@@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ Returns a list
;; resolve variable references and add summary parameters
(when (and info (not light))
(setf (nth 2 info) (org-babel-process-params (nth 2 info))))
+ (when info
+ (setf (nth 2 info) (org-babel-generate-file-param name (nth 2 info))))
(when info (append info (list name indent head)))))
(defvar org-babel-exp-reference-buffer nil
@@ -2435,6 +2437,16 @@ parameters when merging lists."
(setq exports (funcall e-merge exports-exclusive-groups
exports '("results"))))
(setq params (cons pair (assq-delete-all (car pair) params)))))
+ (:file-ext
+ (when (cdr pair)
+ (setq results (funcall e-merge results-exclusive-groups
+ results '("file")))
+ (unless (or (member "both" exports)
+ (member "none" exports)
+ (member "code" exports))
+ (setq exports (funcall e-merge exports-exclusive-groups
+ exports '("results"))))
+ (setq params (cons pair (assq-delete-all (car pair) params)))))
(setq exports (funcall e-merge exports-exclusive-groups
exports (split-string (cdr pair)))))
@@ -2890,10 +2902,48 @@ For the format of SAFE-LIST, see `org-babel-safe-header-args'."
(member (cdr pair) (cdr entry)))
(t nil)))))))
+(defun org-babel-generate-file-param (src-name params)
+ "Calculate the filename for source block results.
+The directory is calculated from the :output-dir property of the
+source block; if not specified, use the current directory.
+If the source block has a #+NAME and the :file parameter does not
+contain any period characters, then the :file parameter is
+treated as an extension, and the output file name is the
+concatenation of the directory (as calculated above), the block
+name, a period, and the parameter value as a file extension.
+Otherwise, the :file parameter is treated as a full file name,
+and the output file name is the directory (as calculated above)
+plus the parameter value."
+ (let* ((file-cons (assq :file params))
+ (file-ext-cons (assq :file-ext params))
+ (file-ext (cdr-safe file-ext-cons))
+ (dir (cdr-safe (assq :output-dir params)))
+ fname)
+ ;; create the output-dir if it does not exist
+ (when dir
+ (make-directory dir t))
+ (if file-cons
+ ;; :file given; add :output-dir if given
+ (when dir
+ (setcdr file-cons (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) (cdr file-cons))))
+ ;; :file not given; compute from name and :file-ext if possible
+ (when (and src-name file-ext)
+ (if dir
+ (setq fname (concat (file-name-as-directory (or dir ""))
+ src-name "." file-ext))
+ (setq fname (concat src-name "." file-ext)))
+ (setq params (cons (cons :file fname) params))))
+ params))
;;; Used by backends: R, Maxima, Octave.
(defun org-babel-graphical-output-file (params)
"File where a babel block should send graphical output, per PARAMS."
+ (unless (assq :file params)
+ (if (assq :file-ext params)
+ (error ":file-ext given but no :file generated; did you forget to give a block a #+NAME?")
+ (error "No :file header argument given; cannot create graphical result.")))
(and (member "graphics" (cdr (assq :result-params params)))
(cdr (assq :file params))))