IEEEtitlepage.sty 1.8 KB

  1. \ProvidesPackage{IEEEtitlepage}[2016/09/26] % Defines the package
  2. \RequirePackage[compact,sf,bf]{titlesec} % Ensures that titles are formatted properly, being compact, sans and bold
  3. \titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\Huge\sf\bfseries}{\thechapter$\quad$}{0pt}{} % Use a more space-efficient display format for chapter
  4. \RequirePackage[nottoc,notlot,notlof]{tocbibind} % Put the bibliography in the Table of Contents
  5. \RequirePackage{tocloft} % Use an indented table of contents
  6. % Define a summary command and provide a default
  7. \newcommand*{\summary}[1]{\gdef\@summary{#1}%
  8. }
  9. \newcommand*{\@summary}{Project Summary.}
  10. % Define a version command and provide a default
  11. \newcommand*{\version}[1]{\gdef\@version{#1}%
  12. }
  13. \newcommand*{\@version}{1.0}
  14. % Define a subtitle command and provide a default (nothing)
  15. \newcommand*{\subtitle}[1]{\gdef\@subtitle{#1}%
  16. }
  17. \newcommand*{\@subtitle}{}
  18. % Define a company command and provide a default of nothing
  19. \newcommand*{\company}[1]{\gdef\@company{#1}%
  20. }
  21. \newcommand*{\@company}{}
  22. % Redefine the maketitle command
  23. \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{%
  24. \begin{titlepage}
  25. % Start with an hrule
  26. \hrule
  27. % Center much of the title page
  28. \begin{centering}
  29. % Include the name of the company
  30. \vspace{2px}
  31. \@company
  32. % Vertically Center
  33. \vfill
  34. % Include Title and Subtitle
  35. {\sf\huge\bfseries\@title\par}
  36. \vspace{0.5em}
  37. {\sf\Large\bfseries\@subtitle\par}
  38. \vspace{0.5em}
  39. \rule{.7\textwidth}{0.5pt}\par
  40. \vspace{1em}
  41. % Include Authors, date and version
  42. {\large\bfseries\@author\unskip\strut\par}
  43. {\large\@date\unskip\strut\par}
  44. {\large Version \@version\unskip\strut\par}
  45. % Finish vertically centering
  46. \vfill
  47. \end{centering}
  48. % Include the project summary
  49. {\parindent=0pt \@summary}
  50. % And a final hrule
  51. \vspace{0.5 em}
  52. \hrule
  53. \end{titlepage}}