
Switch to using the ical2org.awk script

Samuel W. Flint 3 年 前
3 ファイル変更638 行追加2 行削除
  1. 6 0
  2. 627 0
  3. 5 2

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+awk -f ~/bin/ical2org.awk <${ICALFILE} >>$ORGFILE

+ 627 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env gawk -f
+# awk script for converting an iCal formatted file to a sequence of org-mode headings.
+# this may not work in general but seems to work for day and timed events from Google's
+# calendar, which is really all I need right now...
+# usage:
+#   awk -f THISFILE < icalinputfile.ics > orgmodeentries.org
+# Note: change org meta information generated below for author and
+# email entries!
+# Caveats:
+# - date entries with no time specified are assumed to be local time zone;
+#   same remark for date entries that do have a time but do not end with Z
+#   e.g.: 20130101T123456 is local and will be kept as 2013-01-01 12:34
+#   where 20130223T123422Z is UTC and will be corrected appropriately
+# - UTC times are changed into local times, using the time zone of the
+#   computer that runs the script; it would be very hard in an awk script
+#   to respect the time zone of a file belonging to another time zone:
+#   the offsets will be different as well as the switchover time(s);
+#   (consider a remote shell to a computer with the file's time zone)
+# - the UTC conversion entirely relies on the built-in strftime method;
+#   the author is not responsible for any erroneous conversions nor the
+#   consequence of such conversions
+# - does process RRULE recurring events, but ignores COUNT specifiers
+# - does not process EXDATE to exclude date(s) from recurring events
+# Eric S Fraga
+# 20100629 - initial version
+# 20100708 - added end times to timed events
+#          - adjust times according to time zone information
+#          - fixed incorrect transfer for entries with ":" embedded within the text
+#          - added support for multi-line summary entries (which become headlines)
+# 20100709 - incorporated time zone identification
+#          - fixed processing of continuation lines as Google seems to
+#            have changed, in the last day, the number of spaces at
+#            the start of the line for each continuation...
+#          - remove backslashes used to protect commas in iCal text entries
+# no further revision log after this as the file was moved into a git
+# repository...
+# Updated by: Guido Van Hoecke <guivhoATgmailDOTcom>
+# Last change: 2013.05.26 14:28:33
+    ### config section
+    attending_types["UNSET"] = 0;
+    attending_types["ATTENDING"] = 1;
+    attending_types["NEEDS_ACTION"] = 2;
+    attending_types["NOT_ATTENDING"] = 3;
+    attending_types[0] = "UNSET";
+    attending_types[1] = "ATTENDING";
+    attending_types[2] = "NEEDS_ACTION";
+    attending_types[3] = "NOT_ATTENDING";
+    # map of UIDS for duplicate checking -- sometimes the same id comes down
+    # with multiple VEVENTS
+    UIDS[0];
+    # map of people attending a given event
+    people_attending[0];
+    # maximum age in days for entries to be output: set this to -1 to
+    # get all entries or to N>0 to only get enties that start or end
+    # less than N days ago
+    max_age = 7;
+    # set to 1 or 0 to yes or not output a header block with TITLE,
+    # AUTHOR, EMAIL etc...
+    header = 1;
+    # set to 1 or 0 to yes or not output the original ical preamble as
+    # comment
+    preamble = 1;
+    # set to 1 to output time and summary as one line starting with
+    # the time (value 1) or to 0 to output the summary as first line
+    # and the date and time info as a later line (after the property
+    # drawer or org complains)
+    condense = 0;
+    # set to 1 or 0 to yes or not output the original ical entry as a
+    # comment (mostly useful for debugging purposes)
+    original = 1;
+    # google truncates long subjects with ... which is misleading in
+    # an org file: it gives the unfortunate impression that an
+    # expanded entry is still collapsed; value 1 will trim those
+    # ... and value 0 doesn't touch them
+    trimdots = 1;
+    # change this to your name
+    author = ENVIRON["AUTHOR"] != "" ? ENVIRON["AUTHOR"] : "Marc Sherry"
+    # and to your email address
+    emailaddress = ENVIRON["EMAIL"] != "" ? ENVIRON["EMAIL"] : "unknown"
+    # calendar/category name for display in org-mode
+    calendarname = ENVIRON["CALENDAR"] != "" ? ENVIRON["CALENDAR"] : "unknown"
+    # any tags for this calendar (e.g. "WORK" or "PERSONAL")
+    filetags = ENVIRON["FILETAGS"] != "" ? ENVIRON["FILETAGS"] : "unknown"
+    # timezone offsets
+    # TODO: this is stupid
+    tz_offsets["America/Los_Angeles"] = 0
+    tz_offsets["America/Chicago"] = 2
+    ### end config section
+    # use a colon to separate the type of data line from the actual contents
+    FS = ":";
+    # we only need to preserve the original entry lines if either the
+    # preamble or original options are true
+    preserve = preamble || original
+    first = 1;      # true until an event has been found
+    max_age_seconds = max_age*24*60*60
+    if (header) {
+        print "#+TITLE:       Main Google calendar entries"
+        print "#+AUTHOR:     ", author
+        print "#+EMAIL:      ", emailaddress
+        print "#+DESCRIPTION: converted using the ical2org awk script"
+        print "#+CATEGORY:   ", calendarname
+        print "#+STARTUP:     hidestars"
+        print "#+STARTUP:     overview"
+        print "#+FILETAGS:   ", filetags
+        print ""
+    }
+# continuation lines (at least from Google) start with a space. If the
+# continuation is after a processed field (description, summary, attendee,
+# etc.) append the entry to the respective variable
+/^[ ]/ {
+    if (indescription) {
+        entry = entry gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub("^[ ]", "", 1, $0));
+        # print "entry continuation: " entry
+    } else if (insummary) {
+        summary = summary gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub("^[ ]", "", 1, $0))
+        # print "summary continuation: " summary
+    } else if (inattendee) {
+        attendee = attendee gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub("^[ ]", "", 1, $0))
+        # print "attendee continuation: " attendee
+        are_we_going(attendee)
+        add_attendee(attendee)
+    } else if (inlocation) {
+        location = location unescape(gensub("\r", "", "g", $0), 0);
+    }
+    if (preserve)
+        icalentry = icalentry "\n" $0
+    # start of an event: initialize global values used for each event
+    date = "";
+    entry = ""
+    headline = ""
+    icalentry = ""  # the full entry for inspection
+    id = ""
+    indescription = 0;
+    insummary = 0
+    inattendee = 0
+    inlocation = 0
+    in_alarm = 0
+    got_end_date = 0
+    attending = attending_types["UNSET"];
+    # http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/147958/129055
+    intfreq = "" # the interval and frequency for repeating org timestamps
+    lasttimestamp = -1;
+    location = ""
+    rrend = ""
+    status = ""
+    summary = ""
+    attendee = ""
+    delete people_attending;
+    # if this is the first event, output the preamble from the iCal file
+    if (first) {
+        if(preamble) {
+            print "* COMMENT original iCal preamble"
+            print gensub("\r", "", "g", icalentry)
+        }
+        if (preserve)
+            icalentry = ""
+        first = 0;
+    }
+# any line that starts at the left with a non-space character is a new data field
+    # alarms have their own UID, DESCRIPTION, etc. We don't want these polluting the real fields
+    in_alarm = 1
+    in_alarm = 0
+/^[A-Z]/ {
+    # we do not copy DTSTAMP lines as they change every time you download
+    # the iCal format file which leads to a change in the converted
+    # org file as I output the original input.  This change, which is
+    # really content free, makes a revision control system update the
+    # repository and confuses.
+    if (preserve)
+        if (! index("DTSTAMP", $1))
+            icalentry = icalentry "\n" $0
+    # this line terminates the collection of description and summary entries
+    indescription = 0;
+    insummary = 0;
+    inattendee = 0;
+# this type of entry represents a day entry, not timed, with date stamp YYYYMMDD
+    date = datestring($2);
+    got_end_date = 1
+    end_date = datestring($2, 1);
+    if ( issameday )
+        end_date = ""
+# this represents a timed entry with date and time stamp YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS
+# we ignore the seconds
+/^DTSTART[:;][^V]/ {
+    tz = "";
+    match($0, /TZID=([^:]*)/, a)
+    {
+        tz = a[1];
+    }
+    offset = tz_offsets[tz]
+    date = datetimestring($2, offset);
+    # print date;
+    if (date != "" && got_end_date) {
+        fix_date_time()
+    }
+# and the same for the end date;
+/^DTEND[:;][^V]/ {
+    # NOTE: this doesn't necessarily appear after DTSTART
+    tz = "";
+    match($0, /TZID=([^:]*)/, a)
+    {
+        tz = a[1];
+    }
+    offset = tz_offsets[tz]
+    end_date = datetimestring($2, offset);
+    got_end_date = 1
+    if (date != "" && got_end_date) {
+        # We got start and end date/time, let's munge as appropriate
+        fix_date_time()
+    }
+# repetition rule
+    # TODO: handle BYDAY values for events that repeat weekly for multiple days
+    # (e.g. a "Gym" event)
+    # get the d, w, m or y value
+    freq = tolower(gensub(/.*FREQ=(.).*/, "\\1", 1, $0))
+    # get the interval, and use 1 if none specified
+    interval =  $2 ~ /INTERVAL=/ ? gensub(/.*INTERVAL=([0-9]+);.*/, "\\1", 1, $2) : 1
+    # get the enddate of the rule and use "" if none specified
+    rrend = $2 ~ /UNTIL=/ ? datestring(gensub(/.*UNTIL=([0-9]{8}).*/, "\\1", 1, $2)) : ""
+    rrend_raw = $2 ~ /UNTIL=/ ? gensub(/.*UNTIL=([0-9]{8}).*/, "\\1", 1, $2) : ""
+    repeat_count = $2 ~ /COUNT=/ ? gensub(/.*COUNT=([0-9]+).*/, "\\1", 1, $2) : ""
+    # build the repetitor vale as understood by org
+    intfreq =  " +" interval freq
+    # if the repetition is daily, and there is an end date, drop the repetitor
+    # as that is the default
+    if (intfreq == " +1d" && end_date == "" && rrend != "")
+        intfreq = ""
+    now = strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
+    if (rrend_raw != "" && rrend_raw < now)
+        intfreq = ""
+    if (repeat_count != "")      # TODO: count repeats correctly
+        intfreq = ""
+# The description will the contents of the entry in org-mode.
+# this line may be continued.
+    if (!in_alarm) {
+        # Setting $1 to "" clears colons from items like "1:1 with Marc", so we
+        # strip "DESCRIPTION:" off of the front instead
+        # $1 = "";
+        entry = entry gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub(/^DESCRIPTION:/, "", 1, $0));
+        indescription = 1;
+    }
+# the summary will be the org heading
+    # Setting $1 to "" clears colons from items like "1:1 with Marc", so we
+    # strip "SUMMARY:" off of the front instead
+    if (!in_alarm) {
+       summary = gensub("\r", "", "g", gensub(/^SUMMARY:/, "", 1, $0));
+       # trim trailing dots if requested by config option
+       if(trimdots && summary ~ /\.\.\.$/)
+           sub(/\.\.\.$/, "", summary)
+       insummary = 1;
+       # print "Summary: " summary
+    }
+# the unique ID will be stored as a property of the entry
+/^UID/ {
+    if (!in_alarm) {
+        id = gensub("\r", "", "g", $2);
+    }
+    location = unescape(gensub("\r", "", "g", $2), 0);
+    inlocation = 1;
+    # print "Location: " location
+/^STATUS/ {
+    status = gensub("\r", "", "g", $2);
+    # print "Status: " status
+    attendee = gensub("\r", "", "g", $0);
+    inattendee = 1;
+    # print "Attendee: " attendee
+# when we reach the end of the event line, we output everything we
+# have collected so far, creating a top level org headline with the
+# date/time stamp, unique ID property and the contents, if any
+    #output event
+    # print "max_age: " max_age
+    # print "lasttimestamp: " lasttimestamp
+    # print "lasttimestamp+max_age_seconds: " lasttimestamp+max_age_seconds
+    # print "systime(): " systime()
+    is_duplicate = (id in UIDS);
+    if(is_duplicate == 0 && (max_age<0 || intfreq != "" || ( lasttimestamp>0 && systime()<lasttimestamp+max_age_seconds )) )
+    {
+        if (attending != attending_types["NOT_ATTENDING"]) {
+            # build org timestamp
+            if (intfreq != "")
+                date = date intfreq
+            # TODO: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#org-diary-class
+            else if (end_date != "")
+                date = date ">--<" end_date
+            else if (rrend != "")
+                date = date ">--<" rrend
+            # translate \n sequences to actual newlines and unprotect commas (,)
+            if (condense)
+                print "* <" date "> " gensub("^[ ]+", "", "", unescape(summary, 0))
+            else
+                print "* " gensub("^[ ]+", "", "g", unescape(summary, 0))
+            print "  :PROPERTIES:"
+            print     "  :ID:        " id
+            if(length(location))
+                print "  :LOCATION:  " location
+            if(length(status))
+                print "  :STATUS:    " status
+            attending_string = attending_types[attending]
+            print "  :ATTENDING: " attending_string
+            print "  :ATTENDEES: " join_keys(people_attending)
+            print "  :END:"
+            if (date2 != "")
+            {
+                # Fake some logbook entries so we can generate a clock report
+                print "  :LOGBOOK:"
+                print "  CLOCK: [" date1 "]--[" date2 "] =>  " "0:00"
+                print "  :END"
+            }
+            if (!condense)
+                 print "<" date ">"
+            print ""
+            if(length(entry)>1)
+                print gensub("^[ ]+", "", "g", unescape(entry, 1));
+            # output original entry if requested by 'original' config option
+            if (original)
+                print "** COMMENT original iCal entry\n", gensub("\r", "", "g", icalentry)
+        }
+        UIDS[id] = 1;
+    }
+# Join keys in an array, return a string
+function join_keys(input)
+    joined = "";
+    first_key = 1;
+    for (key in input)
+    {
+        if (first_key != 1)
+            joined = joined ", "
+        joined = joined key
+        first_key = 0;
+    }
+    return joined;
+# unescape commas, newlines, etc. newlines are optionally converted to just
+# spaces -- it's good to preserve them in descriptions for e.g. interview
+# calendar events, but addresses look better with spaces as more info fits on a
+# line
+function unescape(input, preserve_newlines)
+    ret = gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g",
+                 gensub("\\\\;", ";", "g", input))
+    if (preserve_newlines)
+        ret = gensub("\\\\n", "\n", "g", ret)
+    else
+        ret = gensub("\\\\n", " ", "g", ret)
+    return ret
+    # return gensub("\\\\,", ",", "g",
+    #               gensub("\\\\n", " ", "g",
+    #                       gensub("\\\\;", ";", "g", input)))
+# funtion to convert an iCal time string 'yyyymmddThhmmss[Z]' into a
+# date time string as used by org, preferably including the short day
+# of week: 'yyyy-mm-dd day hh:mm' or 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm' if we cannot
+# define the day of the week
+function datetimestring(input, offset)
+    # print "________"
+    # print "input : " input
+    # convert the iCal Date+Time entry to a format that mktime can understand
+    spec  = match(input, "([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*[\r]*", a);
+    year = a[1]
+    month = a[2]
+    day = a[3]
+    hour = a[4]
+    min = a[5]
+    sec = a[6]
+    # print "spec :" spec
+    if (offset > 0)
+    {
+        hour -= offset
+    }
+    # print "input: " input
+    # print "datetime: " year" "month" "day" "hour" "min" "sec
+    stamp = mktime(year" "month" "day" "hour" "min" "sec);
+    lasttimestamp = stamp;
+    if (stamp <= 0) {
+        # this is a date before the start of the epoch, so we cannot
+        # use strftime and will deliver a 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm' string
+        # without day of week; this assumes local time, and does not
+        # attempt UTC offset correction
+        spec = gensub("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*[\r]*", "\\1-\\2-\\3 \\4:\\5", "g", input);
+        # print "==> spec:" spec;
+        return spec;
+    }
+    if (input ~ /[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}Z/ ) {
+        # this is an utc time;
+        # we need to correct the timestamp by the utc offset for this time
+        offset = strftime("%z", stamp)
+        pm = substr(offset,1,1) 1 # define multiplier +1 or -1
+        hh = substr(offset,2,2) * 3600 * pm
+        mm = substr(offset,4,2) * 60 * pm
+        # adjust the timestamp
+        stamp = stamp + hh + mm
+    }
+    return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M", stamp);
+# function to convert an iCal date into an org date;
+# the optional parameter indicates whether this is an end date;
+# for single or multiple whole day events, the end date given by
+# iCal is the date of the first day after the event;
+# if the optional 'isenddate' parameter is non zero, this function
+# tries to reduce the given date by one day
+function datestring(input, isenddate)
+    #convert the iCal string to a an mktime input string
+    spec = gensub("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*[\r]*", "\\1 \\2 \\3 00 00 00", "g", input);
+    # compute the nr of seconds after or before the epoch
+    # dates before the epoch will have a negative timestamp
+    # days after the epoch will have a positive timestamp
+    stamp = mktime(spec);
+    if (isenddate) {
+        # subtract 1 day from the timestamp
+        # note that this also works for dates before the epoch
+        stamp = stamp - 86400;
+        # register whether the end date is same as the start date
+        issameday = lasttimestamp == stamp
+    }
+    # save timestamp to allow for check of max_age
+    lasttimestamp = stamp
+    if (stamp < 0) {
+        # this date is before the epoch;
+        # the returned datestring will not have the short day of week string
+        # as strftime does not handle negative times;
+        # we have to construct the datestring directly from the input
+        if (isenddate) {
+            # we really should return the date before the input date, but strftime
+            # does not work with negative timestamp values; so we can not use it
+            # to obtain the string representation of the corrected timestamp;
+            # we have to return the date specified in the iCal input and we
+            # add time 00:00 to clarify this
+            return spec = gensub("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*[\r]*", "\\1-\\2-\\3 00:00", "g", input);
+        } else {
+            # just generate the desired representation of the input date, without time;
+            return gensub("([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*[\r]*", "\\1-\\2-\\3", "g", input);
+        }
+    }
+    # return the date and day of week
+    return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a", stamp);
+# Add the current attendee's response to a set, so we can list who's going
+# and who's declined
+function add_attendee(attendee)
+    match(attendee, /CN=([^;]+)/, m)
+    {
+        CN = tolower(m[1]);
+        people_attending[CN] = 1;
+    }
+function fix_date_time()
+    if (substr(date,1,10) == substr(end_date,1,10)) {
+        # timespan within same date, use one date with a time range, but preserve
+        # original dates for org-clocktable
+        date1 = date
+        date2 = end_date
+        date = date "-" substr(end_date, length(end_date)-4)
+        end_date = ""
+    }
+# Parse the current ATTENDEE line and see if it belongs to us. If so, check if
+# we've accepted this calendar invite, and if so, set `attending` to True. It
+# may be the case that there are no attendees (e.g. personal calendar items),
+# and if that's the case, we'll leave `attending` unset. If there are attendees,
+# we'll parse our status out and set `attending` appropriately.
+function are_we_going(attendee)
+    if (attending != attending_types["UNSET"])
+    {
+        # print "Bailing out early, attending is " attending
+        return;
+    }
+    match(attendee, /CN=([^;]+)/, m)
+    {
+        # CN's can optionally be surrounded by quotes (google calendar download
+        # omits, apple calendar export includes them)
+        CN = gensub("\"", "", "g", tolower(m[1]));
+        # TODO: no hardcoding
+        if (CN == tolower(author) || CN == tolower(emailaddress))
+        {
+            # This is us -- did we accept the meeting?
+            if (attendee ~ /PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED/)
+            {
+                attending = attending_types["ATTENDING"];
+            }
+            else if (attendee ~ /PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION/)
+            {
+                attending = attending_types["NEEDS_ACTION"];
+            }
+            else {
+                attending = attending_types["NOT_ATTENDING"];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # print "are_we_going: " attending
+# Local Variables:
+# time-stamp-line-limit: 1000
+# time-stamp-format: "%04y.%02m.%02d %02H:%02M:%02S"
+# time-stamp-active: t
+# time-stamp-start: "Last change:[ \t]+"
+# time-stamp-end: "$"
+# End:

+ 5 - 2

@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ while read cal ; do
     URL=$(echo $cal | awk -e '{print $1}')
     OUT=$(echo $cal | awk -e '{print $2}')
-    ical2org -a "${OUT}" -d "${OUT}" -dupinput "${URL}"
-done <~/.dotfiles/ical.txt 
+    TEMP=$(mktemp)
+    wget $URL -O "${TEMP}"
+    ical2org-awk "${TEMP}" "${OUT}"
+    rm "${TEMP}"
+done <~/.dotfiles/ical.txt
 cd ~/org || exit 1
 git add ical.org