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+#+Title: Team Strategic Plan
+#+AUTHOR: Samuel W. Flint, Danielle Muller, Brady Caverzagie, Harley Hentges, Yu Man Tse (Stella)
+#+DATE: <2017-06-13 Tue 15:21>
+#+OPTIONS: toc:t H:5 ':t *:t d:nil stat:nil todo:nil num:nil infojs:nil
+#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [10pt,twocolumn]
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[landscape,margin=0.125 in]{geometry}
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \pagestyle{empty}
+* Part 1: Collective Critical Reflection
+* Part 2: Team Strategic Plan
+** Part 2A: Structural Elements of Team's Plan
+*** Team Contact Information
+ - *Team Leader*: Samuel W. Flint, Bellevue, NE, [[mailto:swflint@flintfam.org][swflint@flintfam.org]], 402.517.8468, swflint@flintfam.org (http://samflint.com/comm286)
+ - *Team Secretary*: Danielle Muller, Buffalo Gap, SD, [[mailto:danielle.r.muller@gmail.com][danielle.r.muller@gmail.com]], 402.889.6184, danielle.r.muller@gmail.com
+ - Brady Caverzagie, Papillion, NE, [[mailto:caverzagie.brady@gmail.com][caverzagie.brady@gmail.com]], 402.677.0081, bradcaverzagie
+ - Harley Hentges, Lester Prairie, MN, [[mailto:harleyhentges@gmail.com][harleyhentges@gmail.com]], 952.201.2490, harleyhentges@gmail.com
+ - Yu Man Tse (Stella), Seattle, WA, [[mailto:manman0981hk@hotmail.com][manman0981hk@hotmail.com]], 425.623.2567, coffeeman1225
+*** Team Goals
+Our goals are three-fold:
+ - To develop a formal plan, backed by scholarship and subject-matter expertise, with the goal of reducing medical malpractice lawsuits;
+ - To be able to work together as a group, efficiently and with minimal arguing;
+ - And to ensure that all assignment deadlines and requirements, as defined in the various rubrics and syllabi, are met and exceeded.
+*** Team Communication Plan
+As many of our members are in varying locations across the country, we have elected to use the following methods of communication:
+ - GroupMe :: Instant messaging with a constantly open dialogue between all group members
+ - Google Docs :: Shared documents among group members for notes, research, papers, interviews, etc.
+ - Skype :: For meeting online and holding each other accountable for paying attention
+ - Sam’s website :: A repository for research documents, interview recordings and other related artifacts.
+The group plans to meet at least once a week on Tuesday around 8:00 PM (20:00) CDT to discuss group assignments and such with additional meetings as needed.
+*** Timeline
+ - Assign roles June 20
+ - Introduction--finished by June 25
+ - Body--finished by June 30
+ - Conclusion--finished by June 30
+ - Review paper July 1-July 7
+ - Submit paper July 7
+** Part 2B: Procedural Elements of Team's Plan
+* References