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Add new contrib org-screenshot.el

Max Mikhanosha 11 years ago
2 changed files with 532 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 1 0
  2. 531 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ org-notmuch.el           --- Support for links to notmuch messages
 org-panel.el 	         --- Simple routines for us with bad memory
 org-registry.el          --- A registry for Org links
 org-screen.el            --- Visit screen sessions through Org-mode links
+org-screenshot.el        --- Take and manage screenshots in Org-mode files
 org-secretary.el         --- Team management with org-mode
 org-static-mathjax.el    --- Muse-like tags in Org-mode
 org-sudoku.el            --- Create and solve SUDOKU puzzles in Org tables

+ 531 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+;;; org-screenshot.el --- Take and manage screenshots in Org-mode files
+;; Copyright (C) 2009-2013
+;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Max Mikhanosha <>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; Version: 8.0
+;; Released under the GNU General Public License version 3
+;; see:
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; NOTE: This library requires external screenshot taking executable "scrot",
+;; which is available as a package from all major Linux distribution. If your
+;; distribution does not have it, source can be found at:
+;; org-screenshot.el have been tested with scrot version 0.8.
+;; Usage:
+;;   (require 'org-screenshot)
+;;  Available commands with default bindings
+;;  `org-screenshot-take'              C-c M-s M-t  and   C-c M-s M-s
+;;        Take the screenshot, C-u argument delays 1 second, double C-u 2 seconds
+;;        triple C-u 3 seconds, and subsequent C-u add 2 seconds to the delay.
+;;        Screenshot area is selected with the mouse, or left-click on the window
+;;        for an entire window.
+;;  `org-screenshot-rotate-prev'       C-c M-s M-p   and C-c M-s C-p
+;;        Rotate screenshot before the point to one before it (sorted by date)
+;;  `org-screenshot-rotate-next'       C-c M-s M-n   and C-c M-s C-n
+;;        Rotate screenshot before the point to one after it
+;;  `org-screenshot-show-unused'       C-c M-s M-u   and C-c M-s u
+;;        Open dired buffer with screenshots that are not used in current
+;;        Org buffer marked
+;; The screenshot take and rotate commands will update the inline images
+;; if they are already shown, if you are inserting first screenshot in the Org
+;; Buffer (and there are no other images shown), you need to manually display
+;; inline images with C-c C-x C-v
+;; Screenshot take and rotate commands offer user to continue by by using single
+;; keys, in a manner similar to to "repeat-char" of keyboard macros, user can
+;; continue rotating screenshots by pressing just the last key of the binding
+;; For example: C-c M-s M-t creates the screenshot and then user can
+;; repeatedly press M-p or M-n to rotate it back and forth with
+;; previously taken ones.
+(require 'org)
+(require 'dired)
+(defgroup org-screenshot nil
+  "Options for taking and managing screen-shots"
+  :tag "Org Startup"
+  :group 'org-link)
+(defcustom org-screenshot-image-directory "./images/"
+  "Directory in which screenshot image files will be stored, it
+be automatically created if it does't already exist."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'org-screenshot)
+(defcustom org-screenshot-file-name-format "screenshot-%2.2d.png"
+  "The string used to generate screenshot file name. 
+Any %d format string recipe will be expanded with `format'
+function with the argument of a screenshot sequence number.
+A sequence like %XXXX will be replaced with string of the same
+length as there are X's, consisting of random characters in the
+range of [A-Za-z]."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'org-screenshot)
+(defcustom org-screenshot-max-tries 200
+  "Number of times we will try to generate generate filename that
+does not exist. With default `org-screenshot-name-format' its the
+limit for number of screenshots, before `org-screenshot-take' is
+unable to come up with a unique name."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'org-screenshot)
+(defvar org-screenshot-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+  "Map for OrgMode screenshot related commands")
+;; prefix
+(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c M-s") org-screenshot-map)
+;; Mnemonic is Control-C Meta "Screenshot" "Take"
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "M-t") 'org-screenshot-take)
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "M-s") 'org-screenshot-take)
+;; No reason to require meta key, since its our own keymap
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map "s" 'org-screenshot-take)
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map "t" 'org-screenshot-take)
+;; Rotations, the fast rotation user hint, would prefer the modifier
+;; used by the original command that started the rotation
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "M-n") 'org-screenshot-rotate-next)
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "M-p") 'org-screenshot-rotate-prev)
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "C-n") 'org-screenshot-rotate-next)
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "C-p") 'org-screenshot-rotate-prev)
+;; Show unused image files in Dired
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "M-u") 'org-screenshot-show-unused)
+(org-defkey org-screenshot-map (kbd "u") 'org-screenshot-show-unused)
+(random t)
+(defun org-screenshot-random-string (length)
+  "Generate a random string of LENGTH consisting of random upper
+case and lower case letters."
+  (let ((name (make-string length ?x)))
+    (dotimes (i length)
+      (let ((n (random 52)))
+        (aset name i (if (< n 26)
+                         (+ ?a n)
+                       (+ ?A n -26))))) 
+    name))
+(defvar org-screenshot-process nil
+  "Currently running screenshot process")
+(defvar org-screenshot-directory-seq-numbers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defun org-screenshot-update-seq-number (directory &optional reset)
+  "Set `org-screenshot-file-name-format' sequence number for the directory.
+When RESET is NIL, increments the number stored, otherwise sets
+RESET as a new number. Intended to be called if screenshot was
+successful.  Updating of sequence number is done in two steps, so
+aborted/canceled screenshot attempts don't increase the number"
+  (setq directory (file-name-as-directory directory))
+  (puthash directory (if reset
+                         (if (numberp reset) reset 1)
+                       (1+ (gethash directory
+                                    org-screenshot-directory-seq-numbers
+                                    0)))
+           org-screenshot-directory-seq-numbers))
+(defun org-screenshot-generate-file-name (directory)
+  "Use `org-screenshot-name-format' to generate new screenshot
+file name for a specific directory. Keeps re-generating name if
+it already exists, up to `org-screenshot-max-tries'
+times. Returns just the file, without directory part"
+  (setq directory (file-name-as-directory directory))
+  (when (file-exists-p directory)
+    (let ((tries 0)
+          name
+          had-seq
+          (case-fold-search nil))
+      (while (and (< tries org-screenshot-max-tries)
+                  (not name))
+        (incf tries)
+        (let ((tmp org-screenshot-file-name-format)
+              (seq-re "%[-0-9.]*d")
+              (rand-re "%X+"))
+          (when (string-match seq-re tmp)
+            (let ((seq (gethash
+                        directory
+                        org-screenshot-directory-seq-numbers 1))) 
+              (setq tmp 
+                    (replace-regexp-in-string
+                     seq-re (format (match-string 0 tmp) seq)
+                     tmp)
+                    had-seq t)))
+          (when (string-match rand-re tmp)
+            (setq tmp
+                  (replace-regexp-in-string
+                   rand-re (org-screenshot-random-string
+                            (1- (length (match-string 0 tmp))))
+                   tmp t)))
+          (let ((fullname (concat directory tmp))) 
+            (if (file-exists-p fullname)
+                (when had-seq (org-screenshot-update-seq-number directory))
+              (setq name tmp)))))
+      name)))
+(defun org-screenshot-image-directory ()
+  "Return the `org-screenshot-image-directory', ensuring there is
+trailing slash, and that it exists"
+  (let ((dir (file-name-as-directory org-screenshot-image-directory)))
+    (if (file-exists-p dir)
+        dir
+      (make-directory dir t)
+      dir)))
+(defvar org-screenshot-last-file nil
+  "File name of the last taken or rotated screenshot file,
+without directory")
+(defun org-screenshot-process-done (process event file
+                                            orig-buffer
+                                            orig-delay
+                                            orig-event)
+  "Called when \"scrot\" process exits. PROCESS and EVENT are
+same arguments as in `set-process-sentinel'.  ORIG-BUFFER,
+ORIG-DELAY and ORIG-EVENT are Org Buffer, the screenshot delay
+used, and LAST-INPUT-EVENT values from when screenshot was
+  (setq org-screenshot-process nil)
+  (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process) 
+    (if (not (equal event "finished\n"))
+        (progn 
+          (insert event) 
+          (cond ((save-excursion
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   (re-search-forward "Key was pressed" nil t))
+                 (ding)
+                 (message "Key was pressed, screenshot aborted"))
+                (t 
+                 (display-buffer (process-buffer process))
+                 (message "Error running \"scrot\" program")
+                 (ding))))
+      (with-current-buffer orig-buffer 
+        (let ((link (format "[[file:%s]]" file))) 
+          (setq org-screenshot-last-file (file-name-nondirectory file))
+          (let ((beg (point)))
+            (insert link) 
+            (when org-inline-image-overlays
+              (org-display-inline-images nil t beg (point))))
+          (unless (< orig-delay 3)
+            (ding))
+          (org-screenshot-rotate-continue t orig-event))))))
+(defun org-screenshot-take (&optional delay)
+  "Take a screenshot and insert link to it at point, if image
+display is already on (see \\[org-toggle-inline-images])
+screenshot will be displayed as an image
+Screen area for the screenshot is selected with the mouse, left
+click on a window screenshots that window, while left click and
+drag selects a region. Pressing any key cancels the screen shot
+With `C-u' universal argument waits one second after target is
+selected before taking the screenshot. With double `C-u' wait two
+With triple `C-u' wait 3 seconds, and also rings the bell when
+screenshot is done, any more `C-u' after that increases delay by
+2 seconds
+  (interactive "P")
+  ;; probably easier way to count number of C-u C-u out there
+  (setq delay
+        (cond ((null delay) 0)
+              ((integerp delay) delay)
+              ((and (consp delay)
+                    (integerp (car delay))
+                    (plusp (car delay)))
+               (let ((num 1)
+                     (limit (car delay))
+                     (cnt 0))
+                 (while (< num limit)
+                   (setq num (* num 4)
+                         cnt (+ cnt (if (< cnt 3) 1 2))))
+                 cnt))
+              (t (error "Invald delay"))))
+  (when (and org-screenshot-process
+             (member (process-status org-screenshot-process)
+                     '(run stop)))
+    (error "scrot process is still running"))
+  (let* ((name (org-screenshot-generate-file-name (org-screenshot-image-directory)))
+         (file (format "%s%s" (org-screenshot-image-directory)
+                       name))
+         (path (expand-file-name file)))
+    (when (get-buffer "*scrot*")
+      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*scrot*")
+        (erase-buffer)))
+    (setq org-screenshot-process
+          (or 
+           (apply 'start-process
+                  (append
+                   (list "scrot" "*scrot*" "scrot" "-s" path)
+                   (when (plusp delay)
+                     (list "-d" (format "%d" delay)))))
+           (error "Unable to start scrot process")))
+    (when org-screenshot-process 
+      (if (plusp delay) 
+          (message "Click on a window, or select a rectangle (delay is %d sec)..."
+                   delay)
+        (message "Click on a window, or select a rectangle..."))
+      (set-process-sentinel
+       org-screenshot-process
+       `(lambda (process event)
+          (org-screenshot-process-done
+           process event ,file ,(current-buffer) ,delay ,last-input-event))))))
+(defvar org-screenshot-file-list nil
+  "List of files in `org-screenshot-image-directory' used by
+`org-screenshot-rotate-prev' and `org-screenshot-rotate-next'")
+(defvar org-screenshot-rotation-index -1)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'org-screenshot-file-list)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'org-screenshot-rotation-index)
+(defun org-screenshot-rotation-init (lastfile)
+  "Initialize variable `org-screenshot-file-list' variabel with
+the list of PNG files in `org-screenshot-image-directory' sorted
+by most recent first"
+  (setq
+   org-screenshot-rotation-index -1
+   org-screenshot-file-list
+   (let ((files (directory-files org-screenshot-image-directory
+                                 t (org-image-file-name-regexp) t)))
+     (mapcar 'file-name-nondirectory 
+             (sort files
+                   (lambda (file1 file2)
+                     (let ((mtime1 (nth 5 (file-attributes file1)))
+                           (mtime2 (nth 5 (file-attributes file2))))
+                       (setq mtime1 (+ (ash (first mtime1) 16)
+                                       (second mtime1)))
+                       (setq mtime2 (+ (ash (first mtime2) 16)
+                                       (second mtime2)))
+                       (> mtime1 mtime2)))))))
+  (let ((n -1) (list org-screenshot-file-list))
+    (while (and list (not (equal (pop list) lastfile)))
+      (incf n))
+    (setq org-screenshot-rotation-index n)))
+(defun org-screenshot-do-rotate (dir from-continue-rotating)
+  "Rotate last screenshot with one of the previously taken
+screenshots from the same directory. If DIR is negative, in the
+other direction"
+  (setq org-screenshot-last-file nil)
+  (let* ((ourdir (file-name-as-directory (org-screenshot-image-directory)))
+         done
+         (link-re 
+          ;; taken from `org-display-inline-images'
+          (concat "\\[\\[\\(\\(file:\\)\\|\\([./~]\\)\\)\\([^]\n]+?"
+                  (substring (org-image-file-name-regexp) 0 -2)
+                  "\\)\\]"))
+         newfile oldfile)
+    (save-excursion 
+      ;; Search for link to image file in the same directory before the point
+      (while (not done)
+        (if (not (re-search-backward link-re (point-min) t))
+            (error "Unable to find link to image from %S directory before point" ourdir)
+          (let ((file (concat (or (match-string 3) "") (match-string 4))))
+            (when (equal (file-name-directory file)
+                         ourdir)
+              (setq done t
+                    oldfile (file-name-nondirectory file))))))
+      (when (or (null org-screenshot-file-list)
+                (and (not from-continue-rotating) 
+                     (not (member last-command
+                                  '(org-screenshot-rotate-prev
+                                    org-screenshot-rotate-next)))))
+        (org-screenshot-rotation-init oldfile))
+      (unless (> (length org-screenshot-file-list) 1)
+        (error "Can't rotate a single image file"))
+      (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1)
+      (setq org-screenshot-rotation-index
+            (mod (+ org-screenshot-rotation-index dir)
+                 (length org-screenshot-file-list)) 
+            newfile (nth org-screenshot-rotation-index
+                         org-screenshot-file-list))
+      ;; in case we started rotating from the file we just inserted,
+      ;; advance one more time
+      (when (equal oldfile newfile)
+        (setq org-screenshot-rotation-index
+              (mod (+ org-screenshot-rotation-index (if (plusp dir) 1 -1))
+                   (length org-screenshot-file-list))
+              newfile (nth org-screenshot-rotation-index
+                           org-screenshot-file-list)))
+      (replace-match (concat "file:" ourdir
+                             newfile)
+                     t t nil 4))
+    ;; out of save-excursion
+    (setq org-screenshot-last-file newfile)
+    (when org-inline-image-overlays
+      (org-display-inline-images nil t (match-beginning 0) (point)))))
+(defun org-screenshot-rotate-prev (dir)
+  "Rotate last screenshot with one of the previously taken
+screenshots from the same directory. If DIR is negative, rotate
+in the other direction"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (org-screenshot-do-rotate dir nil)
+  (when org-screenshot-last-file 
+    (org-screenshot-rotate-continue nil nil)))
+(defun org-screenshot-rotate-next (dir)
+  "Rotate last screenshot with one of the previously taken
+screenshots from the same directory. If DIR is negative, rotate
+in the other direction"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (org-screenshot-do-rotate (- dir) nil)
+  (when org-screenshot-last-file 
+    (org-screenshot-rotate-continue nil nil)))
+(defun org-screenshot-prefer-same-modifiers (list event)
+  (if (not (eventp nil)) (car list) 
+    (let (ret (keys list))
+      (while (and (null ret) keys)
+        (let ((key (car keys))) 
+          (if (and (= 1 (length key)) 
+                   (equal (event-modifiers event)
+                          (event-modifiers (elt key 0))))
+              (setq ret (car keys))
+            (setq keys (cdr keys)))))
+      (or ret (car list)))))
+(defun org-screenshot-rotate-continue (from-take-screenshot orig-event)
+  "Display the message with the name of the last changed
+image-file and inform user that they can rotate by pressing keys
+bound to `org-screenshot-rotate-next' and
+`org-screenshot-rotate-prev' in `org-screenshot-map'
+This works similarly to `kmacro-end-or-call-macro' so that user
+can press a long key sequence to invoke the first command, and
+then uses single keys to rotate, until unregognized key is
+entered, at which point event will be unread"
+  (let* ((event (if from-take-screenshot orig-event
+                  last-input-event))
+         done
+         (prev-key
+          (org-screenshot-prefer-same-modifiers
+           (where-is-internal 'org-screenshot-rotate-prev
+                              org-screenshot-map nil)
+           event))
+         (next-key
+          (org-screenshot-prefer-same-modifiers
+           (where-is-internal 'org-screenshot-rotate-next
+                              org-screenshot-map nil)
+           event))
+         prev-key-str next-key-str)
+    (when (and (= (length prev-key) 1)
+               (= (length next-key) 1)) 
+      (setq
+       prev-key-str (format-kbd-macro prev-key nil)
+       next-key-str (format-kbd-macro next-key nil)
+       prev-key (elt prev-key 0)
+       next-key (elt next-key 0))
+      (while (not done)
+        (message "%S - '%s' and '%s' to rotate"
+                 org-screenshot-last-file prev-key-str next-key-str)
+        (setq event (read-event))
+        (cond ((equal event prev-key)
+               (clear-this-command-keys t)
+               (org-screenshot-do-rotate 1 t)
+               (setq last-input-event nil))
+              ((equal event next-key)
+               (clear-this-command-keys t)
+               (org-screenshot-do-rotate -1 t)
+               (setq last-input-event nil))
+              (t (setq done t)))) 
+      (when last-input-event
+        (clear-this-command-keys t)
+        (setq unread-command-events (list last-input-event))))))
+(defun org-screenshot-show-unused ()
+  "Open A Dired buffer with unused screenshots marked"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((files-in-buffer)
+	dired-buffer
+	had-any
+	(image-re (org-image-file-name-regexp))
+	beg end)
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+	(widen)
+	(setq beg (or beg (point-min)) end (or end (point-max)))
+	(goto-char beg)
+	(let ((re (concat "\\[\\[\\(\\(file:\\)\\|\\([./~]\\)\\)\\([^]\n]+?"
+			  (substring (org-image-file-name-regexp) 0 -2)
+			  "\\)\\]"))
+	      (case-fold-search t)
+	      old file ov img type attrwidth width)
+	  (while (re-search-forward re end t)
+	    (setq file (concat (or (match-string 3) "") (match-string 4)))
+	    (when (and (file-exists-p file)
+		       (equal (file-name-directory file)
+			      (org-screenshot-image-directory)))
+	      (push (file-name-nondirectory file)
+		    files-in-buffer))))))
+    (setq dired-buffer (dired-noselect (org-screenshot-image-directory)))
+    (with-current-buffer dired-buffer
+      (dired-unmark-all-files ?\r)
+      (dired-mark-if
+       (let ((file (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t))) 
+	 (and file (string-match image-re file)
+	      (not (member file files-in-buffer))
+	      (setq had-any t)))
+       "Unused screenshot"))
+    (when had-any (pop-to-buffer dired-buffer))))
+(provide 'org-screenshot)