require 'java' java_import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig java_import com.cyberfox.util.platform.Path java_import com.jbidwatcher.util.Currency java_import com.jbidwatcher.util.Constants java_import com.jbidwatcher.util.queue.MQFactory java_import java_import java_import com.jbidwatcher.ui.AuctionsManager java_import com.jbidwatcher.ui.FilterManager java_import com.jbidwatcher.ui.table.TableColumnController java_import com.jbidwatcher.ui.commands.UserActions java_import com.jbidwatcher.ui.commands.MenuCommand puts "Loading JBidwatcher Ruby Utilities" require 'rubygems' dirname = File.dirname(__FILE__) gems = if File.exists?(File.join(dirname, 'gems.jar')) || File.exists?('lib/jbidwatcher/gems.jar') File.expand_path(File.join(dirname, 'gems.jar')) else JConfig.java_class.class_loader.resource_as_url('lib/jbidwatcher/gems.jar').to_s end # This is an awful hack, but if I don't do this, Windows doesn't load active_support. :( class File def self.realpath(x) x end end require gems ENV['GEM_PATH']="#{gems}!/" Gem.paths = ENV require 'digest/md5' require 'net/http.rb' require 'cgi' require 'nokogiri' require 'json' require 'open-uri' require 'ebay_parser' require 'time' require 'column_lookup' class JBidwatcherUtilities MY_JBIDWATCHER_URL = "" def test_basics # Check that the basic libraries work. puts "This is a test..." puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest('foo') # Check that accessing objects defined by JBidwatcher works c = Currency.getCurrency("$54.98") puts c.getValue puts c.fullCurrencyName puts "Done." end def about MQFactory.getConcrete("user").enqueue("FAQ") end def fire(user_event) MQFactory.getConcrete("user").enqueue(user_event) end def build_url(meth, hash) uri = "#{MY_JBIDWATCHER_URL}/#{meth}" url = URI.parse(uri) [uri, url, hash.to_param] end def post(command, hash) uri, url, params = build_url(command, hash) p = p.body = params p.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', url.port).start do |http| http.request p end end def report_exception(exception) result = post "exception", {:body => exception} puts result.body result.body end def recognize_bidpage(entry, page) puts entry.title result = post "recognize", {:body => page, :user => JConfig.queryConfiguration("")} puts result.body result.body end def browse_to(id) entry = $auctions_manager.getEntry(id) entry.server.showBrowser(entry) end def notify(message) MQFactory.getConcrete("Swing").enqueue("NOTIFY #{message}") end def snipe(auction, amount) entry = auction if(auction.respond_to? :getIdentifier) entry ||= $auctions_manager.getEntry(auction) amount = Currency.getCurrency(amount) unless amount.respond_to? :fullCurrencyName entry.prepareSnipe(amount) $filter_manager.redrawEntry(entry) end def cancel_snipe(id) entry = $auctions_manager.getEntry(id) entry.cancelSnipe(false) $filter_manager.redrawEntry(entry) end def custom_column(column, auction) @columns[column].call(auction).to_s end def add_column(name, &block) $table_controller.add_column(name) unless @columns[name] @columns[name] = block end def initialize @columns = {} end COMMANDS = {} UserActions.java_class.declared_instance_methods.each do |m| if m.annotation_present?(MenuCommand.java_class) annotation = m.annotation(MenuCommand.java_class) COMMANDS[annotation.action] = { :name =>, :arity => annotation.params } if annotation.action && annotation.action != "" COMMANDS[] = { :name =>, :arity => annotation.params } end end TRANSLATIONS = { 'Add New' => 'Add', 'Check For Updates' => 'Check Updates', 'Explain Colors And Icons' => 'Help Colors' } def handle_action(action, action_manager, *params) do_action = "Do#{action.gsub(' ', '')}".to_sym pair = COMMANDS[action] || COMMANDS[do_action] method = pair.nil? ? do_action : pair[:name] arity = pair.nil? ? 0 : pair[:arity] # Special case params: -1 means pass in null as the sole parameter, -2 means just the auction entry. params, arity = {-1 => [[nil], 1], -2 => [[params[1]], 1]}[arity] if arity < 0 if action_manager.respond_to?(method, true) params = [method] + params[0...arity] action_manager.send(*params) else JConfig.log.logMessage "Did not know how to handle #{action}" end end def load_scripts script_dir = Path.getCanonicalFile "scripts","jbidwatcher",false if File.exist?(script_dir) && sd = script_dir scripts = sd.reject do |filename| script_file = File.join(script_dir, filename) || File.extname(script_file) != '.rb' end scripts.each do |script_file| require File.join(script_dir, script_file) end else unless File.exist? script_dir Dir.mkdir script_dir end end end def after_startup require "models" gixen require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext' require 'pp' end def parse(body) end def log(msg) JConfig.log.logMessage msg end def get_update(auction_id, last_updated_at) current = (*1000).to_i last_int = last_updated_at.nil? ? 0 : last_updated_at.time lite_url = "{auction_id}" lite_url += "&lastaccessed=#{last_int}&lvr=0&dl=5&_=#{current}" body = open(lite_url).read result = JSON.parse(body) response = result['ViewItemLiteResponse'] if response['Error'].blank? item = response['Item'].first end_date = item['EndDate'] ends_at = Time.parse(end_date['Time'] + ' ' + end_date['Date']) cur_price = item['CurrentPrice']['MoneyStandard'] ended = item['IsEnded'] bid_count = item['BidCount'] { 'current_price' => cur_price, 'end_date' => (ends_at.to_f*1000).to_i, 'ended' => ended, 'bid_count' => bid_count } end rescue => e log e.inspect return nil end def dump_hash(h) pp h end def gixen @gixen ||= begin dirname = File.dirname(__FILE__) if File.exists?(File.join(dirname, "gixen")) || File.exists?('lib/jbidwatcher/gixen') $:<< File.join(dirname, "gixen") else $:<< JConfig.java_class.class_loader.resource_as_url('lib/jbidwatcher/gixen').to_s end require 'gixen' server_prefix = Constants::EBAY_SERVER_NAME username = JConfig.query_configuration("#{server_prefix}.user") password = JConfig.query_configuration("#{server_prefix}.password"), password) if username != 'default' end end # This is just a dumping ground right now; I should change that soon. def get_value(entry, column) end end # $auction_server_manager = AuctionServerManager.getInstance # $auctions_manager = AuctionsManager.getInstance # $filter_manager = $auctions_manager.filters $table_controller = TableColumnController.getInstance JBidwatcher = JBidwatcher.load_scripts # case TableColumnController.CUR_BID : # return currentBid(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.SNIPE_OR_MAX : return formatSnipeAndBid(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.MAX : return aEntry.isBidOn() ? formatBid(aEntry, errorNote) :neverBid; # case TableColumnController.SNIPE : # return snipeColumn(aEntry, errorNote); # case TableColumnController.TIME_LEFT : # return timeLeftColumn(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.END_DATE : # return endDateColumn(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.TITLE : return XMLElement.decodeString(aEntry.getTitle()); # case TableColumnController.STATUS : return getEntryIcon(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.THUMBNAIL : # return thumbnailColumn(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.SELLER : # return aEntry.getSellerName(); # case TableColumnController.COMMENT : # String comment = aEntry.getComment(); # return(comment==null? "" :comment); # case TableColumnController.BIDDER : # String bidder = aEntry.getHighBidder(); # if (bidder != null && bidder.length() != 0) # return bidder; # return "--"; # case TableColumnController.FIXED_PRICE : # Currency bin = aEntry.getBuyNow(); # if (bin.isNull()) # return "--"; # return bin; # case TableColumnController.SHIPPING_INSURANCE : # Currency ship = aEntry.getShippingWithInsurance(); # if (ship.isNull()) # return "--"; # return ship; # case TableColumnController.ITEM_LOCATION : # return aEntry.getItemLocation(); # case TableColumnController.BIDCOUNT : # if (aEntry.getNumBidders() < 0) # return "(FP)"; # return Integer.toString(aEntry.getNumBidders()); # case TableColumnController.JUSTPRICE : # return aEntry.getCurrentPrice(); # case TableColumnController.SELLER_FEEDBACK : # return seller.getFeedback(); # case TableColumnController.SELLER_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK : # String fbp = seller.getPositivePercentage(); # return (fbp == null || fbp.length() == 0) ? "--" :fbp; # case TableColumnController.CUR_TOTAL : # return priceWithShippingColumn(aEntry); # case TableColumnController.SNIPE_TOTAL : # return formatTotalSnipe(aEntry, errorNote); # #