Ver Fonte

Added ABCL

Samuel W. Flint há 9 anos atrás

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+java -jar ~/bin/abcl-bin-1.3.2/abcl.jar $*

+ 1650 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1650 @@
+Version 1.3.2
+* Make result of DEFINE-MODIFY-MACRO available at compilation time
+  [r14727]
+* Fix failed AVER [#289] [r14763]
+* Fix incorrect dead code elimination
+  Additionally, don't recurse into flet/labels upon elimination of a
+  single labels function; simply continue by changing the applicable
+  set.  Reported by Vibhu Mohindra. [r14754][r14756]
+* Numeric tower repairs on promoting floats across representation
+  boundaries [r14749-50] (Massimiliano Ghilardi).
+* Return SIMPLE-ERROR for invalid external-format arguments.[r14735]
+* Lisp stack frame representation now formatted as unreadable. [r14738-9]
+* JSS
+** Fix GET-JAVA-FIELD and SET-JAVA-FIELD [r14718]
+** no longer error on NO-SUCH-JAVA-FIELD, by setting fields as
+   accessible where necessary [r14715] [r14725]
+** Update to current Maven support (keep up with changing APIs through
+   the Maven 3.2.3-3.2.5 hysteresis) [r14742-7] (Cyrus Hamon).
+** Special-case JNA artifacts with alternate network location [r14733]
+** Further work on ABCL-ASDF:RESOLVE [r14732] (Cyrus Hamon)
+** Find Maven under FreeBSD ports [r14723], under OS X Homebrew [r14776]
+** Fix ASDF-JAR:PACKAGE [#376] [r14717][r14720][r14736] (Eduardo Bellani)
+*  ASDF
+** Updated to version 3.1.4.
+Version 1.3.1
+## Fixed
+*  The underlying Java Function Interface (JFI) now converts CL:T and
+   CL:NIL to JAVA:+TRUE+ and JAVA:+FALSE+.  Users who wish to
+   reference a JAVA:+NULL+ should do so explicitly.
+   <>
+*  Make JCALL work in more places.  Thanks to Olof-Joachim Frahm.
+   <>
+*  Interpolate CL:SLEEP and THREADS:OBJECT-WAIT for timeouts below the
+   Planck timer ("1ns") to a nanosecond.
+   <>
+*  Update to ASDF
+   <>
+   Fixes loading of Ironclad and other Quicklisp systems.
+*  Fix Uniform Naming Convention (aka "UNC" or "network") paths under Windows.
+   <>
+   DIRECTORY now works again on UNC paths.
+   UNC paths may be either specified with either back slash (#\\) or
+   forward slash (#\/) doubled as the first character in a Pathname
+   namestring.
+   The patterns in
+        //<server>/<share>/[directories-and-files]
+   are parsed as
+    <server> is stored as HOST.
+    <share> is stored as DEVICE.
+    [directories-and-files] gets parsed as per the normal rules under
+    Windows.
+   Mixing namestrings with both backslash and slash characters can
+   lead to unpredictable results.  It is recommended not to use
+   backslash characters in namestrings if it can be avoided.  The
+   pathname printed representation is always normalized to using
+   forward slash delimiters.
+*  Find contrib based on system jar name.
+   <>
+   From Olof-Joachim Frahm.
+Version 1.3.0
+## Features
+*  Make LispStackFrame.UNAVAILABLE_ARG a singleton object,
+   and lazily create the little used portions of the Lisp stack.
+    Aggressively cache and control the use of memory by the underlying
+    Lisp stack frame representation by introducing the private
+    LispThread.StackFrame and LispThread.StackSegments classes.
+    Contributed by Dmitry Nadezhin.
+    LispStackFrame object are allocated on every
+    LispThread.execute(...) .  However, they are seldom [accessed]
+    ([... verify via] inspect[tion of the] stack trace). This patch
+    delays allocation of LispStackFrame? objects until they are
+    requested.  Raw information about stack frames is stored in
+    stack. Stack is an Object[] array (more precisely a list of [...]4
+    [Mib] Object[] arrays).
+    ME: We are going to need a way to try to less agressively grab 4Mib
+    chunks in low memory situations.
+    Memory profiling of ABCL shows that the classes with largest
+    allocation count are org.armedbear.lisp.LispStackFrame and
+    org.armedbear.lisp.LispStackFrame.UnavailableArgument.
+    Contributed by Dmitry Nadezhin.
+    [r14572]:
+    [r14579]:
+*  ASDF shipped with the implementation
+*  per function call stack and memory exception handler in CL:COMPILE
+   Inline calls to jrun-exception-protected (used by handler-bind to
+   catch out of memory conditions).  This commit saves generation
+   roughly 50 cls files.
+   [r14552]:
+*  SYS:SHA256 audited
+    The functionality if the SYS:SHA256 algorithim has been audited for
+    use on inputs of single for files with recently shipping ORCL Java 7
+    implementations (through jdk-1.7.0_51).
+    [r14582]:
+* Connect to NetBeans controlled JDWP via SLIME
+    The Netbeans IDE configuration now includes a way to connect to
+    the running-under-jdb ABCL via SLIME.  One needs a version of
+    SLIME able to be loaded from its 'swank.asd' definition.  
+* Install 'abcl.jar' and 'abcl-contrib.jar' locally as Maven artifacts
+    The Ant `abcl.mvn.install` target now installs build artifacts
+    into the local Maven repository (Olof-Joachim Frahm)
+    [r14579]:
+## Compatibility
+   The implementation specific :RESOLVE-SYMLINKS argument to the ANSI
+   DIRECTORY function has been changed to nil.  This implements
+   behavior closer to SBCL and guarantees that a DIRECTORY operation
+   will not signal a file error.
+   [r14619]:
+   [ticket-340]:
+## Fixes
+*  Fix CL:SLEEP for intervals less than a millisecond.  
+   For intervals less than or equal to a nanosecond, including an
+   interval of zero, the current thread merely yields execution to
+   other threads.
+   [r14632]:
+## Tested
+### "Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM-Oracle_Corporation-1.7.0_51-b13" "x86_64-Mac_OS_X-10.9.1"
+### "Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM-Oracle_Corporation-1.8.0-b129" "x86_64-Mac_OS_X-10.9.2"
+## Contrib
+#### abcl-asdf
+*  Now working with both Maven 3.0.x and 3.1.x.  Thanks to Anton for
+   the help!
+   [ticket-328]:
+*  cache Maven dependency resolution to avoid repeated lookups.
+   Instead of calling ABCL-ASDF:RESOLVE in both the ASDF COMPILE-OP
+   and LOAD-OP, we now cache the result of invocation in COMPILE-OP
+   and add this value in the LOAD-OP phase. Contributed by Cyrus
+   Harmon.
+   [r14631]:
+#### jna
+   Now references jna-4.0.0.  Some incompatibility with CFFI ([in
+   progress with fixing upstream][cffi-easye]).
+Version 1.2.1
+27 June 2013
+*  Tested:  orcl-jdk-1.7.0_25 orcl-jdk-1.6.0_43
+** ansi tests rc-2 failing 11-13 of 21708 total.  
+   Some regressions since 1.1.1
+*  Stablility fixes; additional Quicklisp compatibility
+** Fix (make-instance 'standard-generic-function)
+Version 1.2.0
+released at ECLM 2013 Madrid, ES // 01 June 2013 
+   * Package local nicknames to behave like SBCL
+   * ASDF 3.0.1 is now shipped with the implementation
+   * a more robust MOP implementation
+   * Common cases of creating purely synthetic JAVA:JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS
+     now (mostly) work.  Please report corner cases for fixing.
+   * the system autoloader has been extended to cover functions bound to
+     symbol properties
+Version 1.1.1
+(14 Feburary 2013)
+  * All reported errors with the MOP implementation have been addressed.
+  * An autoloader for SETF expansion functions has been implemented,
+    eliminating the errors associated with not being able to use (SETF
+    SYMBOL) without first invoking SYMBOL as a function. [#266
+  * All outstanding regressions in the ANSI test suite with respect to
+    abcl-1.0.1 have been fixed.
+  * The ability to resolve Maven components in ASDF system definitions has been restored.
+Issues Resolved
+[#266] 	PSETF.47 ANSI regression 	
+[#284] 	checks in ensure-generic-function-using-class should occur later
+[#296] 	SLIME fails to initialize with (SETF DOCUMENTATION) undefined 	
+[#198] 	Hunchentoot run failure 	
+[#228] 	Need to implement autoloader facility for SETF functions
+[#288] 	Control character names 	
+[#290] 	Compiling (defvar *foo* '(quote . x)) throws an error 
+[#293] 	Loop and default value for of-type problem 	
+[#294] 	Reader doesn't recognize terminating characters in some cases
+[#299] 	ABCL-ASDF:MVN components not loading 
+Version 1.1.0
+(07 December 2012)
+  *  A functioning (A)MOP implementation through the hard work of Rudi
+     Schlatte (@rudi)
+  *  The implementation can be used across many more Quicklisp systems
+     through a process of extensive testing.  Thanks @xach!
+     Nota bene: all of the following systems need patches to work as
+     of the 2012-10-13 Quicklisp.  All patches have been accepted in
+     at least an initial form by the upstream maintainers.
+     ** CLOSER-MOP 
+        Quite possible with local patches 
+     ** CFFI 
+       Needs patches to 2012-10-13 Quicklisp.  [!!?]
+       *** Dynamic interfaces idempotent across process -- no more reloading
+       *** some bugs with underlying streams to be fixed in abcl-1.2-dev
+     ** CXML
+        Basic XML parsing works.  XPath still borked. [???]     
+  *  Java 5 bytecode Compiler 
+     The internal Lisp-to-Java bytecode compiler has been hardened by
+     regression testing across Quicklisp libraries.  
+     **  Extensive interpreter/compiler bug fixes due to access to cl-test-suite [???] @antov
+     ** large objects (?!?)
+  *  The facility to construct runtime classes via JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS (@astalla)
+    Pretty close to full coverage of primtives for creating synthethic
+    java classes at runtime.  Easy to extend with your needs; sensible
+    defaults.
+    ** Fields
+    *** getter/setters 
+    ** Annotations
+  * ASDF
+     ** Stock ASDF-2.26.6 which includes #+abcl conditional patches
+        for the URL-PATHAME and JAR-PATHNAME implementation extensions
+        to ANSI.
+     ** ABCL-ASDF 
+        Network installation of binary artifacts named by Maven POM uris.
+        *** checks at runtime if a given class is present in the
+            accessible classloaders
+        *** If the check for the presence of a class fails, find a
+            maven-3.0.4 binary locally, execute its Aether connector
+            to retrieve its transitive dependencies from the network.
+      ** JSS 
+         Java Syntax Sucks.  q.v [lsw2]
+         Extensive bugfixing wrt. method resolution [#229]
+      ** JFLI
+         A "captured from the wild" version of what @rich.hickey did before Clojure.
+  * [#249] PATHNAME merge semantics DWIMs on an inferred type
+  Extends ANSI PATHNAME in a non-conforming manner, which was probably
+  already the case.
+  * [r13695] Reimplementation of global symbol macros to avoid using
+    the symbol's value slot.
+  * [r13696] DEFMACRO now supports documentation strings as per the
+    ANSI specification.
+  * [r13700] ABCL loads under the Weblogic 10.3 application server.
+  * [r13768] [#193] Allow zero-length symbols
+  * [r13785] JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS gets fields and annotations
+  * [r13790] JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS getters/setters for fields
+  * [r13796] [r13797] N3 DOAP description for ABCL
+  * [r13803] Build target 'abcl-contrib.jar' packages ABCL-CONTRIB
+  * ANSI [#241]
+     ** &AUX parameters fixes RESTAS 
+  * [#221] Stack exhaustsion on funcall in non-existing package
+  * [#113] DEFSTRUCT concurrency 
+  * [#216][#211] Compiler 
+    ** stack inconsistency
+  * [#187] Better SORT and STABLE-SORT via Jorge Tavares [???]
+Issues Resolved
+    * [#234]    ABCL-ASDF mvn errors with VERSION slot unbound  
+    * [#237]    JNA fails to load blocking CFFI 
+    * [#249]    Problems under Ubuntu   
+    * [#250]    SYS:SHA256 does not compile     
+    * [#265]    COMPILE-FILE.2 COMPILE-FILE.2A ANSI regression  
+    * [#268]    ABCL-ASDF working with maven-3.0.3      
+    * [#269]    SLIME cannot browse systems with November Quicklisp     
+    * [#270]    Is BUGS.DEFEGENERIC.1 a valid test?     
+    * [#271]    ASDF-2.26 changes synced upstream
+    * [#272]    DESCRIBE.[14] ANSI regression   rschlatte       
+    * [#275]    ABCL-CONTRIB still provided if abcl-contrib.jar cannot be located       
+    * [#276]    defmethod doesn't call add-method       
+    * [#277]    reinitialize-instance on class metaobjects incorrect
+    * [#113]    DEFSTRUCT redefinition can crash ABCL on MAKE-STRUCT
+    * [#199]    CL:DEFMETHOD fails for &AUX arguments that reference other arguments    
+    * [#213]    ABCL-ASDF breakage on trunk     
+    * [#215]    ABCL-ASDF:RESOLVE should work in more (some?) cases     
+    * [#229]    JSS method resolution failure   
+    * [#246]    CFFI: dynamically generated classes referred from .fasl can not be found after ABCL restart
+    * [#168]    Compilation fails for quicklisp let-plus        
+    * [#187]    Stack Overflow for Worst-case Vector Sort       
+    * [#204]    abcl-asdf maybe-parse-mvn ignores version information
+    * [#205]    JSS logic for resolving methods a little wonky (could use better diagnostics on why resolution has failed)      
+    * [#207]    DECLARE should signal conditions when type declarations are violated
+    * [#210]    Add JFLI to contrib     
+    * [#217]    ANSI tests wont run on Revision 14011: /trunk/abcl      
+    * [#219]    Keyword argument checking for lambda lists is too lenient for ANSI      
+    * [#220]    Lambda list checking too lenient        
+    * [#224]    Autoloader fails when *read-XXXX* variables bound to non-standard values        
+    * [#225]    One of the paths in STD-COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING function not working     
+    * [#235]    Compiled cl+ssl sources not reloadable  
+    * [#241]    &rest and &aux can't coexist anymore in lambda lists    
+    * [#243]    ClassCastException in MAKE-PATHNAME     
+    * [#245]    Slots of a class with a custom meta-class are reported as unbound.      
+    * [#247]    CFFI: $Proxy3 is not assignable to com.sun.jna.Pointer  
+    * [#252]    MOP rework broke profiler?      
+    * [#254]    Cannot load ASDF systems in jar archives with ASDF-BINARY-LOCATIONS-COMPATIBILTY enabled
+    * [#255]    ASDF file encoding specification doesn't work   
+    * [#263]    loading systems from abcl-contrib fails if CLASSPATH has a component with wildcard
+    * [#264]    abcl-asdf.asd broken since revision 14233
+    * [#60      ]Implement USE-FAST-CALLS properly
+    * [#130]    "SLIME under Windows has ""extra"" CRLF"        
+    * [#172]    DOCUMENTATION does not work for generic functions       
+    * [#174]    Conformance bug in time implementation when using SLIME 
+    * [#175]    abcl.release target fails occasionally  unassigned      
+    * [#189]    Compiler fails for 'unsigned-byte type declaration      
+    * [#201]    &WHOLE broken in DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION      
+    * [#206]    COMPILER-UNSUPPORTED-FEATURE-ERROR is derived from CONDITION, rather than from ERROR    
+    * [#208]    "Files loaded via ""--load <FILE>"" on the command line have no pathname defaults"      
+    * [#211]    closure-common fails to load correctly after compilation        
+    * [#214]    Stack overflow when compiler macro with fallback is triggered   
+    * [#232]    Allow wrapper script to reference install directory instead of build directory
+    * [#192]    ASDF::IMPLEMENTATION-IDENTIFIER contains ABCL build environment identifier
+    * [#195]    prompt is displayed twice when evaluating NIL at the REPL
+Version 1.0.1
+(09 January 2012)
+  * Updated ASDF to 2.019
+  * User Manual now contains more polished formating from docstring
+    groveling, an index of symbols, and additional enhancements.
+  * '' now contains examples of optimizing the ABCL
+    wrapper script for 64bit instances for Java7 and for Java6.  
+  * [r13720] Randomize string hash computation to guard against
+    exploits.
+  * [r13723] New internal API in for looking up internal
+    vs. external symbols.
+  * [#181][r13718] The implementation now correctly loads ASDF definitions
+    from jar archives.  This had prevented the ABCL-CONTRIB loading
+    mechanism from working.
+  * [#177] Made the mechanism for locating the abcl-contrib archive
+    more robust
+  * [#177] LIST-DIRECTORY no longer ignores :RESOLVE-SYMLINKS
+  * [r13706] Fix Streadm.readToken() bug reported by Blake McBride.
+  * [#183][r13703] Move threads-jss.lisp out of system source to
+    restore conditional recompilation logic.
+Version 1.0.0
+released at the European Common Lisp Meeting Amsterdam 2011
+(22 October 2011)
+ * (Draft) manual
+ * Much better Quicklisp system capabilities (trivial-garbage,
+ bordeaux-threads, parenscript, cxml, et. al.)
+ * Updated ASDF to 2.017.22
+ * CLOSURE-HTML now compiles
+ * DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION long form implemented
+Version 0.27.0
+ * ABCL works as an SBCL build host
+ * Huge (> 64k) literal object support (fixes CL-UNICODE support)
+ * The ABCL-ASDF contrib allows the specification of JAR-FILE or
+   JAR-DIRECTORY components that can be resolved via a PATHNAME.  The
+   MVN component bootstraps a Maven3 Aether connector to locally
+   replicate a versioned jar artifact for dynamic inclusion in the
+ * Renamed LispObject.writeToString() method to (more Lispy) printObject()
+ * New LispObject.princToString() for user readable output
+ * Changed behaviour of LispObject.unreadableString() to signal
+   errors when *PRINT-READABLY* is non-NIL
+ * Static initializers moved to <clinit>() (java: static { }) to
+   prevent repeated execution when invoking the constructor multiple times
+ * Compiler clean-ups
+ * Changed implementation of LABELS to eliminate the need
+   to *always* create a closure
+ * File compiler (COMPILE-FILE) clean-ups
+ * When calling a function with the wrong number of arguments,
+   report the expected (range) of arguments
+ * Upgraded ASDF to 2.017
+ * JSS:JLIST-TO-LIST now converts any java.list.List to a Lisp list.
+ * The ASDF extensions from JSS for the "jar-directory", "jar-file",
+   and "class-file-directory" types have been refactored into the
+   ABCL-ASDF contrib as well as the *ADDED-TO-CLASSPATH* variable
+   which records dynamically added dependencies.  Use the
+   JSS:ENSURE-COMPATIBILITY function to have JSS include these
+   dependencies.  
+*  As long as ABCL-ASDF:ENSURE-MVN-VERSION can dynamically introspect
+   and then load Maven 3 libraries at runtime, ASDF components of type
+   MVN can now be used to specify versioned JVM artifacts.
+ * Threads spawned by THREADS:MAKE-THREAD can terminate the Lisp image
+   via the EXT:QUIT and EXT:EXIT functions.
+ * MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1.10 (ansi test) fixed
+ * [ticket #148] READTABLE-CASE :INVERT doesn't work for uninterned symbols
+ * [ticket #161] READTABLE-CASE of current readtable affects FASL content
+ * [ticket #162] Non-symbol in variable position of SETQ form causes
+   class verification failure
+ * [ticket #163] Local functions shadow global macro and function bindings
+   (fixes PARENSCRIPT support)
+ * [ticket 158] Readable printing of the string "#<abc>" does not signal
+   a PRINT-NOT-READABLE error anymore
+ * Fixed many PPRINT.* test suite failures
+ * [ticket #151] LOAD fails for whitespace in JAR-PATHNAME
+Version 0.26.2
+(14 August 2011)
+  * Enable compilation with Java 7
+  * Fix loading from fasls under Windows with whitespace in pathname.
+  * Fix #131: Don't include ':' in the version string.
+  * Fix #141: SETF of APPLY not working with arbitrary function.
+  * Include filename in the error string being reported.
+  * Include the test source in the release.
+  * Include ASDF definition in source release.
+Version 0.26.1
+(27 July 2011)
+ * Upgrade ASDF to 2.017.
+ * Fix compilation problems by including the
+   org.armedbear.lisp.protocol source in the build process
+ * Printing of conditions defined with DEFINE-CONDITION
+ * Regression with failing SYNTAX.SHARP-BACKSLASH.6
+   and SYNTAX.SHARP-BACKSLASH.7 ANSI test suite failures
+ * Multiple failures in PPRINT.* ANSI test suite failures
+ * String interop with Java for strings with fill pointer
+ * Made #\Uxxxx a synonym for character codes with values greater than
+   255 on input, but never output as the character name by the
+   implementation.
+Version 0.26.0
+(10 July 2011)
+ * Add support for weak reference objects
+ * Add support for finalizers on LispObject derived classes
+ * Upgrade ASDF to
+ * #\ reader macro now understands #\uNNNN as unicode codepoints
+ * JAVA:JRESOLVE-METHOD returns same method as would have been
+   called by JAVA:JCALL with the same arguments
+ * Ant 'update' target to upload application to Google App Engine
+ * Simple RUN-PROGRAM implementation
+ * Support for custom slot definitions according to AMOP
+ * New JAVA:*JAVA-OBJECT-TO-STRING-LENGTH* variable to control pretty
+   printing of Java objects
+ * JSS - more dynamic Lisp/Java FFI - (
+   imported
+ * (REQUIRE :ABCL-CONTRIB) adds 'abcl-contrib.jar' to the ASDF search path
+ * Support for weak references in hash tables through a :WEAKNESS keyword
+   argument to MAKE-HASH-TABLE; with SYS:HASH-TABLE-WEAKNESS for inspection
+ * Support for loading ASDF systems from JAR archives
+ * Fast SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 cryptographic hashes for files
+ * Beginnings of a manual
+ * ABCL/ASDF integration with Maven provided systems
+ * ASDF-JAR:PACKAGE function to package ASDF systems into JARs
+ * Reduced code size in the compiler by changing COMPILE-TEST-FORM
+ * Enhanced SLIME inspector for JAVA:JAVA-OBJECT
+ * Reimplemented MERGE-PATHNAMES
+ * TRANSLATE-PATHNAME aligned with SBCL's behaviour if version is wild
+ * Removed PRINT-OBJECT methods duplicating Java side code
+ * Refactored code in SYSTEM:ZIP function
+ * Allow JCOERCE to convert any number to java.lang.Byte (using
+   its two's complement)
+ * Replace MAKE-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT with +NULL+, +TRUE+ and +FALSE+ constants
+   (the only supported ones)
+ * Better separation between java-collections package and Java FFI
+ * JAVA:ADD-TO-CLASSPATH is now a generic function
+ * Google App Engine example fixed
+ * MAKE-PATHNAME erroneously merges directories as in MERGE-PATHNAME
+ * Pretty printer routines using SYS:OUTPUT-OBJECT with GRAY-STREAM
+ * Value of *PRINT-CASE* affects file (to FASL) compilation
+ * MAKE-PATHNAME ignores version in :DEFAULTS
+ * URI decoding algorithm in
+ * JNEW-ARRAY-FROM-ARRAY should create byte[] arrays
+Version 0.25.0
+(10 March 2011)
+* Add :resolve-symlinks keyword argument for DIRECTORY.
+* Support -- as a command line parameter for the REPL.
+* Preliminary support for Maven deployment.
+* Add an initargs cache for speedups in check-initargs. This should
+  make the initarg checking in CLOS quite a bit faster.
+* Incorporate output of 'svnversion' into LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION.
+* Ant target for generating Javadoc.
+* [svn r13229] Remove non-existing THREAD-LOCK and THREAD-UNLOCK from autoloads.
+* [svn 13228] Fix incorrect elimination of named local functions
+  declared inline when they're actually reified in the flet/labels body.
+* [svn r13217] Forward-referenced classes work properly now.
+* [svn r13209] Add initarg checking to REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE.
+* [svn r13204] FINALIZE-INHERITANCE is (more) AMOP compatible.
+* [svn r13203] Create ATOMIC-DEFGENERIC macro, in order to eliminate
+  FMAKUNBOUND calls and the resulting windows where no function is bound to
+  symbols which are the most essential building blocks in CLOS/AMOP.
+* [svn r13200] Atomically swap generic functions into place of temporary
+  DEFUNs for all standard-class slot accessors.
+  Note: This addresses the recursive requirement to be able
+  to allocate objects and classes while changing the functions
+  used to create them.
+* [svn r13196] Provide more context regarding the reason of autoloading.
+  Note: This change *hugely* helps debugging.
+* [svn r13189] Fix MACROEXPAND-ALL autoloader which should be
+  loaded from 'format.lisp'.
+* [svn r13188] Fix DEFSTRUCT trying to generate accessors named NIL
+* [svn r13187] Fix #125: FASL reader should not convert symbol
+  case [Qi FASL loading issues].
+* [svn r13185] Fix #119: Incorrect dynamic environment for
+  evaluation of :CLASS allocation slot initforms.
+* [svn r13182-r13184] Fix error printing issues.
+* [svn r13181] Increase autoload verbosity: include FASLs too
+  (not only Java classes).
+* Merge 'unsafe-p-removal' branch.
+Version 0.24.0
+(22 January 2011)
+* [svn r130103-r13107] Implemented JNULL_REF_P to distinguish a
+  JAVA-OBJECT which contains a Java "null" from the Lisp NIL.
+* [svn r13102] More type-conversion helpers in JAVA package:
+* [svn r13078] JVM::MAKE-CLASS-INTERFACE-FILE provides an interface
+  for the creation of Java interfaces as serialized by the new
+  classwriter code.  An example of use can be found in
+  "examples/misc/dynamic-interfaces.lisp".
+* [svn r13087] Upgraded to ASDF-2.012
+* [svn r13135] Fix the problem that FASLs can contain
+  a limited number of functions.
+* [svn r13117][ticket #117] Fix stack inconsistency error.
+* [svn r13018][ticket #114] Fix strange backtrace growth.
+* [svn r13105] Fix failing to find boot.lisp in an
+  "unpacked JAR" situation found by running ABCL in the Glassfish v3
+  servlet container.
+* [svn r13096] For arrays, add initialization with the default value
+  of the element type if neither INITIAL-ELEMENT nor INITIAL-CONTENT
+  have been specified.  Found by: dmalves_ (freenode irc nick).
+* [svn r13094] Eliminate flushes after every character in
+  javax.scripting support.
+* [svn r13090] Make --batch exit, use Lisp.exit() in places where
+  applicable so that the streams are flushed, hence allowing --eval
+  output to be flushed.
+* [svn r13088] Fix algorithim error in writing byte sequences via
+  RandomAccessCharacterFile.  Found and fixed by David Kirkman.
+* [svn r13141-13146,13156] Make ABCL a well behaving library to better
+  support embedding: NEVER call System.exit() again.  Instead, ABCL now
+  throws org.armedbear.lisp.ProcessingTerminated and
+  org.armedbear.lisp.IntegrityError.
+* [svn r13111] Added a "tools" directory available in SVN repository
+  to contain tools for developing ABCL in various states.  The first
+  inhabitant is 'code-grapher.lisp' that provides a prototype to
+  diagram a JVM instruction sequence via graphviz.
+* [svn r13101] Reduced verbosity of the AbclScriptEngine.
+* [svn r13097-13100] Slight refactoring of PATHNAME code, further
+  specifying URI escaping rules.
+* [svn r13091-2] Better error reporting for UnhandledCondition thrown
+  from the Interpreter, storing the originating Java error in the
+  "cause" field if the cause is a subclass of JAVA_EXCEPTION.
+Version 0.23.1
+(01 December 2010)
+* [svn r13509-10] Allow JSR-223 clients to query ABCL metadata without
+  incurring the entire interpreter startup time.
+* [svn r13506] Fix probles with loading FASLs in directories
+  containing whitespace characters.
+  We now require all PATHNAME objects constructed via a namestring
+  containing the "file" scheme to be URI encoded according to
+  RFC3986.  
+Version 0.23
+(25 November, 2010)
+* [svn r12986] Update to ASDF 2.010.1
+* [svn r12982] Experimental support for the long form
+* [svn r12994] New java-interop macros: CHAIN and JMETHOD-LET
+* [svn r13030-31,r13034] ASDF-INSTALL improvements: Ensure that the
+     ASDF registry contains the ASDF-INSTALL locations.  Better
+     resolution mechanism for 'gpg' binary.
+* [svn r13039] Restore the Lisp-based build
+* [ticket #108][svn r13027] Fix download problems with ASDF-INSTALL
+* [svn r12995-12997] Changes to generated byte code to prevent JRockit JVM
+     from crashing when optimizing it
+* Various fixes in order to complete the Maxima test suite without failures
+* [ticket #98] THREAD type specifier not exported from the THREADS package
+* [svn r12946] Fix CLOS thread-safety
+* [svn r12930] Fix non-constantness of constant symbols when using SET
+* [svn r12929] Don't throw conditions on floating point underflow
+    (fixes Maxima failures)
+* [svn r12928] Fix for Java-collections-as-lisp-sequences support
+* [svn r12927] Fix for regression to moved threads related symbols
+* [ticket #104] SET changes value of symbols defined with DEFCONSTANT
+* [ticket #88] Need a predicate to indicate source of compiled version
+      ie Java vs Lisp
+* [ticket #106] DEFSTRUCT :include with :conc-name creating overwriting
+      inherited slot accessors
+* [ticket #97] Symbol imported in multiple packages reported multiple
+      times by APROPOS
+* [ticket #107] Incorrect compilation of (SETF STRUCTURE-REF) expansion
+* [ticket #105] DIRECTORY ignores :WILD-INFERIORS
+* [svn r12918] Compiler byte code generator cleanup: introduction
+      of generic class file writer, elimination of special purpose code
+      in the compiler.
+* Number of hashtable implementations reduced to 1 (from 5)
+* Reduced use of 'synchronized' global hash table access by using
+      the java.util.concurrent package
+Version 0.22
+(September 24, 2010)
+* [svn r12902] Fix reading data with scandinavian latin1 characters
+* [svn r12906] Respect the CLASSPATH environment variable in the
+  abcl wrapper scripts
+* [ticket #103] DOCUMENTATION not autoloaded
+* [svn r12819] Until-0.22-compatibility hacks (in threads support) removed
+Version 0.21
+(July 24, 2010)
+* [svn r12818] Update to ASDF 2.004
+* [svn r12738-805] Support for custom CLOS slot definitions and
+  custom class options.
+* [svn r12756] slot-* functions work on structures too.
+* [svn r12774] Improved Java integration: jmake-proxy can implement
+  more than one interface.
+* [svn r12773] Improved Java integration: functions to dynamically
+  manipulate the classpath.
+* [svn r12755] Improved Java integration: CL:STRING can convert Java
+  strings to Lisp strings.
+* [svn 12809-10-20] Various printing fixes.
+* [svn 12804] Fixed elimination of unused local functions shadowed by macrolet.
+* [svn r12798-803] Fixed pathname serialization across OSes.
+  On Windows pathnames are always printed with forward slashes,
+  but can still be read with backslashes.
+* [svn r12740] Make JSR-223 classes compilable with Java 1.5
+* [svn r12754] Changed class file generation and FASL loading
+  to minimize reflection.
+* [svn r12734] A minimal Swing GUI Console with a REPL
+  is now included with ABCL.
+Version 0.20
+(24 May, 2010)
+* [svn r12576] Support for CLOS METACLASS feature.
+* [svn r12591-602] Consolidation of copy/paste code in the readers.
+* [svn r12619] Update to ASDF2 (specifically to ASDF 1.719).
+* [svn r12620] Use interpreted function in FASL when compilation fails.
+* [ticket #95] PATHNAME-JAR and PATHNAME-URL subtypes now handle jar
+  and URL references working for OPEN, LOAD, PROBE-FILE,
+* Many small speed improvements (by marking functions 'final').
+* [ticket #91] Threads started through MAKE-THREAD now have a
+    thread-termination restart available in their debugger.
+* [svn r12663] JCLASS supports an optional class-loader argument.
+* [svn r12634] THREADS:THREAD-JOIN implemented.
+* [svn r12671] Site specific initialization code can be included in
+  builds via the 'abcl.startup.file' Ant property.
+* [ticket #89] Inlining of READ-LINE broken when the return value
+    is unused.
+* [svn r12636] Java class verification error when compiling PROGV
+    in a context wanting an unboxed return value (typically a
+    logical expression).
+* [svn r12635] ABCL loads stale fasls instead of updated source
+    even when LOAD is called with a file name without extension.
+* [ticket #92] Codepoints between #xD800 and #xDFFF are incorrectly
+    returned as characters from CODE-CHAR.
+* [ticket #93] Reader doesn't handle zero returned values from
+    macro functions correctly.
+* [ticket #79] Different, yet similarly named, uninterned symbols
+    are incorrectly coalesced into the same object in a fasl.
+* [ticket #86] No restarts available to kill a thread, if none
+    bound by user code.
+* [svn r12586] Increased function dispatch speed by eliminating
+    FIND-CLASS calls (replacing them by constant references).
+* [svn r12656] PATHNAME-JAR now properly uses HTTP/1.1 HEAD requests
+  to detect if remote resource has been changed.
+* [svn r12643] PATHNAME-JAR now properly references Windows drive
+    letters on DEVICE other than the default.
+* [svn r12621] Missing '' referenced in README now
+    included in source release.
+* [svn r12581] LispCharacter() constructors made private, in favor
+    of getInstance() for better re-use of pre-constructed characters.
+* [svn r12583] JAVA-CLASS reimplemented in Lisp.
+* [svn r12673] Load 'system.lisp' moved later in boot sequence so
+    unhandled conditions drop to debugger.
+* [svn r12675] '--nosystem' commandline option inhibits loading of
+    'system.lisp'.
+* [svn r12642] Under Windows, pathname TYPE components can now contain
+    embedded periods iff they end in '.lnk' to support shortcuts.
+Version 0.19
+(14 Mar, 2010)
+* [svn r12518] *DISASSEMBLER* may now contain a hook which returns the
+  command to disassemble compiled functions.
+* [svn r12516] An implementation of user-extensible sequences as
+  proposed in Christopher Rhodes, "User-extensible sequences in Common
+  Lisp", Proc. of the 2007 International Lisp Conference.
+* [svn r12513] Implement SYS:SRC and SYS:JAVA logical pathname
+  translations for system Lisp source and the root of the Java package
+  structure, respectively.
+* [svn r12505] All calls to anonymous functions and local functions that have
+  been declared inline are now converted to LET* forms, reducing stack usage
+  and the number of generated classes.
+* [svn r12487] An initial port ASDF-INSTALL now forms the first ABCL
+  contrib.  Such contribs are optionally built by the Ant target
+  'abcl.contrib'.  ASDF-INSTALL is not expected to work very well
+  under Windows in its present state.
+* [svn r12447] [ticket:80] REQUIRE now searches for ASDF systems.
+* [svn r12422] Jar pathname support extensively re-worked and tested
+  all work both for local and remote jar pathnames of the form
+  "jar:URL!/JAR-ENTRY".
+  The loading ASDF systems from jar files is now possible.
+  SYS:PATHNAME-JAR-P predicate signals whether a pathname references a
+  jar.
+  NB: jar pathnames do *not* currently work as an argument to OPEN.
+  SYS:UNZIP implemented to unpack ZIP files.
+  SYS:ZIP now has a three argument version for creating zip files with
+  hierarchical entries.
+* [svn r12450] Collect unprocessed command-line arguments in
+* [svn r12414] SYS::%GET-OUTPUT-STREAM-ARRAY returns a Lisp byte array
+  from a Java byte array stream.
+* [svn 12402] ABCL.TEST.LISP:RUN-MATCHING will now execute that subset
+  of tests which match a string.
+* [svn r12526] Unbinding of PROGV bound variables on local transfer
+  of control (within-java-function jump targets)
+* [svn r12510] The new ansi-test WITH-STANDARD-IO-SYNTAX.23 passes.
+  Our with-standard-io-syntax implementation now correctly resets all necessary
+  pprint variables. Patch by Douglas R. Miles, thanks for the contribution!
+* [svn r12485] Pathnames starting with "." can now have TYPE.
+* [svn r12484] FASLs containing "." characters not used to indicate
+  type (i.e. "") can now be loaded.
+* [svn r12422] URL contructor under Windows now properly
+  interprets the drive letter.
+* [svn r12449] The 'abcl.jar' produced by Netbeans now contains a valid
+  manifest (found by Paul Griffionen).
+* [svn r12441] ZipCache now caches all references to ZipFiles based on
+  the last-modified time for local files.  Remote files are always
+  retrieved due to problems in the underlying JVM code.
+  SYS:REMOVE-ZIP-CACHE implements a way to invalidate an entry given a
+  pathname.
+* [svn r12439] Remove duplication of java options in Windows
+  'abcl.bat' script.
+* [svn r12437] CHAR-CODE-LIMIT is the upper execlusive limit (found by
+  Paul Griffionen).
+* [svn r12436] Describe formatting was missing a newline (reported by
+  Blake McBride).
+* [svn 12469] Ensure that FILE-ERROR always has a value (possibly NIL)
+  for its PATHNAME member.
+* [svn r14222] MERGE-PATHNAMES no longer potentially shares structure
+  between its result and *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*.
+* [svn r12416] Fixed ANSI LAMBDA.nn test failures caused by errors in
+  lambda inlining.
+* [svn r12417] [ticket:83] Fix TRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME regression.
+  (Alan Ruttenberg).
+* [svn r12412] Optimize memory efficiency of FORMAT by use of a
+  hashtable rather than a CHAR-CODE-LIMIT array.
+* [svn r12408] FIND-SYMBOL requires a  string argument.
+* [svn r12400] Make NIL (as symbol) available to the compiler.
+* [svn r12398] Move lambda list analysis to compile time where possible.
+* [svn r12397] BROADCAST-STREAM obeys default external format fixing
+* [svn r12395] Improve arglist display for SLIME (Matthias Hölzl).
+* [svn r12394] Optimize array utilization in closures.
+* [svn r12393] Optimize array functions in compiler which don't
+  require clearing the VALUES array.
+* [svn r12392] Optimize/normalize aspects of boot.lisp
+* [svn r12391] Prevent duplicated subclasses form occuring.
+* [svn r12447] SYS::*MODULE-PROVIDER-FUNCTION* now provides a mechanism
+  to extend the REQUIRE resolver mechanism at runtime.
+* [svn r12430] Ant based build no longer writes temporary files to
+  contain the Lisp build instructions.
+* [svn r12481] STANDARD-CLASS now has slots to be inherited by
+  deriving metaclasses in support of the (in progress) work on
+  metaclass.
+* [svn r12425] No longer ignore the METACLASS defclass option in
+  support of the (in progress) work on metaclass
+* [svn r12422] SYS::*LOAD-TRUENAME-FASL* now contains the TRUENAME of
+  the Java "*.cls" component when loading a packed FASL.
+* [svn r12461] Human readable Java representations for class cast
+  exceptions for NULL and UNBOUND values.
+* [svn r12453 et. ff.] Large numbers of the implementation of Java
+  primitives have been declared in a way so that a stack trace
+  provides a much more readable indication of what has been invoked.
+  Primitives which extend Primitive are prefixed with "pf_"; those
+  which extend SpecialOperator are prefixed with "sf_".
+* [svn r12422] The internal structure of a jar pathname has changed.
+  Previously a pathname with a DEVICE that was itself a pathname
+  referenced a jar.  This convention was not able to simultaneously
+  represent both jar entries that were themselves jar files (as occurs
+  with packed FASLs within JARs) and devices which refer to drive
+  letters under Windows.  Now, a pathname which refers to a jar has a
+  DEVICE which is a proper list of at most two entries.  The first
+  entry always references the "outer jar", and the second entry (if it
+  exists) references the "inner jar".
+* [svn r12419] Ant 'abcl.release' target centralizes the build steps
+  necessary for creating releases.
+* [svn r12409] Compiler now rewrites function calls with (LAMBDA …) as
+  the operator to LET* forms.
+* [svn r12415] CLASS-FILE renamed to ABCL-CLASS-FILE to prepare for
+  (in progress) reworking of Stream inheritance.
+* [svn r123406] 'test/lisp/abcl/bugs.lisp' forms a default location to
+  add unit tests for current bug testing.  The intention is to move
+  these tests into the proper location elsewhere in the test suite
+  once they have been fixed.
+* [svn r124040] Java tests upgraded to use junit-4.8.1.  Netbeans
+  project runtime classpath now uses compilation results before source
+  directory, allowing the invocation of ABCL in interpreted mode if
+  the Ant 'abcl.compile.lisp.skip' property is set.  Java unit tests
+  for some aspects of jar pathname work added.
+*  New toplevel 'doc' directory now contains:
+   + [svn r12410] Design for the (in progress) reworking of the Stream
+     inheritance.
+   + [svn r12433] Design and current status for the re-implementation
+     of jar pathnames.
+* [svn r12402] Change ABCL unit tests to use the ABCL-TEST-LISP definition
+  contained in 'abcl.asd'.  Fixed and renabled math-tests.  Added new
+  tests for work related to handling jar pathnames.
+* [svn r12401] The REFERENCES-NEEDED-P field of the LOCAL-FUNCTION structure now
+  tracks whether local functions need the capture of an actual
+  function object.
+Version 0.18.1
+(17 Jan, 2010)
+ * Support for printing java objects with print-object
+ * Support for disassembling proxied functions
+Bugs fixed:
+ * maxima works again
+Version 0.18.0
+(12 Jan, 2010)
+ * Programmable handling of out-of-memory and stack-overflow conditions
+ * Faster initial startup (to support Google App Engine)
+ * Faster special variable lookup
+ * New interface for binding/unwinding special variables
+ * Implement (SETF (STREAM-EXTERNAL-FORMAT <stream>) <format>)
+ * Implement (SETF (JAVA:JFIELD <object>) <value>)
+ * Constant FORMAT strings get compiled for performance
+Bugs fixed:
+ * FASLs are system default encoding dependent (ticket 77)
+ * I/O of charset-unsupported characters causes infinite loop (ticket 76)
+ * Memory leak where on unused functions with documentation
+ * ANSI PRINT-LEVEL.* tests
+ * Continued execution after failing to handle Throwable exceptions
+ * Line numbers in generated java classes incorrect
+ * JCALL, JNEW doesn't select best match when multiple applicable methods
+ * STREAM-EXTERNAL-FORMAT always returns :DEFAULT, instead of actual format
+ * REPL no longer hangs in Netbeans 6.[578] output window
+ * Lambda-list variables replaced by surrounding SYMBOL-MACROLET
+Other changes
+ * LispObject does not inherit from Lisp anymore
+ * Many functions declared 'final' for performance improvement
+ * SYSTEM:*SOURCE* FASLs for system files no longer refer to intermediate build location
+Version 0.17.0
+(07 Nov, 2009)
+  * Google App Engine example project "Hello world"
+  * Support for loading FASLs from JAR files
+  * Checking of init-arguments for MAKE-INSTANCE (CLOS)
+  * Support for *INVOKE-DEBUGGER-HOOK* (to support SLIME)
+  * Reduced abcl.jar size (bytes and number of objects)
+  * Faster access to locally bound specials (compiler efficiency)
+  * Java property to print autoloading information: abcl.autoload.verbose
+  * Experimental: binary fasls
+  * Default Ant build target now "abcl.clean abcl.wrapper" (from
+  * ConditionThrowable class renamed to ControlTransfer,
+      parent class changed to RuntimeException (to make it unchecked)
+  * API no longer throws ConditionThrowable/ControlTransfer
+Bugs fixed:
+  * Better fix for #63: Prevent exceptions from happening (GO and RETURN-FROM)
+  * Restore ability for ABCL to be build host for SBCL
+  * CLOS performance improvements through looser COMPILE dependency
+  * Compilation fix for highest SPEED setting (triggered by CL-BENCH)
+  * COMPILE's use of temp files eliminated
+  * OpenJDK on Darwin now correctly identified
+  * Incorrect block names for SETF functions defined by LABELS
+  * Fixed MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL with more than 8 arguments
+  * Incorrect identification of lexical scope on recursive TAGBODY/GO
+    and BLOCK/RETURN-FROM blocks (compiler and interpreter)
+  * Correctly return 65k in char-code-limit (was 256, incorrectly)
+  * Fixes to be able to run the BEYOND-ANSI tests (part of ANSI test suite)
+  * Compiler typo fix
+  * Implementation of mutex functionality moved to lisp from Java
+  * Functions handling #n= and #n# are now compiled
+  * Autoload cleanups
+  * System package creation cleaned up
+  * CHAR-CODE-LIMIT correctly reflects CHAR-CODE maximum return value
+  * Precompiler macroexpansion failure for macros expanding into
+      special operators
+Version 0.16.1
+(17 Oct, 2009)
+Bugs fixed:
+  * More careful checking for null args in LispStackFrame
+  * Honor appearance of &allow-other-keys in CLOS MAKE-INSTANCE
+  * Fix #63: GO forms to non-existent TAGBODY labels would exit ABCL
+  * Don't leak temp files during compilation
+Version 0.16.0
+(06 SEP 2009)
+  Summary of changes:
+  ------------------
+  * Fixed generated wrapper for path names with spaces (Windows)
+  * Fixed ticket #58: Inspection of Java objects in Lisp code
+  * Restored functionality of the built-in profiler
+  * Profiler extended with hot-spot counting (as opposed to call counting)
+  * Stack sampling in the profiler moved to scheduler thread to
+    reduce impact on the program execution thread
+  * THE type-checking for the interpreter
+    (for simple-enough type specifications)
+  * Added structure argument type checking in structure slot
+    accessor functions
+  * Make GENSYM thread-safe
+  * Various performance fixes found by running the raytracer
+    from
+  * Better initarg checking for make-instance and change-class
+    Fixes ansi-test errors CHANGE-CLASS.1.11, MAKE-INSTANCE.ERROR.3,
+  * Improve performance of StackFrames (Erik Huelsmann, Ville Voutilainen,
+    with input from Peter Graves and Douglas Miles)
+  * Improve performance of CLOS eql-specializers via cache (Anton Vodonosov)
+  * '' shell script (Tobias Rittweiler)
+  * New threading primitives aligned with Java/JVM constructs (Erik Huelsmann)
+  * THREADS package created to hold threads related primitives:
+    These primitives are still part of the EXTENSIONS package but are
+    now to be considered as deprecated, marked to be removed with
+    0.22
+  * Stacktraces now contain calls through Java code relevant to
+    debugging (Tobias Rittweiler)
+    Backtrace functionality been moved from EXT:BACKTRACE-AS-LIST to
+    SYS:BACKTRACE to mark this changes.  The methods SYS:FRAME-TO-STRING
+    and SYS:FRAME-TO-LIST can be used to inspect the new
+  * Various stream input performance optimizations
+  * Fixed breakage when combining Gray streams and the pretty printer
+  * Performance improvements for resolution of non-recursive #=n and #n#
+Version 0.15.0
+(07 Jun, 2009)
+ Summary of changes:
+ -------------------
+  * 2 more MOP exported symbols to support Cells port
+  * Updated FASL version
+  * Support (pre)compilation of functions with a non-null lexical environment
+  * Compiler and precompiler cleanups
+  * 'rt.lisp' copy from ANSI test suite removed
+  * Many documentation additions for the (pre)compiler
+  * JSR-233 support improvements
+  * Refactoring of classes:
+   - deleted: CompiledFunction, ClosureTemplateFunction, CompiledClosure,
+              Primitive0R, Primitive1R, Primitive2R
+   - renamed: CompiledClosure [from ClosureTemplateFunction]
+  * Compiler support for non-constant &key and &optional initforms
+  * Fixed ticket #21: JVM stack inconsistency [due to use of RET/JSR]
+  * Numerous special bindings handling fixes, especially with respect
+    to (local) transfer of control with GO/RETURN-FROM
+  * Paths retrieved using URL.getPath() require decoding (r11815)
+  * Build doesn't work inside paths with spaces (r11813)
+  * Compilation of export of a symbol not in *package* (r11808)
+  * Moved compiler-related rewriting of forms from precompiler to compiler
+  * Removed chained closures ('XEPs') in case of &optional arguments only
+  * Loading of SLIME fails under specific conditions (r11791)
+  * Binding of *FASL-ANONYMOUS-PACKAGE* breaks specials handling (r11783)
+  * Fixed ANSI tests: DO-ALL-SYMBOLS.{6,9,12}, DEFINE-SETF-EXPANDER.{1,6,?},
+  * COMPILE and COMPILE-FILE second and third values after a failed
+      invocation inside the same compilation-unit (r11769)
+  * JCLASS on non-existing classes should signal an error (r11762)
+  * Dotted lambda lists break interpretation (r11760)
+  * Implementation of MACROEXPAND-ALL and COMPILER-LET (r11755)
+  * Switch from casting to 'instanceof' for performance (r11754)
+  * Google App Engine support: don't die if 'os.arch' isn't set (r11750)
+  * Excessive stack use while resolving #n= and #n# (r11474)
+Version 0.14.1
+(5 Apr, 2009)
+ Summary of changes:
+ -------------------
+  * Include this CHANGES file and scripting files in the tar and zip files
+Version 0.14.0
+(5 Apr, 2009)
+ Summary of changes:
+ -------------------
+  * Increased clarity on licensing (Classpath exception
+     mentioned in COPYING, removed LICENSE)
+  * Resolved infinite recursion on TRACEing the compiler
+  * Changes on the lisp based build system for parity with Ant
+  * Fixed interpreter creation in Java Scripting
+  * no longer created; it was solely about installing
+     a SIGINT handler. Libraries should not do that.
+  * boxing of LispObject descendants in JCALL/JCALL-RAW fixed
+  * OpenBSD and NetBSD platform detection
+  * fixed special bindings restores in compiled code for
+     MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND/LET/LET*/PROGV and function bodies
+  * introduced variadic list() function to replace list1() ... list9()
+  * fix return value type of ACOS with complex argument
+  * fixed precision of multiplication of complex values
+  * fixed use of COMPILE inside file compilation (i.e. COMPILE-FILE)
+  * fix expansion of macros inside RESTART-CASE
+     (fixes RESTART-CASE ANSI failures)
+  * fix macroexpansion in the precompiler
+  * Fixnum and Bignum now use a static factory method;
+      constructors are now private -> increases chances of numbers
+      being EQ
+  * Code cleanup in EXPT to fix (EXPT <any-number> <Bignum>)
+Version 0.13.0
+(28 Feb, 2009)
+ Summary of changes:
+ -------------------
+  * Separated J and ABCL into two trees
+  * Many many compiler code cleanups
+  * NetBeans project files
+  * Support for CDR6 (See
+  * More efficient code emission in the compiler
+  * Ant build targets for testing (abcl.test)
+  * Use ConcurrentHashMap to store the lisp threads for increased performance
+  * Fix adjustability of expressly adjustable arrays (ticket #28)
+  * Fix calculation of upperbound on ASH in the compiler
+     (don't calculate numbers too big, instead, return '*')
+  * Introduce LispInteger as the super type of Bignum and Fixnum
+  * Boxing/unboxing for SingleFloat and DoubleFloat values,
+      inclusive of unboxed calculations
+  * Fixed URL decoding bug in loadCompiledFunction (use
+  * Fixed line number counting
+  * Inlining of simple calculations (+/-/*)
+  * All static fields declared 'final'
+  * Add support for java.lang.Long based on Bignum to our FFI

+ 226 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Armed Bear Common Lisp README
+Armed Bear Common Lisp is a conforming implementation of ANSI Common
+Lisp that runs in a Java virtual machine.  It compiles Lisp code
+directly to Java byte code.
+Armed Bear Common Lisp is distributed under the GNU General Public
+License with a classpath exception (see "Classpath Exception" below).
+A copy of GNU General Public License (GPL) is included in this
+distribution, in the file COPYING.
+Linking this software statically or dynamically with other modules is
+making a combined work based on this software. Thus, the terms and
+conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
+** Classpath Exception 
+As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give
+you permission to link this software with independent modules to
+produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these
+independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting
+executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet,
+for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the
+license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
+derived from or based on this software. If you modify this software,
+you may extend this exception to your version of the software, but you
+are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
+exception statement from your version.
+After you have downloaded a binary release archive unpack it into its
+own directory. To run ABCL directly from this directory, make sure
+Java (version 1.5 or up) is in your shell's path. Then issue the
+following command:
+    cmd$ java -jar abcl.jar
+which should result in output like the following
+    Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.4.0-dev
+    Java 1.7.0_51 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
+    Low-level initialization completed in 0.3 seconds.
+    Startup completed in 2.294 seconds.
+    Type ":help" for a list of available commands.
+    CL-USER(1):
+There are three ways to build ABCL from the source release with the
+preferred (and most tested way) is to being to use the Ant build tool:
+* Use the Ant build tool for Java environments.
+* Use the NetBeans [678].x IDE to open ABCL as a project.
+* Bootstrap ABCL using a Common Lisp implementation. Supported
+  implementations for this process: SBCL, CMUCL, OpenMCL, Allegro
+  CL, LispWorks or CLISP.
+In all cases you need a Java 5 or later JDK (JDK 1.[567] have been
+tested).  Just the JRE isn't enough, as you need the Java compiler
+('javac') to compile the Java source of the ABCL implementation.
+Note that when deploying ABCL having JDK isn't a requirement for the
+installation site, just the equivalent JRE, as ABCL compiles directly
+to byte code, avoiding the need for the 'javac' compiler in deployment
+Using Ant
+Download a binary distribution [Ant version 1.7.1 or greater][1].
+Unpack the files somewhere convenient, ensuring that the 'ant' (or
+'ant.bat' under Windows) executable is in your path and executable.
+Then simply executing
+    unix$ ant
+    dos> ant.bat
+from the directory containing this README file will create an
+executable wrapper ('abcl' under UNIX, 'abcl.bat' under Windows).  Use
+this wrapper to start ABCL.
+Using NetBeans
+Obtain and install the [NetBeans IDE][2]. One should be able to open
+the ABCL directory as a project in the Netbeans application, whereupon
+the usual build, run, and debug targets as invoked in the GUI are
+available.  Use the 'slime' config with a suitably linked 'swank.asd'
+in '~/.asdf-install-dir/systems/' to connect a REPL to the NetBeans
+debug process.
+Building from Lisp
+Building from a Lisp is the most venerable and untested way of
+building ABCL.  It produces a "non-standard" version of the
+distribution that doesn't share build instructions with the previous
+two methods, but it still may be of interest to those who absolutely
+don't want to know anything about Java.
+First, copy the file '' to 'customization.lisp',
+in the directory containing this README file, editing to suit your
+situation, paying attention to the comments in the file.  The critical
+step is to have Lisp special variable '*JDK*' point to the root of the
+Java Development Kit.  Underneath the directory referenced by the
+value of '*JDK*' there should be an executable Java compiler in
+'bin/javac' ('bin/javac.exe' under Windows).
+Then, one may either use the '' shell script or load
+the necessary files into your Lisp image by hand.
+** Using the '' script
+Under UNIX-like systems, you may simply invoke the
+'' script as './
+<lisp-of-choice>', e.g.
+    unix$ ./ sbcl
+After a successful build, you may use 'abcl' ('abcl.bat' on Windows)
+to start ABCL.  Note that this wrappers contain absolute paths, so
+you'll need to edit them if you move things around after the build.
+If you're developing on ABCL, you may want to use
+    unix$ ./ <implementation> --clean=nil
+to not do a full rebuild.
+In case of failure in the javac stage, you might try this:
+    unix$ ./ <implementation> --full=t --clean=t --batch=nil
+This invokes javac separately for each .java file, which avoids running
+into limitations on command line length (but is a lot slower).
+** Building from another Lisp by hand
+There is also an ASDF definition in 'abcl.asd' for the BUILD-ABCL
+which can be used to load the necessary Lisp definitions, after which
+    CL-USER> (build-abcl:build-abcl :clean t :full t)
+will build ABCL.  If ASDF isn't present, simply LOAD the
+'customizations.lisp' and 'build-abcl.lisp' files to achieve the same
+effect as loading the ASDF definition.
+ABCL is a conforming ANSI Common Lisp implementation.  Any other
+behavior should be reported as a bug.
+ABCL now has a manual stating its conformance to the ANSI standard,
+providing a compliant and practical Common Lisp implementation.
+Because of this, 
+### Tests 
+ABCL 1.3.2 currently fails 19 out of the 21708 total tests in the ANSI
+CL test suite (derived from the tests originally written for GCL).
+Maxima's test suite runs without failures.
+ABCL comes with a test suite, see the output of `ant help.test` for more
+### Deficiencies 
+The MOP implementation is incompletel untested.
+Patches to address any of the issues mentioned above will
+be gladly accepted.
+# Contact
+Please report problems to the development mailing list:
+    <>
+Have fun!
+# Authors 
+On behalf of all ABCL development team and contributors,
+    Mark Evenson
+    Erik Huelsmann
+    Rudolf Schlatte
+    Alessio Stalla
+    Ville Voutilainen
+April 2015



