#+Title: June 13, 2017: Meeting 13:45-15:12 CDT #+AUTHOR: Danielle Muller #+EMAIL: danielle.muller@gmail.com #+DATE: <2017-06-13 Tue 19:33> #+OPTIONS: toc:t H:5 ':t *:t d:nil stat:nil todo:nil num:nil infojs:nil #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [10pt,twocolumn] #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[landscape,margin=0.125 in]{geometry} #+LATEX_HEADER: \pagestyle{empty} * Minutes - 20:00: Brady, Sam, Danielle present for roll call - 20:15: Stella joined - 20:20: Harley joined - Assigning roles: - Everyone finds their own research - Brady will man the works cited page - Sam suggested using his website to dump resource links - Intro: Danielle - Main point 1: Danielle - Main point 2: Brady - Main point 3: Stella - Main point 4: Harley - Main point 5: Sam - 5 outside sources by Friday - Status report: - Sam has talked to law offices - Asked for questions to ask lawyers - Brady has talked to an anesthesiologist - Asked for questions to ask her - Conclusion