.
- - ~babel~ :: Byte string manipulation.
- - ~uiop~ :: A utilities collection.
- - ~cl-mustache~ :: A templating framework based on the popular "Mustache" system.
- - ~birch~ :: An IRC bot framework.
- - ~irc-logger~ :: To provide IRC logging functionality.
 #+Caption: ASDF System
 #+Name: asdf-system
 #+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle "meeting-minds.asd"
@@ -336,11 +320,25 @@ This defines the system itself, ~#:meeting-minds~, and it depends on the followi
 :CREATED:  <2016-04-27 Wed 20:34>
-* TODO Packages Used
+* WORKING Packages Used
 :CREATED:  <2016-04-27 Wed 20:36>
+ - ~ningle~ :: A smart, simple web framework for the management/browsing interface.
+ - ~clack-errors~ :: An error handling library for the clack/ningle framework.
+ - ~clsql~ :: An SQL interface library that works extremely well with PostgreSQL.
+ - ~stefil~ :: A testing framework
+ - ~ironclad~ :: Encryption and hashing.
+ - ~cl-who~ :: HTML Generation.
+ - ~commonqt~, ~qtools~, & ~qtools-ui~ :: A GUI library for the user interface.
+ - ~daemon~ :: A daemonization system for the server.
+ - ~babel~ :: Byte string manipulation.
+ - ~uiop~ :: A utilities collection.
+ - ~cl-mustache~ :: A templating framework based on the popular "Mustache" system.
+ - ~birch~ :: An IRC bot framework.
+ - ~irc-logger~ :: To provide IRC logging functionality.
 * TODO Sources and Documentation Links
 :CREATED:  <2016-04-27 Wed 20:40>