chap-a.tex 755 B

  1. \input setup % -*- Mode: TeX -*-
  2. \beginchapter{A}{Appendix}{ChapA}{Appendix}
  3. %% These two sections are not well-maintained, and I've decided to just omit them
  4. %% for now until and unless we can put some more effort into them. -kmp 23-Oct-91
  5. %
  6. % \beginSection{Implementation-defined features}
  7. % \DefineSection{ImplemDefFeatures}
  8. % \input appendix-implem-defined
  9. % \endSection%{Implementation-defined features}
  10. %
  11. % \beginSection{Portability Issues}
  12. % \input appendix-portability
  13. % \endSection%{Portability Issues}
  14. \beginSection{Removed Language Features}
  15. \DefineSection{RemovedFeatures}
  16. \input appendix-removed
  17. \endSection%{Removed Language Features}
  18. % What about deprecated features? see CHAP-A-4-DEPRECATED? -kmp 27-Sep-90
  19. \endchapter
  20. \bye