concept-sequences.tex 1.6 KB

  1. % -*- Mode: TeX -*-
  2. A \newterm{sequence} is an ordered collection of \term{elements},
  3. implemented as either a \term{vector} or a \term{list}.
  4. \term{Sequences} can be created by \thefunction{make-sequence},
  5. as well as other \term{functions} that create \term{objects}
  6. of \term{types} that are \term{subtypes} of \typeref{sequence}
  7. (\eg \funref{list}, \funref{make-list}, \funref{mapcar}, and \funref{vector}).
  8. A \newterm{sequence function} is a \term{function}
  9. defined by this specification
  10. or added as an extension by the \term{implementation}
  11. that operates on one or more \term{sequences}.
  12. %% 14.0.0 19
  13. Whenever a \term{sequence function} must construct and return
  14. a new \term{vector}, it always returns a \term{simple vector}.
  15. Similarly, any \term{strings} constructed will be \term{simple strings}.
  16. \DefineFigure{SequenceFunctions}
  17. \displaythree{Standardized Sequence Functions}{
  18. concatenate&length&remove\cr
  19. copy-seq&map&remove-duplicates\cr
  20. count&map-into&remove-if\cr
  21. count-if&merge&remove-if-not\cr
  22. count-if-not&mismatch&replace\cr
  23. delete&notany&reverse\cr
  24. delete-duplicates&notevery&search\cr
  25. delete-if&nreverse&some\cr
  26. delete-if-not&nsubstitute&sort\cr
  27. elt&nsubstitute-if&stable-sort\cr
  28. every&nsubstitute-if-not&subseq\cr
  29. fill&position&substitute\cr
  30. find&position-if&substitute-if\cr
  31. find-if&position-if-not&substitute-if-not\cr
  32. find-if-not&reduce&\cr
  33. }
  34. \beginsubsection{General Restrictions on Parameters that must be Sequences}
  35. In general, \term{lists} (including \term{association lists} and \term{property lists})
  36. that are treated as \term{sequences} must be \term{proper lists}.
  37. \endsubsection%{General Restrictions on Parameters that must be Sequences}