chap-7.tex 950 B

  1. \input setup % -*- Mode: TeX -*-
  2. \beginchapter{7}{Objects}{ChapSeven}{Objects}
  3. \beginSection{Object Creation and Initialization}
  4. \DefineSection{ObjectCreationAndInit}
  5. \input concept-objects
  6. \endSection%{Object Creation and Initialization}
  7. \beginSection{Changing the Class of an Instance}
  8. \DefineSection{ChangingInstanceClass}
  9. \input concept-change-class
  10. \endSection%{Changing the Class of an Instance}
  11. \beginSection{Reinitializing an Instance}
  12. \DefineSection{InstanceReInit}
  13. \input concept-reinit
  14. \endSection%{Reinitializing an Instance}
  15. \beginSection{Meta-Objects}
  16. \DefineSection{MetaObjects}
  17. \input concept-meta-objects
  18. \endSection%{Meta-Objects}
  19. \beginSection{Slots}
  20. \DefineSection{Slots}
  21. \input concept-slots
  22. \endSection%{Slots}
  23. \beginSection{Generic Functions and Methods}
  24. \DefineSection{GFsAndMethods}
  25. \input concept-gfs-and-methods
  26. \endSection%{Generic Functions and Methods}
  27. \includeDictionary{dict-objects}
  28. \endchapter
  29. \bye