template.tex 3.1 KB

  1. % Use the report class, and include the IEEE titlepage style for correct styling
  2. \documentclass[10pt,letter]{report}
  3. \usepackage{IEEEtitlepage}
  4. % Define properties of the document
  5. \title{Document Title}
  6. \subtitle{Subtitle here}
  7. \author{First Author, Second Author}
  8. \company{UNL}
  9. \summary{This is the summary.}
  10. \date{\today}
  11. \version{1.0}
  12. % Setup hyperref. Make sure to change the fields as needed
  13. \usepackage{hyperref}
  14. \hypersetup{
  15. pdfauthor={First Author, Second Author},
  16. pdftitle={Title: Subtitle},
  17. pdfsubject={Subject of Project},
  18. pdflang={English},
  19. pdfkeywords={keywords,comma,seperated}}
  20. % Include a couple of packages for graphic and figures
  21. \usepackage{graphicx}
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  26. % Use natbib for bibliographic reference
  27. \usepackage{natbib}
  28. \bibliographystyle{plainnat}
  29. \begin{document}
  30. \maketitle
  31. \chapter*{Revision History}
  32. \label{sec:revisions}
  33. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Revision History}
  34. \begin{table}[h]
  35. \centering
  36. \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c|X|c|r}
  37. \textbf{Version} & \textbf{Changes} & \textbf{Author} & \textbf{Date}\\
  38. \hline\hline
  39. 1.0& The initial design document structure.&Your Name& YYYY-MM-DD\\
  40. &&&\\
  41. \hline
  42. \end{tabular}
  43. \caption{Revision History}
  44. \label{tab:rev-hist}
  45. \end{table}
  46. \newpage
  47. % Table of Contents
  48. \tableofcontents
  49. \newpage
  50. % Optional List of Figures
  51. % \listoffigures
  52. % \newpage
  53. % Optional List of Tables
  54. % \listoftables
  55. % \newpage
  56. \chapter{Introduction}
  57. \label{sec:introduction}
  58. \section{Purpose of this Document}
  59. \label{sec:purp-this-docum}
  60. \section{Scope of the Project}
  61. \label{sec:scope-project}
  62. \section{Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations}
  63. \label{sec:defin-acronyms-abbr}
  64. \subsection{Definitions}
  65. \label{sec:definitions}
  66. \subsection{Abbreviations and Acronyms}
  67. \label{sec:abbr-acronyms}
  68. \chapter{Overall Design Description}
  69. \label{sec:over-design-descr}
  70. \section{Alternative Design Options}
  71. \label{sec:altern-design-opti}
  72. \chapter{Detailed Component Description}
  73. \label{sec:deta-comp-descr}
  74. \section{Database Design}
  75. \label{sec:database-design}
  76. \subsection{Component Testing Strategy}
  77. \label{sec:db-comp-test-strat}
  78. \section{Class/Entity Model}
  79. \label{sec:classentity-model}
  80. \subsection{Component Testing Strategy}
  81. \label{sec:cem-comp-test-strat}
  82. \section{Database Interface}
  83. \label{sec:database-interface}
  84. \subsection{Component Testing Strategy}
  85. \label{sec:dbint-comp-test-strat}
  86. \section{Design and Integration of Data Structures}
  87. \label{sec:design-integr-data}
  88. \subsection{Component Testing Strategy}
  89. \label{sec:dids-comp-test-strat}
  90. \section{Changes and Refactoring}
  91. \label{sec:changes-refactoring}
  92. \chapter{Additional Material}
  93. \label{sec:additional-material}
  94. % Include the bibliography
  95. \nocite{*} % Comment this line out if you don't want all of your bibliography entries in the final document.
  96. \bibliography{bibliography} % Comment this line out if you don't have a bibliography.
  97. \end{document}
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  101. %%% End: