@@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ now sort according to the locale’s collation rules instead of by
** New features
+*** Add ~:results link~ support for Babel
+With this output format, create a link to the file specified in
+~:file~ header argument, without actually writing any result to it:
+,#+begin_src shell :dir "data/tmp" :results link :file "crackzor_1.0.c.gz"
+wget -c "http://ben.akrin.com/crackzor/crackzor_1.0.c.gz"
*** Add ~:session~ support of ob-js for js-comint
#+begin_src js :session "*Javascript REPL*"
@@ -202,11 +216,11 @@ You can have a file =bananas.org= containing:
... and when going to the top of that file and entering column view
you should expect to see something like:
-| ITEM | CONFIRMED | Bananas | Confirmed Bananas |
-| All shipments | | 11 | 4 |
-| Shipment 1 | [X] | 4 | 4 |
-| Shipment 2 | [ ] | 7 | 7 |
+| ITEM | CONFIRMED | Bananas | Confirmed Bananas |
+| All shipments | | 11 | 4 |
+| Shipment 1 | [X] | 4 | 4 |
+| Shipment 2 | [ ] | 7 | 7 |
,#+STARTUP: shrink
@@ -3219,7 +3233,7 @@ See https://orgmode.org/elpa/
| =C-c C-x E= | =E= | [[doc::org-inc-effort][org-inc-effort]] |
| | =#= | [[doc::org-toggle-comment][org-toggle-comment]] |
| | =:= | [[doc::org-columns][org-columns]] |
- | | =W= | Set =APPT_WARNTIME= |
+ | | =W= | Set =APPT_WARNTIME= |
| =k= | | [[doc::org-agenda-capture][org-agenda-capture]] |
| C-c , | , | [[doc::org-priority][org-priority]] |