org-capture and XEmacs, indenting too far
Robert Pluim <> writes:
> Hi, I'm using XEmacs 21.5 (beta29) "garbanzo" d27c1ee1943b+ [Lucid]
> (i686-pc-cygwin, Mule) of Mon Oct 18 2010 on RPluim, with the following
> org-capture-templates
> (("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "~/org/" "Tasks") "* TODO %?"))
> The problem is that for some reason the resulting TODO heading is has 2
> extra spaces, and is placed at too deep a level, giving:
> * Tasks
> *** TODO a task
> I've tested this on a fairly recent emacs24 build, and everything works
> fine there, so this is probably something XEmacs specific. Can anyone
> suggest any way to track this down (I'd bisect, but I've yet to find a
> 'good' version)?
I finally got around to looking into this: The reason is that, in
org-capture mode, `outline-level' is bound to outline.el's function,
which is off by one compared to org-mode's. I used this patch to fix
Could somebody review and maybe apply this?