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Add a "pod" command to help manage podcasts

Samuel W. Flint 2 anos atrás
1 arquivos alterados com 159 adições e 0 exclusões
  1. 159 0

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+show_usage() {
+    echo "$(basename $0) [ list | play [ FILE ] | pick [-x] | pause | stop | listened | update-feeds ]" >&2
+show_help() {
+    show_usage
+    cat <<EOF
+$(basename $0): Manage podcasts
+help                : show help
+list                : list podcast episodes
+play [ FILE ]       : if FILE, play, picking up from where last paused/stopped
+pick  [ -x ]        : pick a podcast to play, if -x, using an X-windows picker
+pause               : pause current episode, saving current location
+stop                : stop current episode, saving current location
+listened [ FILE* ]  : mark current episode as listened or if FILES mark them
+update-feeds        : update feeds
+git_annex_wrap() {
+    CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
+    cd $POD_BASE_DIR
+    git annex $@
+    RET_VAL=$?
+    cd $CUR_DIR
+    return $RET_VAL
+find_unlistened() {
+    git_annex_wrap find --metadata "tag=unlistened" --include='Podcasts/*' --in=here
+play_pod() {
+    FILE=$1
+    PAUSE_LOC=$(git_annex_wrap metadata -g seek_time $FILE)
+    if [ "${#PAUSE_LOC}" -lt 1 ] ; then
+        mpc add $FILE
+        mpc play
+    else
+        mpc add $FILE
+        mpc play
+        mpc seek $PAUSE_LOC
+    fi
+get_cur_seek() {
+    mpc status | \
+        awk 'NR==2 {print $0}' |\
+        grep -Eo '([0-9]+:)?[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' |\
+        head -n 1
+get_cur_file() {
+    mpc status -f '%file%' | head -n 1
+set_loc() {
+    FILE=$1
+    SEEK=$2
+    if echo $FILE | grep 'Podcasts/' > /dev/null ; then
+        git_annex_wrap metadata -s "seek_time=${SEEK}" "${FILE}"
+    fi
+if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
+    show_usage
+    exit 1
+case "$CMD" in
+    help)
+        show_help
+        exit
+        ;;
+    list)
+        find_unlistened
+        exit
+    ;;
+    play)
+        pod stop
+        mpc clear
+        if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
+            for item in $(find_unlistened) ; do
+                mpc add $item
+            done
+        else
+            play_pod $1
+        fi
+        exit
+        ;;
+    pick)
+        CHOSEN_POD=''
+        if [ "$1" == "-x" ] ; then
+            CHOSEN_POD=$(find_unlistened | rofi -dmenu -p "podcast")
+        else
+            CHOSEN_POD=$(find_unlistened | fzf)
+        fi
+        if [ "${#CHOSEN_POD}" -gt 0 ] ; then
+                play_pod $CHOSEN_POD
+        fi
+        exit
+        ;;
+    pause)
+        FILE=$(get_cur_file)
+        SEEK=$(get_cur_seek)
+        mpc pause
+        set_loc $FILE $SEEK
+        exit
+    ;;
+    stop)
+        FILE=$(get_cur_file)
+        SEEK=$(get_cur_seek)
+        mpc stop
+        set_loc $FILE $SEEK
+        exit
+    ;;
+    listened)
+        if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
+            FILE=$(get_cur_file)
+            git_annex_wrap metadata -s tag=listened $FILE
+            git_annex_wrap metadata -r seek_time $FILE
+        else
+            for FILE in $* ; do
+                git_annex_wrap metadata -s tag=listened $FILE
+                git_annex_wrap metadata -r seek_time $FILE
+            done
+        fi
+        exit
+        ;;
+    update-feeds)
+        CUR_DIR=$(pwd)
+        cd $POD_BASE_DIR
+        cut -f2 ${POD_SUB_DIR}/podcasts-list.txt |\
+            xargs git annex importfeed \
+                  --template="${POD_SUB_DIR}/\${feedtitle}/\${itempubdate}-\${itemtitle}\$extension"
+        git annex add ${POD_SUB_DIR}
+        git commit -m "Caught podcasts"
+        git annex find --include='Podcasts/*' --and --not --metadata tag=listened |\
+            xargs git annex metadata --tag unlistened
+        mpc update
+        cd $CUR_DIR
+        exit
+        ;;
+    *)
+        show_usage
+        echo
+        echo "Subcommand $CMD is not valid." >&2
+        exit 1
+        ;;