@@ -1330,14 +1330,14 @@ This function modifies STRUCT."
;; This means that the part between body start of body and
;; split point was removed. So we compute the offset and
;; shift item's positions accordingly. In any other case,
- ;; the item was simply shifted by ITEM-SIZE.
+ ;; the item was simply shifted by SIZE-OFFSET.
((and split-line-p (not beforep) (>= p pos) (<= p item-end-no-blank))
(let ((offset (- pos item ind (length bullet) (length after-bullet))))
(setcar e (- p offset))
(setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (- end offset))))
- (setcar e (+ p item-size))
- (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size))))))
+ (setcar e (+ p size-offset))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))))
(push (list item ind bullet nil box nil (+ item item-size)) struct)
(setq struct (sort struct #'car-less-than-car))
;; If not BEFOREP, new item must appear after ITEM, so exchange