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org-export: Correctly export check-boxes in description lists

* contrib/lisp/org-e-ascii.el (org-e-ascii--current-text-width): Pay
  attention to length of check-box, if any when computing text width.
(org-e-ascii--checkbox): New function.
(org-e-ascii-item): Allow check-boxes in description lists.
(org-e-ascii-paragraph): Refactor code.
* contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el (org-e-html-format-list-item): Allow
  check-boxes in description lists.
* contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el (org-e-latex-item): Allow check-boxes in
  description lists.
* contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el (org-e-odt--checkbox): New function.
(org-e-odt-item): Allow check-boxes in description lists.
(org-e-odt-paragraph): Do not add checkbox in front of paragraph if it
belongs to a description item, since the box will be attached to the
Nicolas Goaziou 12 years ago
4 changed files with 100 additions and 85 deletions
  1. 46 44
  2. 26 22
  3. 9 6
  4. 19 13

+ 46 - 44

@@ -607,13 +607,14 @@ INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
 		 ;; that is the sum of the difference between its
 		 ;; indentation and the indentation of the top item in
 		 ;; the list and current item bullet's length.  Also
-		 ;; remove tag length (for description lists) or bullet
-		 ;; length.
+		 ;; remove checkbox length, and tag length (for
+		 ;; description lists) or bullet length.
 		 (let ((struct (org-element-property :structure parent-item))
 		       (beg-item (org-element-property :begin parent-item)))
 		   (+ (- (org-list-get-ind beg-item struct)
 			  (org-list-get-top-point struct) struct))
+		      (length (org-e-ascii--checkbox parent-item info))
 		       (or (org-list-get-tag beg-item struct)
 			   (org-list-get-bullet beg-item struct)))))))))))))
@@ -877,6 +878,15 @@ channel."
    links ""))
+(defun org-e-ascii--checkbox (item info)
+  "Return checkbox string for ITEM or nil.
+INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
+  (let ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)))
+    (case (org-element-property :checkbox item)
+      (on (if utf8p "☑ " "[X] "))
+      (off (if utf8p "☐ " "[ ] "))
+      (trans (if utf8p "☒ " "[-] ")))))
 ;;; Template
@@ -1325,42 +1335,46 @@ contextual information."
   "Transcode an ITEM element from Org to ASCII.
 CONTENTS holds the contents of the item.  INFO is a plist holding
 contextual information."
-  (let ((bullet
-	 ;; First parent of ITEM is always the plain-list.  Get
-	 ;; `:type' property from it.
-	 (org-list-bullet-string
-	  (case (org-element-property :type (org-export-get-parent item))
-	    (descriptive
-	     (concat (org-export-data (org-element-property :tag item) info)
-		     ": "))
-	    (ordered
-	     ;; Return correct number for ITEM, paying attention to
-	     ;; counters.
-	     (let* ((struct (org-element-property :structure item))
-		    (bul (org-element-property :bullet item))
-		    (num
-		     (number-to-string
-		      (car (last (org-list-get-item-number
-				  (org-element-property :begin item)
-				  struct
-				  (org-list-prevs-alist struct)
-				  (org-list-parents-alist struct)))))))
-	       (replace-regexp-in-string "[0-9]+" num bul)))
-	    (t (let ((bul (org-element-property :bullet item)))
-		 ;; Change bullets into more visible form if UTF-8 is active.
-		 (if (not (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)) bul
-		   (replace-regexp-in-string
-		    "-" "•"
+  (let* ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8))
+	 (checkbox (org-e-ascii--checkbox item info))
+	 (list-type (org-element-property :type (org-export-get-parent item)))
+	 (bullet
+	  ;; First parent of ITEM is always the plain-list.  Get
+	  ;; `:type' property from it.
+	  (org-list-bullet-string
+	   (case list-type
+	     (descriptive
+	      (concat checkbox
+		      (org-export-data (org-element-property :tag item) info)
+		      ": "))
+	     (ordered
+	      ;; Return correct number for ITEM, paying attention to
+	      ;; counters.
+	      (let* ((struct (org-element-property :structure item))
+		     (bul (org-element-property :bullet item))
+		     (num (number-to-string
+			   (car (last (org-list-get-item-number
+				       (org-element-property :begin item)
+				       struct
+				       (org-list-prevs-alist struct)
+				       (org-list-parents-alist struct)))))))
+		(replace-regexp-in-string "[0-9]+" num bul)))
+	     (t (let ((bul (org-element-property :bullet item)))
+		  ;; Change bullets into more visible form if UTF-8 is active.
+		  (if (not utf8p) bul
-		     "+" "⁃"
-		     (replace-regexp-in-string "*" "‣" bul))))))))))
+		     "-" "•"
+		     (replace-regexp-in-string
+		      "+" "⁃"
+		      (replace-regexp-in-string "*" "‣" bul))))))))))
+     (unless (eq list-type 'descriptive) checkbox)
      ;; Contents: Pay attention to indentation.  Note: check-boxes are
      ;; already taken care of at the paragraph level so they don't
      ;; interfere with indentation.
      (let ((contents (org-e-ascii--indent-string contents (length bullet))))
-       (if (eq (caar (org-element-contents item)) 'paragraph)
+       (if (eq (org-element-type (car (org-element-contents item))) 'paragraph)
 	   (org-trim contents)
 	 (concat "\n" contents))))))
@@ -1473,19 +1487,7 @@ information."
 CONTENTS is the contents of the paragraph, as a string.  INFO is
 the plist used as a communication channel."
-   (let ((parent (org-export-get-parent paragraph)))
-     ;; If PARAGRAPH is the first one in a list element, be sure to
-     ;; add the check-box in front of it, before any filling.  Later,
-     ;; it would interfere with line width.
-     (if (and (eq (org-element-type parent) 'item)
-	      (equal (car (org-element-contents parent)) paragraph))
-	 (let ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)))
-	   (concat (case (org-element-property :checkbox parent)
-		     (on (if utf8p "☑ " "[X] "))
-		     (off (if utf8p "☐ " "[ ] "))
-		     (trans (if utf8p "☒ " "[-] ")))
-		   contents))
-       contents))
+   contents
    (org-e-ascii--current-text-width paragraph info) info))

+ 26 - 22

@@ -2234,28 +2234,32 @@ contextual information."
 (defun org-e-html-format-list-item (contents type checkbox
 					     &optional term-counter-id
-  (concat
-   (case type
-     (ordered
-      (let* ((counter term-counter-id)
-	     (extra (if counter (format " value=\"%s\"" counter) "")))
-	(format "<li%s>" extra)))
-     (unordered
-      (let* ((id term-counter-id)
-	     (extra (if id (format " id=\"%s\"" id) "")))
-	(concat
-	 (format "<li%s>" extra)
-	 (when headline (concat headline "<br/>")))))
-     (descriptive
-      (let* ((term term-counter-id))
-	(setq term (or term "(no term)"))
-	(concat (format "<dt> %s </dt>" term) "<dd>"))))
-   (org-e-html-checkbox checkbox) (and checkbox " ")
-   contents
-   (case type
-     (ordered "</li>")
-     (unordered "</li>")
-     (descriptive "</dd>"))))
+  (let ((checkbox (concat (org-e-html-checkbox checkbox) (and checkbox " "))))
+    (concat
+     (case type
+       (ordered
+	(let* ((counter term-counter-id)
+	       (extra (if counter (format " value=\"%s\"" counter) "")))
+	  (format "<li%s>" extra)))
+       (unordered
+	(let* ((id term-counter-id)
+	       (extra (if id (format " id=\"%s\"" id) "")))
+	  (concat
+	   (format "<li%s>" extra)
+	   (when headline (concat headline "<br/>")))))
+       (descriptive
+	(let* ((term term-counter-id))
+	  (setq term (or term "(no term)"))
+	  ;; Check-boxes in descriptive lists are associated to tag.
+	  (concat (format "<dt> %s </dt>"
+			  (concat checkbox term))
+		  "<dd>"))))
+     (unless (eq type 'descriptive) checkbox)
+     contents
+     (case type
+       (ordered "</li>")
+       (unordered "</li>")
+       (descriptive "</dd>")))))
 (defun org-e-html-item (item contents info)
   "Transcode an ITEM element from Org to HTML.

+ 9 - 6

@@ -1416,13 +1416,16 @@ contextual information."
 		 (format "\\setcounter{enum%s}{%s}\n"
 			 (nth (1- level) '("i" "ii" "iii" "iv"))
 			 (1- count)))))
-	 (checkbox (let ((checkbox (org-element-property :checkbox item)))
-		     (cond ((eq checkbox 'on) "$\\boxtimes$ ")
-			   ((eq checkbox 'off) "$\\Box$ ")
-			   ((eq checkbox 'trans) "$\\boxminus$ "))))
+	 (checkbox (case (org-element-property :checkbox item)
+		     (on "$\\boxtimes$ ")
+		     (off "$\\Box$ ")
+		     (trans "$\\boxminus$ ")))
 	 (tag (let ((tag (org-element-property :tag item)))
-		(and tag (format "[%s]" (org-export-data tag info))))))
-    (concat counter "\\item" tag " " checkbox contents)))
+		;; Check-boxes must belong to the tag.
+		(and tag (format "[%s] "
+				 (concat checkbox
+					 (org-export-data tag info)))))))
+    (concat counter "\\item" (or tag (concat " " checkbox)) contents)))
 ;;;; Keyword

+ 19 - 13

@@ -2509,6 +2509,14 @@ This function shouldn't be used for floats.  See
   ;;     (concat (format "\\label{%s}\n" label) output)))
+(defun org-e-odt--checkbox (item)
+  "Return check-box string associated to ITEM."
+  (org-e-odt-format-fontify
+   (case (org-element-property :checkbox item)
+     (on "[&#x2713;] ")			; CHECK MARK
+     (off "[ ] ")
+     (trans "[-] "))
+   'code))
 ;;; Transcode Helpers
@@ -2993,7 +3001,9 @@ contextual information."
 	 (type (org-element-property :type plain-list))
 	 (counter (org-element-property :counter item))
 	 (tag (let ((tag (org-element-property :tag item)))
-		(and tag (org-export-data tag info)))))
+		(and tag
+		     (concat (org-e-odt--checkbox item)
+			     (org-export-data tag info))))))
     (case type
       ((ordered unordered)
        (format "\n<text:list-item>\n%s\n%s"
@@ -3410,20 +3420,16 @@ the plist used as a communication channel."
 		  (center-block 'center)
 		  (footnote-definition 'footnote)
 		  (t nil))))
-    ;; If this paragraph is a leading paragraph in an item and the
-    ;; item has a checkbox, splice the checkbox and paragraph contents
-    ;; together.
-    (when (and (equal (org-element-type parent) 'item)
+    ;; If this paragraph is a leading paragraph in a non-descriptive
+    ;; item and the item has a checkbox, splice the checkbox and
+    ;; paragraph contents together.
+    (when (and (eq (org-element-type parent) 'item)
+	       (not (eq (org-element-property :type
+					      (org-export-get-parent parent))
+			'descriptive))
 	       (= (org-element-property :begin paragraph)
 		  (org-element-property :contents-begin parent)))
-      (let* ((item parent)
-	     (checkbox (org-element-property :checkbox item))
-	     (checkbox (and checkbox (org-e-odt-format-fontify
-				      (case checkbox
-					(on "[&#x2713;]") ; CHECK MARK
-					(off "[ ]")
-					(trans "[-]")) 'code))))
-	(setq contents 	(concat checkbox (and checkbox " ") contents))))
+      (setq contents (concat (org-e-odt--checkbox parent) contents)))
     (org-e-odt-format-stylized-paragraph style contents)))