@@ -120,30 +120,38 @@ associated information. Here is the structure of each cell:
- (unnumbered-section numbered-section\)
+ (numbered-section . unnumbered-section\)
A %s formatter is mandatory in each section string and will be
-replaced by the title of the section."
+replaced by the title of the section.
+Instead of a cons cell (numbered . unnumbered), you can also provide a list
+of 2-4 elements,
+ (numbered-open numbered-close)
+ (numbered-open numbered-close unnumbered-open unnumbered-close)
+providing opening and closing strings for an environment that should
+represent the document section. The opening clause should have a %s
+to represent the section title."
:group 'org-export-latex
- :type '(repeat
+ :type '(repeat
(list (string :tag "LaTeX class")
(string :tag "LaTeX header")
- (cons :tag "Level 1"
- (string :tag "Numbered")
- (string :tag "Unnumbered"))
- (cons :tag "Level 2"
- (string :tag "Numbered")
- (string :tag "Unnumbered"))
- (cons :tag "Level 3"
- (string :tag "Numbered")
- (string :tag "Unnumbered"))
- (cons :tag "Level 4"
- (string :tag "Numbered")
- (string :tag "Unnumbered"))
- (cons :tag "Level 5"
- (string :tag "Numbered")
- (string :tag "Unnumbered")))))
+ (repeat :tag "Levels" :inline t
+ (choice
+ (cons :tag "Heading"
+ (string :tag "numbered")
+ (string :tag "unnumbered)"))
+ (list :tag "Environment"
+ (string :tag "Opening (numbered) ")
+ (string :tag "Closing (numbered) ")
+ (string :tag "Opening (unnumbered)")
+ (string :tag "Closing (unnumbered)")))))))
(defcustom org-export-latex-emphasis-alist
'(("*" "\\textbf{%s}" nil)
@@ -554,12 +562,18 @@ If NUM, export sections as numerical sections."
;; Normal conversion
((<= level org-export-latex-sectioning-depth)
- (let ((sec (nth (1- level) org-export-latex-sectioning)))
- (insert (format (if num (car sec) (cdr sec)) heading) "\n"))
- (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label)))
- (insert (org-export-latex-content content))
- (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent))
- ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent))))
+ (let* ((sec (nth (1- level) org-export-latex-sectioning))
+ start end)
+ (if (consp (cdr sec))
+ (setq start (nth (if num 0 2) sec)
+ end (nth (if num 1 3) sec))
+ (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec))))
+ (insert (format start heading) "\n")
+ (when label (insert (format "\\label{%s}\n" label)))
+ (insert (org-export-latex-content content))
+ (cond ((stringp subcontent) (insert subcontent))
+ ((listp subcontent) (org-export-latex-sub subcontent)))
+ (if end (insert end "\n"))))
;; At a level under the hl option: we can drop this subsection
((> level org-export-latex-sectioning-depth)
(cond ((eq org-export-latex-low-levels 'description)