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Koma exporter: Ensure customization to LCO files are taken into account

* contrib/lisp/ox-koma-letter.el: Change default values to match the scrlttr2
default values.  Track which options are set in the file and only output the
corresponding options when they are changed.
Alan Schmitt 11 years ago
1 changed files with 37 additions and 12 deletions
  1. 37 12

+ 37 - 12

@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ English manual of 2012-07-22)."
-(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-backaddress t
+(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-backaddress nil
   "Print return address in small line above to address."
   :group 'org-export-koma-letter
   :type 'boolean)
@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ Use `foldmarks:true' to activate default fold marks or
   :group 'org-export-koma-letter
   :type 'string)
-(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-phone t
+(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-phone nil
   "Print sender's phone number."
   :group 'org-export-koma-letter
   :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-email t
+(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-email nil
   "Print sender's email address."
   :group 'org-export-koma-letter
   :type 'boolean)
@@ -299,9 +299,11 @@ A headline is only used if #+OPENING is not set.  See also
 					org-latex-default-class) t)
     (:author "AUTHOR" nil (org-koma-letter--get-value org-koma-letter-author) t)
+    (:author-changed-in-buffer-p "AUTHOR" nil nil t)
     (:from-address "FROM_ADDRESS" nil nil newline)
     (:phone-number "PHONE_NUMBER" nil org-koma-letter-phone-number)
     (:email "EMAIL" nil (org-koma-letter--get-value org-koma-letter-email) t)
+    (:email-changed-in-buffer-p "EMAIL" nil nil t)
     (:to-address "TO_ADDRESS" nil nil newline)
     (:place "PLACE" nil org-koma-letter-place)
     (:opening "OPENING" nil org-koma-letter-opening)
@@ -318,9 +320,13 @@ A headline is only used if #+OPENING is not set.  See also
     (:with-after-letter nil "after-letter-order"
     (:with-backaddress nil "backaddress" org-koma-letter-use-backaddress)
+    (:with-backaddress-changed-in-buffer-p nil "backaddress" nil)
     (:with-foldmarks nil "foldmarks" org-koma-letter-use-foldmarks)
+    (:with-foldmarks-changed-in-buffer-p nil "foldmarks" "foldmarks-not-set")
     (:with-phone nil "phone" org-koma-letter-use-phone)
+    (:with-phone-changed-in-buffer-p nil "phone" nil)
     (:with-email nil "email" org-koma-letter-use-email)
+    (:with-email-changed-in-buffer-p nil "email" nil)
     (:with-place nil "place" org-koma-letter-use-place)
     (:with-subject nil "subject" org-koma-letter-subject-format))
   :translate-alist '((export-block . org-koma-letter-export-block)
@@ -540,11 +546,19 @@ holding export options."
    (let ((lco (plist-get info :lco))
 	 (author (plist-get info :author))
+	 (author-set (plist-get info :author-changed-in-buffer-p))
 	 (from-address (org-koma-letter--determine-to-and-from info 'from))
 	 (phone-number (plist-get info :phone-number))
 	 (email (plist-get info :email))
+	 (email-set (plist-get info :email-changed-in-buffer-p))
 	 (signature (plist-get info :signature)))
+      ;; author or email not set in file: may be overridden by lco
+      (unless author-set
+	(when author (format "\\setkomavar{fromname}{%s}\n"
+			     (org-export-data author info))))
+      (unless email-set
+	(when email (format "\\setkomavar{fromemail}{%s}\n" email)))
       ;; Letter Class Option File
       (when lco
 	(let ((lco-files (split-string lco " "))
@@ -553,11 +567,12 @@ holding export options."
 	    (setq lco-def (format "%s\\LoadLetterOption{%s}\n" lco-def lco-file)))
       ;; Define "From" data.
-      (when author (format "\\setkomavar{fromname}{%s}\n"
-			   (org-export-data author info)))
+      (when (and author author-set) (format "\\setkomavar{fromname}{%s}\n"
+					    (org-export-data author info)))
       (when from-address (format "\\setkomavar{fromaddress}{%s}\n" from-address))
-      (when phone-number (format "\\setkomavar{fromphone}{%s}\n" phone-number))
-      (when email (format "\\setkomavar{fromemail}{%s}\n" email))
+      (when phone-number
+	(format "\\setkomavar{fromphone}{%s}\n" phone-number))
+      (when (and email email-set) (format "\\setkomavar{fromemail}{%s}\n" email))
       (when signature (format "\\setkomavar{signature}{%s}\n" signature))))
    ;; Date.
    (format "\\date{%s}\n" (org-export-data (org-export-get-date info) info))
@@ -568,14 +583,24 @@ holding export options."
        (format "\\setkomavar{place}{%s}\n" (if with-place place ""))))
    ;; KOMA options
    (let ((with-backaddress (plist-get info :with-backaddress))
+	 (with-backaddress-set (plist-get info :with-backaddress-changed-in-buffer-p))
 	 (with-foldmarks (plist-get info :with-foldmarks))
+	 (with-foldmarks-set 
+	  (not (string-equal (plist-get info :with-foldmarks-changed-in-buffer-p)
+			     "foldmarks-not-set")))
 	 (with-phone (plist-get info :with-phone))
-	 (with-email (plist-get info :with-email)))
+	 (with-phone-set (plist-get info :with-phone-changed-in-buffer-p))
+	 (with-email (plist-get info :with-email))
+	 (with-email-set (plist-get info :with-email-changed-in-buffer-p)))
-      (format "\\KOMAoption{backaddress}{%s}\n" (if with-backaddress "true" "false"))
-      (format "\\KOMAoption{foldmarks}{%s}\n" (if with-foldmarks with-foldmarks "false"))
-      (format "\\KOMAoption{fromphone}{%s}\n" (if with-phone "true" "false"))
-      (format "\\KOMAoption{fromemail}{%s}\n" (if with-email "true" "false"))))
+      (when with-backaddress-set
+	(format "\\KOMAoption{backaddress}{%s}\n" (if with-backaddress "true" "false")))
+      (when with-foldmarks-set
+	(format "\\KOMAoption{foldmarks}{%s}\n" (if with-foldmarks with-foldmarks "false")))
+      (when with-phone-set
+	(format "\\KOMAoption{fromphone}{%s}\n" (if with-phone "true" "false")))
+      (when with-email-set
+	(format "\\KOMAoption{fromemail}{%s}\n" (if with-email "true" "false")))))
    ;; Document start
    ;; Subject