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- #
- # see http://schemaspy.sourceforge.net/dbtypes.html
- # for configuration / customization details
- #
- # note that MySQL tables must be of type 'InnoDB' or they won't
- # have foreign key relationships
- description=MySQL
- connectionSpec=jdbc:mysql://<host>/<db>
- host=hostname[:port] host where database resides with optional port
- db=database name
- driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- # Sample path to the MySQL drivers.
- # Use -dp to override.
- # The driver should be available at www.mysql.com/products/connector/j/
- driverPath=/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar
- # return table_name, comments for a specific :schema (which MySQL doesn't have, so the db name will be used)
- selectTableCommentsSql=select table_name, table_comment comments from information_schema.tables where table_schema=:schema
- # this should be significantly faster than the default implementation, but will be
- # a rough estimate for InnoDB-based tables
- # comment out this line if that's not appropriate for your situation
- selectRowCountSql=select table_rows row_count from information_schema.tables where table_name=:table