@@ -25,19 +25,24 @@ endif
check test install info html pdf card doc docs $(INSTSUB) \
autoloads cleanall clean cleancontrib cleanrel clean-install \
cleanelc cleandirs cleanlisp cleandoc cleandocs cleantest \
- compile compile-dirty
+ compile compile-dirty uncompiled
-oldorg: compile autoloads info # what the old makefile did when no target was specified
+oldorg: compile autoloads info # what the old makefile did when no target was specified
+uncompiled: cleanlisp autoloads # for developing
refcard: card
update update2:: up0 all
.PRECIOUS: local.mk
- $(info ==========================================)
- $(info Created a local.mk template.)
- $(info Please adapt local.mk to your local setup!)
- $(info ==========================================)
+ $(info ======================================================)
+ $(info = Invoke "make help" for a synopsis of make targets. =)
+ $(info = Created a default local.mk template. =)
+ $(info = Setting "oldorg" as the default target. =)
+ $(info = Please adapt local.mk to your local setup! =)
+ $(info ======================================================)
-@$(SED) -n \
+ -e '1 i ## Remove the following line to make "all" the default target' \
+ -e '1 i oldorg:' \
-e '/-8<-/,/->8-/ {s/^\(\s*[^#]\)/#\1/;p}' \
-e '$$ i ## See default.mk for further configuration options.' \
default.mk > $@