@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ keys The keys that will select the template, as a string, characters
(\"b\" \"Templates for marking stuff to buy\")
- Do not use \"C\" as a key, it is reserved for customizing the
- template variable.
+ The \"C\" key is used by default for quick access to the
+ customization of the template variable. But if you want to use
+ that key for a template, you can.
description A short string describing the template, will be shown during
@@ -801,7 +802,7 @@ Point will remain at the first line after the inserted text."
((eq type 'item) (setq txt "- %?"))
((eq type 'checkitem) (setq txt "- [ ] %?"))
((eq type 'table-line) (setq txt "| %? |"))
- ((member type '(nil entry)) (setq txt "* %?"))))
+ ((member type '(nil entry)) (setq txt "* %?\n %a"))))
(org-capture-put :template txt :type type)))
(defun org-capture-goto-target (&optional template-key)