@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ functions. The Org version of these functions skips over inline tasks
*** Behavior of ~org-return~ changed
If point is before or after the headline title, insert newline without
changing the headline.
+*** ~org-timer-default-timer~ type changed from number to string
+If you have, in your configuration, something like =(setq
+org-timer-default-timer 10)= replace it with =(setq
+org-timer-default-timer "10")=.
** Removed functions
*** Removed function ~org-translate-time~
Use ~org-timestamp-translate~ instead.
@@ -385,6 +389,9 @@ added to headline text.
Tables and source blocks can now have captions. Additionally, lists
of tables and lists of listings can be inserted in the document with
=#+TOC= keyword.
+*** Countdown timer support hh:mm:ss format
+In addition to setting countdown timers in minutes, they can also be
+set using the hh:mm:ss format.
** Miscellaneous
*** Strip all meta data from ITEM special property
ITEM special property does not contain TODO, priority or tags anymore.