@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ for the JavaScript code in this tag.
{ font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; }
{ background-color: #ffff00; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
+ .org-svg { width: 90%; }
"The default style specification for exported HTML files.
@@ -1628,21 +1629,27 @@ a communication channel."
(defun org-html--svg-image (source attributes info)
- "Return \"object\" appropriate for embedding svg file SOURCE
-with assoicated ATTRIBUTES. INFO is a plist used as a
-communication channel.
+ "Return \"object\" embedding svg file SOURCE with given ATTRIBUTES.
+INFO is a plist used as a communication channel.
-The special attribute \"fallback\" can be used to specify a fallback
-image file to use if the object embedding is not supported."
+The special attribute \"fallback\" can be used to specify a
+fallback image file to use if the object embedding is not
+supported. CSS class \"org-svg\" is assigned as the class of the
+object unless a different class is specified with an attribute."
(let ((fallback (plist-get attributes :fallback))
(attrs (org-html--make-attribute-string
- (plist-put attributes :fallback nil))))
- (format "<object type=\"image/svg+xml\" data=\"%s\" %s>\n%s</object>"
- source attrs
- (if fallback
- (org-html-close-tag
- "img" (format "src=\"%s\" %s" fallback attrs) info)
- "Sorry, your browser does not support SVG."))))
+ (org-combine-plists
+ ;; Remove fallback attribute, which is not meant to
+ ;; appear directly in the attributes string, and
+ ;; provide a default class if none is set.
+ '(:class "org-svg") attributes '(:fallback nil)))))
+ (format "<object type=\"image/svg+xml\" data=\"%s\" %s>\n%s</object>"
+ source
+ attrs
+ (if fallback
+ (org-html-close-tag
+ "img" (format "src=\"%s\" %s" fallback attrs) info)
+ "Sorry, your browser does not support SVG."))))
(defun org-html--textarea-block (element)
"Transcode ELEMENT into a textarea block.