소스 검색

ob-processing.el: Support for Processing language

* lisp/ob-processing.el: New file.

* doc/org.texi (Languages): Signal new language.

This library implements necessary functions for implementing editing
of Processing code blocks, viewing the resulting sketches in an
external viewer, and HTML export of the sketches.

Editing Processing blocks requires processing2-emacs mode. Viewing
Processing blocks embedded in Org buffer in an external viewer also
requires processing2-emacs. This viewing is bound to C-c C-v C-k and
produces no results in Org buffer. HTML export of the results of a
Processing block is also supported, assuming that the processing.js
module is available: the sketch is then drawn by the browser when the
HTML page is viewed. This drawing is implemented by embedding the
Processing code in a script using the processing.js module. The user
is responsible for making sure that processing.js is available in the
correct location.

Console output from a Processing block produced e.g. by println() is
shown in the Processing compilation window when the code is executed
in Org buffer, and in text area (console) of the browser when the code
is embedded in HTML.
Jarmo Hurri 10 년 전
2개의 변경된 파일203개의 추가작업 그리고 5개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 6 5
  2. 197 0

+ 6 - 5

@@ -15010,11 +15010,12 @@ Code blocks in the following languages are supported.
 @item Mscgen @tab mscgen @tab Objective Caml @tab ocaml
 @item Octave @tab octave @tab Org mode @tab org
 @item Oz @tab oz @tab Perl @tab perl
-@item Plantuml @tab plantuml @tab Python @tab python
-@item R @tab R @tab Ruby @tab ruby
-@item Sass @tab sass @tab Scheme @tab scheme
-@item GNU Screen @tab screen @tab shell @tab sh
-@item SQL @tab sql @tab SQLite @tab sqlite
+@item Plantuml @tab plantuml @tab Processing.js @tab processing
+@item Python @tab python @tab R @tab R
+@item Ruby @tab ruby @tab Sass @tab sass
+@item Scheme @tab scheme @tab GNU Screen @tab screen
+@item shell @tab sh @tab SQL @tab sql
+@item SQLite @tab sqlite
 @end multitable
 Language-specific documentation is available for some languages.  If

+ 197 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+;;; ob-processing.el --- Babel functions for evaluation of processing
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Jarmo Hurri (adapted from ob-asymptote.el written by Eric Schulte)
+;; Keywords: literate programming, reproducible research
+;; Homepage: http://orgmode.org
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Babel support for evaluating processing source code.
+;; This differs from most standard languages in that
+;; 1) there is no such thing as a "session" in processing
+;; 2) results can only be exported as html; in this case, the
+;;    processing code is embedded via a file into a javascript block
+;;    using the processing.js module; the script then draws the
+;;    resulting output when the web page is viewed in a browser; note
+;;    that the user is responsible for making sure that processing.js
+;;    is available on the website
+;; 3) it is possible to interactively view the sketch of the
+;;    Processing code block via Processing 2.0 Emacs mode, using
+;;    `org-babel-processing-view-sketch'.  You can bind this command
+;;    to, e.g., C-c C-v C-k with
+;;      (define-key org-babel-map (kbd "C-k") 'org-babel-processing-view-sketch)
+;;; Requirements:
+;; - processing2-emacs mode :: https://github.com/ptrv/processing2-emacs
+;; - Processing.js module :: http://processingjs.org/
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ob)
+(require 'sha1)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(declare-function processing-sketch-run "ext:processing-mode" ())
+(defvar org-babel-temporary-directory)
+(defvar org-babel-tangle-lang-exts)
+(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '("processing" . "pde"))
+;; Default header tags depend on whether exporting html or not; if not
+;; exporting html, then no results are produced; otherwise results are
+;; HTML.
+(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:processing
+  '((:results . "html") (:exports . "results"))
+  "Default arguments when evaluating a Processing source block.")
+(defvar org-babel-processing-processing-js-filename "processing.js"
+  "Filename of the processing.js file.")
+(defun org-babel-processing-view-sketch ()
+  "Show the sketch of the Processing block under point in an external viewer."
+  (interactive)
+  (require 'processing-mode)
+  (let ((info (org-babel-get-src-block-info)))
+    (if (string= (nth 0 info) "processing")
+	(let* ((body (nth 1 info))
+	       (params (org-babel-process-params (nth 2 info)))
+	       (sketch-code
+		(org-babel-expand-body:generic
+		 body
+		 params
+		 (org-babel-variable-assignments:processing params))))
+	  ;; Note: sketch filename can not contain a hyphen, since it
+	  ;; has to be a valid java class name; for this reason
+	  ;; make-temp-file is repeated until no hyphen is in the
+	  ;; name; also sketch dir name must be the same as the
+	  ;; basename of the sketch file.
+	  (let* ((temporary-file-directory org-babel-temporary-directory)
+		 (sketch-dir
+		  (let (sketch-dir-candidate)
+		    (while
+			(progn
+			  (setq sketch-dir-candidate
+				(make-temp-file "processing" t))
+			  (when (org-string-match-p
+				 "-"
+				 (file-name-nondirectory sketch-dir-candidate))
+			    (delete-directory sketch-dir-candidate)
+			    t)))
+		    sketch-dir-candidate))
+		 (sketch-filename
+		  (concat sketch-dir
+			  "/"
+			  (file-name-nondirectory sketch-dir)
+			  ".pde")))
+	    (with-temp-file sketch-filename (insert sketch-code))
+	    (find-file sketch-filename)
+	    (processing-sketch-run)
+	    (kill-buffer)))
+      (message "Not inside a Processing source block."))))
+(defun org-babel-execute:processing (body params)
+  "Execute a block of Processing code.
+This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
+  (let ((sketch-code
+	 (org-babel-expand-body:generic
+	  body
+	  params
+	  (org-babel-variable-assignments:processing params))))
+    ;; Results are HTML.
+    (let ((sketch-canvas-id (concat "ob-" (sha1 sketch-code))))
+      (concat "<script src=\""
+	      org-babel-processing-processing-js-filename
+	      "\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/processing\""
+	      " data-processing-target=\""
+	      sketch-canvas-id
+	      "\">\n"
+	      sketch-code
+	      "\n</script> <canvas id=\""
+	      sketch-canvas-id
+	      "\"></canvas>"))))
+(defun org-babel-prep-session:processing (session params)
+  "Return an error if the :session header argument is set.
+Processing does not support sessions"
+  (error "Processing does not support sessions"))
+(defun org-babel-variable-assignments:processing (params)
+  "Return list of processing statements assigning the block's variables."
+  (mapcar #'org-babel-processing-var-to-processing
+	  (mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var))))
+(defun org-babel-processing-var-to-processing (pair)
+  "Convert an elisp value into a Processing variable.
+The elisp value PAIR is converted into Processing code specifying
+a variable of the same value."
+  (let ((var (car pair))
+        (val (let ((v (cdr pair)))
+	       (if (symbolp v) (symbol-name v) v))))
+    (cond
+     ((integerp val)
+      (format "int %S=%S;" var val))
+     ((floatp val)
+      (format "float %S=%S;" var val))
+     ((stringp val)
+      (format "String %S=\"%s\";" var val))
+     ((and (listp val) (not (listp (car val))))
+      (let* ((type (org-babel-processing-define-type val))
+	     (fmt (if (eq 'String type) "\"%s\"" "%s"))
+	     (vect (mapconcat (lambda (e) (format fmt e)) val ", ")))
+	(format "%s[] %S={%s};" type var vect)))
+     ((listp val)
+      (let* ((type (org-babel-processing-define-type val))
+	     (fmt (if (eq 'String type) "\"%s\"" "%s"))
+             (array (mapconcat (lambda (row)
+				 (concat "{"
+					 (mapconcat (lambda (e) (format fmt e))
+						    row ", ")
+					 "}"))
+			       val ",")))
+        (format "%S[][] %S={%s};" type var array))))))
+(defun org-babel-processing-define-type (data)
+  "Determine type of DATA.
+DATA is a list.  Return type as a symbol.
+The type is `String' if any element in DATA is
+a string.  Otherwise, it is either `float', if some elements are
+floats, or `int'."
+  (let* ((type 'int)
+	 find-type			; For byte-compiler.
+	 (find-type
+	  (lambda (row)
+	    (dolist (e row type)
+	      (cond ((listp e) (setq type (funcall find-type e)))
+		    ((stringp e) (throw 'exit 'String))
+		    ((floatp e) (setq type 'float)))))))
+    (catch 'exit (funcall find-type data))))
+(provide 'ob-processing)
+;;; ob-processing.el ends here