@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+;;; org-passwords.el --- org derived mode for managing passwords
+;; Author: Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo <jorge.alfaro-murillo@yale.edu>
+;; Created: December 26, 2012
+;; Keywords: passwords, password
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains the code for managing your passwords with
+;; Org-mode.
+;; A basic setup needs to indicate a passwords file, and a dictionary
+;; for the random words:
+;; (require org-passwords)
+;; (setq org-passwords-file "~/documents/passwords.gpg")
+;; (setq org-passwords-random-words-dictionary "/etc/dictionaries-common/words")
+;; Basic usage:
+;; `M-x org-passwords' opens the passwords file in
+;; `org-passwords-mode'.
+;; `M-x org-passwords-generate-password' generates a random string
+;; of numbers, lowercase letters and uppercase letters.
+;; `C-u M-x org-passwords-generate-password' generates a random
+;; string of numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and
+;; symbols.
+;; `M-x org-passwords-random-words' concatenates random words from
+;; the dictionary defined by `org-passwords-random-words-dictionary'
+;; into a string, each word separated by the string defined in
+;; `org-passwords-random-words-separator'.
+;; `C-u M-x org-passwords-random-words' does the same as above, and
+;; also makes substitutions according to
+;; `org-passwords-random-words-substitutions'.
+;; It is also useful to set up keybindings for the functions
+;; `org-passwords-copy-username' and
+;; `org-passwords-copy-password' in the
+;; `org-passwords-mode', to easily make the passwords and usernames
+;; available to the facility for pasting text of the window system
+;; (clipboard on X and MS-Windows, pasteboard on Nextstep/Mac OS,
+;; etc.), without inserting them in the kill-ring. You can set for
+;; example:
+;; (eval-after-load "org-passwords"
+;; '(progn
+;; (define-key org-passwords-mode-map
+;; (kbd "C-c u")
+;; 'org-passwords-copy-username)
+;; (define-key org-passwords-mode-map
+;; (kbd "C-c p")
+;; 'org-passwords-copy-password)))
+;; Finally, to enter new passwords, you can use `org-capture' and a minimal template like:
+;; ("p" "password" entry (file "~/documents/passwords.gpg")
+;; "* %^{Title}\n %^{PASSWORD}p %^{USERNAME}p")
+;; When asked for the password you can then call either
+;; `org-passwords-generate-password' or `org-passwords-random-words'.
+;; Be sure to enable recursive minibuffers to call those functions
+;; from the minibuffer:
+;; (setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
+;;; Code:
+(require 'org)
+(define-derived-mode org-passwords-mode org-mode
+ "org-passwords-mode"
+ "Mode for storing passwords"
+ nil)
+(defgroup org-passwords nil
+ "Options for password management."
+ :group 'org)
+(defcustom org-passwords-password-property "PASSWORD"
+ "Name of the property for password entry password."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-passwords)
+(defcustom org-passwords-username-property "USERNAME"
+ "Name of the property for password entry user name."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-passwords)
+(defcustom org-passwords-file nil
+ "Default file name for the file that contains the passwords."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'org-passwords)
+(defcustom org-passwords-time-opened "1 min"
+ "Time that the password file will remain open. It has to be a
+string, a number followed by units."
+ :type 'str
+ :group 'org-passwords)
+(defcustom org-passwords-random-words-dictionary nil
+ "Default file name for the file that contains a dictionary of
+words for `org-passwords-random-words'. Each non-empty line in
+the file is considered a word."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'org-passwords)
+(defvar org-passwords-random-words-separator "-"
+ "A string to separate words in `org-passwords-random-words'.")
+(defvar org-passwords-random-words-substitutions
+ '(("a" . "@")
+ ("e" . "3")
+ ("o" . "0"))
+"A list of substitutions to be made with
+`org-passwords-random-words' if it is called with
+`universal-argument'. Each element is pair of
+(defun org-passwords-copy-password ()
+ "Makes the password available to other programs. Puts the
+password of the entry at the location of the cursor in the
+facility for pasting text of the window system (clipboard on X
+and MS-Windows, pasteboard on Nextstep/Mac OS, etc.), without
+putting it in the kill ring."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-backward-regexp "^\\*")
+ (search-forward-regexp (concat "^[[:space:]]*:"
+ org-passwords-password-property
+ ":[[:space:]]*"))
+ (funcall interprogram-cut-function
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point)
+ (funcall (lambda ()
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point)))))))
+(defun org-passwords-copy-username ()
+ "Makes the password available to other programs. Puts the
+username of the entry at the location of the cursor in the
+facility for pasting text of the window system (clipboard on X
+and MS-Windows, pasteboard on Nextstep/Mac OS, etc.), without
+putting it in the kill ring."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-backward-regexp "^\\*")
+ (search-forward-regexp (concat "^[[:space:]]*:"
+ org-passwords-username-property
+ ":[[:space:]]*"))
+ (funcall interprogram-cut-function
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point)
+ (funcall (lambda ()
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point)))))))
+(defun org-passwords ()
+ "Open the password file. Open the password file defined by the
+variable `org-password-file' in read-only mode and kill that
+buffer later according to the value of the variable
+`org-passwords-time-opened'. It also adds the `org-password-file'
+to the auto-mode-alist so that it is opened with its mode being
+ (interactive)
+ (if org-passwords-file
+ (progn
+ (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
+ (cons
+ (regexp-quote
+ (expand-file-name org-passwords-file))
+ 'org-passwords-mode))
+ (find-file-read-only org-passwords-file)
+ (org-passwords-set-up-kill-password-buffer))
+ (minibuffer-message "No default password file defined. Set the variable `org-password-file'.")))
+(defun org-passwords-set-up-kill-password-buffer ()
+ (run-at-time org-passwords-time-opened
+ nil
+ '(lambda ()
+ (if (get-file-buffer org-passwords-file)
+ (kill-buffer
+ (get-file-buffer org-passwords-file))))))
+;;; Password generator
+;; Set random number seed from current time and pid. Otherwise
+;; `random' gives the same results every time emacs restarts.
+(random t)
+(defun org-passwords-generate-password (arg)
+ "Ask a number of characters and insert a password of that size.
+Password has a random string of numbers, lowercase letters, and
+uppercase letters. Argument ARG include symbols."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((number-of-chars
+ (string-to-number
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Number of Characters: "))))
+ (if arg
+ (insert (org-passwords-generate-password-with-symbols "" number-of-chars))
+ (insert (org-passwords-generate-password-without-symbols "" number-of-chars)))))
+(defun org-passwords-generate-password-with-symbols (previous-string nums-of-chars)
+ "Return a string consisting of PREVIOUS-STRING and
+NUMS-OF-CHARS random characters."
+ (if (eq nums-of-chars 0) previous-string
+ (insert (org-passwords-generate-password-with-symbols
+ (concat previous-string
+ (char-to-string
+ ;; symbols, letters, numbers are from 33 to 126
+ (+ (random (- 127 33)) 33)))
+ (1- nums-of-chars)))))
+(defun org-passwords-generate-password-without-symbols (previous-string nums-of-chars)
+ "Return string consisting of PREVIOUS-STRING and NUMS-OF-CHARS
+random numbers, lowercase letters, and numbers."
+ (if (eq nums-of-chars 0)
+ previous-string
+ ; There are 10 numbers, 26 lowercase letters and 26 uppercase
+ ; letters. 10 + 26 + 26 = 62. The number characters go from 48
+ ; to 57, the uppercase letters from 65 to 90, and the lowercase
+ ; from 97 to 122. The following makes each equally likely.
+ (let ((temp-value (random 62)))
+ (cond ((< temp-value 10)
+ ; If temp-value<10, then add a number
+ (org-passwords-generate-password-without-symbols
+ (concat previous-string
+ (char-to-string (+ 48 temp-value)))
+ (1- nums-of-chars)))
+ ((and (> temp-value 9) (< temp-value 36))
+ ; If 9<temp-value<36, then add an uppercase letter
+ (org-passwords-generate-password-without-symbols
+ (concat previous-string
+ (char-to-string (+ 65 (- temp-value 10))))
+ (1- nums-of-chars)))
+ ((> temp-value 35)
+ ; If temp-value>35, then add a lowecase letter
+ (org-passwords-generate-password-without-symbols
+ (concat previous-string
+ (char-to-string (+ 97 (- temp-value 36))))
+ (1- nums-of-chars)))))))
+;;; Random words
+(defun org-passwords-random-words (arg)
+ "Ask for a number of words and inserts a sequence of that many
+random words from the list in the file
+`org-passwords-random-words-dictionary' separated by
+`org-passwords-random-words-separator'. ARG make substitutions in
+the words as defined by
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if org-passwords-random-words-dictionary
+ (let ((number-of-words
+ (string-to-number
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Number of words: ")))
+ (list-of-words
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents
+ org-passwords-random-words-dictionary)
+ (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t))))
+ (insert
+ (org-passwords-substitute
+ (org-passwords-random-words-attach-number-of-words
+ (nth (random (length list-of-words))
+ list-of-words)
+ (1- number-of-words)
+ list-of-words
+ org-passwords-random-words-separator)
+ (if arg
+ org-passwords-random-words-substitutions
+ nil))))
+ (minibuffer-message
+ "No default dictionary file defined. Set the variable `org-passwords-random-words-dictionary'.")))
+(defun org-passwords-random-words-attach-number-of-words
+ (previous-string number-of-words list-of-words separator)
+ "Returns a string consisting of PREVIOUS-STRING followed by a
+succession of NUMBER-OF-WORDS random words from the list LIST-OF-WORDS
+separated SEPARATOR."
+ (if (eq number-of-words 0)
+ previous-string
+ (org-passwords-random-words-attach-number-of-words
+ (concat previous-string
+ separator
+ (nth (random (length list-of-words)) list-of-words))
+ (1- number-of-words)
+ list-of-words
+ separator)))
+(defun org-passwords-substitute (string-to-change list-of-substitutions)
+ "Substitutes each appearence in STRING-TO-CHANGE of the `car' of
+each element of LIST-OF-SUBSTITUTIONS by the `cdr' of that
+element. For example:
+ (org-passwords-substitute \"ab\" \'((\"a\" . \"b\") (\"b\" . \"c\")))
+ => \"bc\"
+Substitutions are made in order of the list, so for example:
+ (org-passwords-substitute \"ab\" \'((\"ab\" . \"c\") (\"b\" . \"d\")))
+ => \"c\""
+ (if list-of-substitutions
+ (concat (org-passwords-concat-this-with-string
+ (cdar list-of-substitutions)
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (org-passwords-substitute
+ x
+ (cdr list-of-substitutions)))
+ (split-string string-to-change
+ (caar list-of-substitutions)))))
+ string-to-change))
+(defun org-passwords-concat-this-with-string (this list-of-strings)
+ "Put the string THIS in between every string in LIST-OF-STRINGS. For example:
+ (org-passwords-concat-this-with-string \"Here\" \'(\"First\" \"Second\" \"Third\"))
+ => \"FirstHereSencondHereThird\""
+ (if (cdr list-of-strings)
+ (concat (car list-of-strings)
+ this
+ (org-passwords-concat-this-with-string
+ (cdr list-of-strings)
+ this))
+ (car list-of-strings)))
+(provide 'org-passwords)
+;;; org-passwords.el ends here