@@ -12,22 +12,47 @@ Please send Org bug reports to mailto:emacs-orgmode@gnu.org.
* Version 9.4 (not yet released)
* Version 9.4 (not yet released)
** Incompatible changes
** Incompatible changes
-*** Python session return values must be top-level expression statements
+*** Possibly broken internal file links: please check and fix
-Python blocks with ~:session :results value~ header arguments now only
-return a value if the last line is a top-level expression statement,
-otherwise the result is None. Also, None will now show up under
-"#+RESULTS:", as it already did with ~:results value~ for non-session
+A bug has been affecting internal links to headlines, like
+: [[*Headline][A link to a headline]]
+Storing a link to a headline may have been broken in your setup and
+those links may appear as
+: [[*TODO Headline][A link to a headline]]
+Following the link above will result in an error: the TODO keyword
+should not be part of internal file links.
+You can use the following command to fix links in an Org buffer:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun org-fix-links ()
+ "Fix ill-formatted internal links.
+E.g. replace [[*TODO Headline][headline]] by [[*Headline][headline]].
+Go through the buffer and ask for the replacement."
+ (interactive)
+ (visible-mode 1)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ (format "\\[\\[\\*%s\\s-+" (regexp-opt org-todo-keywords-1 t))
+ nil t)
+ (when (y-or-n-p "Fix link (remove TODO keyword)? ")
+ (replace-match "[[*"))))
+ (visible-mode -1))
*** Calling conventions changes when opening or exporting custom links
*** Calling conventions changes when opening or exporting custom links
This changes affects export back-ends, and libraries providing new
This changes affects export back-ends, and libraries providing new
link types.
link types.
-Function used in ~:follow~ link parameter is required to accept
-a second argument. Likewise, function used in ~:export~ parameter
-needs to accept a fourth argument. See ~org-link-set-parameters~ for
+Function used in ~:follow~ link parameter is required to accept a
+second argument. Likewise, function used in ~:export~ parameter needs
+to accept a fourth argument. See ~org-link-set-parameters~ for
Eventually, the function ~org-export-custom-protocol-maybe~ is now
Eventually, the function ~org-export-custom-protocol-maybe~ is now
@@ -35,6 +60,14 @@ called with a fourth argument. Even though the 3-arguments definition
is still supported, at least for now, we encourage back-end developers
is still supported, at least for now, we encourage back-end developers
to switch to the new signature.
to switch to the new signature.
+*** Python session return values must be top-level expression statements
+Python blocks with ~:session :results value~ header arguments now only
+return a value if the last line is a top-level expression statement,
+otherwise the result is None. Also, None will now show up under
+"#+RESULTS:", as it already did with ~:results value~ for non-session
*** In HTML export, change on how outline-container-* is set
*** In HTML export, change on how outline-container-* is set
When the headline has a =CUSTOM_ID=, use this custom id to build the
When the headline has a =CUSTOM_ID=, use this custom id to build the