@@ -17476,9 +17476,9 @@ This kind of view can be achieved dynamically at display time using
display with the necessary amount of space@footnote{@code{org-indent-mode}
also sets the @code{wrap-prefix} property, such that @code{visual-line-mode}
(or purely setting @code{word-wrap}) wraps long lines (including headlines)
-correctly indented. }. Also headlines are prefixed with additional stars,
-so that the amount of indentation shifts by two@footnote{See the variable
-@code{org-indent-indentation-per-level}.} spaces per level. All headline
+correctly indented.}. Also headlines are prefixed with additional stars, so
+that the amount of indentation shifts by two@footnote{See the variable
+@code{org-indent-indentation-per-level}.} spaces per level. All headline
stars but the last one are made invisible using the @code{org-hide}
face@footnote{Turning on @code{org-indent-mode} sets
@code{org-hide-leading-stars} to @code{t} and @code{org-adapt-indentation} to