@@ -455,6 +455,17 @@ prompting for a link description. It can be a string (used as-is) or
a function (called with the same arguments as
a function (called with the same arguments as
~org-make-link-description-function~ to return a string to use).
~org-make-link-description-function~ to return a string to use).
+An example of a such function for =info:= links is
+~org-info-description-as-command~. To access a manual section outside
+of Org, description may be pasted to shell prompt or evaluated withing
+Emacs using =M-:= (wrapped into parenthesis). For example,
+description of the =info:org#Tags= link is =info "(org) Tags"=. To
+restore earlier behavior add to your Emacs init file the following:
+#+begin_src elisp :results silent :eval never-export
+ (with-eval-after-load 'ol-info
+ (org-link-set-parameters "info" :insert-description nil))
*** New list of languages for LaTeX export: ~org-latex-language-alist~
*** New list of languages for LaTeX export: ~org-latex-language-alist~
~org-latex-language-alist~ unifies into a single list the old language
~org-latex-language-alist~ unifies into a single list the old language