@@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ repository]].
The simplest way to run the Org-mode test suite is from the command
line with the following invocation. Note that the paths below are
relative to the base of the Org-mode directory.
- emacs -Q --batch -l lisp/org.el -l testing/org-test.el \
- --eval "(progn (org-reload) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))" \
- -f org-test-run-batch-tests
+#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir (expand-file-name "..")
+ # For Emacs earlier than 24, add -L /path/to/ert
+ emacs -Q --batch \
+ -L lisp/ -L testing/ -L testing/lisp -l lisp/org.el \
+ -l lisp/org-id.el -l testing/org-test.el \
+ --eval "(progn (org-reload) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))" \
+ -f org-test-run-batch-tests
The options in the above command are explained below.