@@ -4068,7 +4068,6 @@ header, or they will be appended."
(defcustom org-latex-default-packages-alist
'(("AUTO" "inputenc" t)
("T1" "fontenc" t)
- ("" "fixltx2e" nil)
("" "graphicx" t)
("" "grffile" t)
("" "longtable" nil)
@@ -4089,7 +4088,6 @@ The packages in this list are needed by one part or another of
Org mode to function properly:
- inputenc, fontenc: for basic font and character selection
-- fixltx2e: Important patches of LaTeX itself
- graphicx: for including images
- grffile: allow periods and spaces in graphics file names
- longtable: For multipage tables