@@ -0,0 +1,3682 @@
+# -*- mode: org; org-export-publishing-directory: "tmp"; fill-column: 65 -*-
+#+STARTUP: hidestars
+#+TITLE: Archive list of Org-mode user-visible changes
+#+AUTHOR: Carsten Dominik
+#+EMAIL: carsten at orgmode dot org
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:nil
+#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:1 path:org-info.js tdepth:2 ftoc:t
+#+LINK_UP: index.html
+#+LINK_HOME: http://orgmode.org
+* Version 5.23
+** Overview
+ - New keyword search agenda view
+ - Many new extensions available in the CONTRIB directory
+ - New remember template option: pre-selection contexts
+ - Modifying list/headline status of a line
+ - Granularity while editing time stamps
+ - New repeaters mechanisms
+ - New parameters for dynamic blocks ad the clock table
+ - Limiting iCalendar export to fewer entries
+ - =M-RET= splits lines again
+ - New hooks
+** Incompatible changes
+ - The variable `org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes' is now a list
+ of two values - if you have configured this variable before,
+ please do it again.
+** Details
+*** New keyword search agenda view
+ `C-c a s' now invokes a special agenda view that can be used
+ to search notes by keyword and regular expressions. In
+ particular, it does not require a single regular expression
+ or string to search for, but it can search for a number
+ keywords or regexps that can occur in arbitrary sequence in
+ the entry. The search knows the boundaries of an entry, can
+ use simple Boolean logic and is reasonably fast. For
+ example, the search string
+ : +computer +wifi -ethernet -{8\.11[bg]}
+ will search for note entries that contain the keywords
+ =computer= and =wifi=, but not the keyword =ethernet=, and
+ which are also not matched by the regular expression
+ "8\.11[bg]", meaning to exclude both 8.11b and 8.11g. If the
+ first character of the search string is an asterisk, the
+ search will only look at headlines - otherwise it will look
+ at the headine and the text below it, up to the next
+ (possibly sub-) heading.
+ The command searches all agenda files, and in addition the
+ files listed in =org-agenda-text-search-extra-files=.
+ I find it very useful to define a custom command to do such
+ a search only in a limited number of files (my notes files),
+ like this:
+ : ("N" "Search notes" search ""
+ : ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/notes.org" "~/org/computer.org"))
+ : (org-agenda-text-search-extra-files nil)))
+*** Many new extensions available in the CONTRIB directory
+ - Phil Jackson's /org-irc.el/ is now part of the Org-mode
+ core, which means it will become part of Emacs soon.
+ - The new development model already starts to pay off, a
+ number of interesting extensions are now part of the
+ distribution. Check the file CONTRIB/README for a list.
+ - There is a new variable `org-default-extensions'.
+ Configuring this variable makes it *very* easy to load
+ these default extensions - eventually this will be expanded
+ to cover contributed extensions as well.
+*** New remember template option: pre-selection contexts
+ - Remember template definitions now allow six elements. The
+ last element defines the contexts in which the template
+ should be offered. It can be a list of major modes, a
+ function, =t= or =nil=. If it is a list of major-mode, the
+ template will be available only when =org-remember= is
+ called from a buffer in one of these modes. If it is a
+ function, the template will be offered only if the function
+ returns `t' when called in the current buffer. A value of
+ =t= or =nil= for this element means select this template in
+ any context.
+ One possible application for this would be to have several
+ templates all using the same selection letter, and choosing
+ the right one based on context. For example, think of
+ tasks describing a bug in a source code file. With the
+ following configuration we make sure that the bug reports
+ are filed into the appropriate sections of the target file.
+: (setq org-remember-templates
+: '(("Elisp" ?b "* %a\n\n%i%?" "~/bugs.org" "Elisp bugs" (emacs-lisp-mode))
+: ("C Bugs" ?b "* %a\n\n%i%?" "~/bugs.org" "C bugs" (cc-mode))))
+ See (info "(org)Remember templates") for details.
+*** Modifying list/headline status of a line
+ - `C-c -' has now more functions:
+ + In a table, add a hline as before
+ + In an item list, cycle bullet type as before
+ + In a normal line, turn it into an item
+ + In a headline, turn it into an item
+ + If there is an active region, turn each line into an item.
+ But if the first region line is already an item, remove
+ item markers from all lines.
+ Based on proposals by Bastien.
+ - `C-c *' has now more functions
+ + in a table, recompute, as before
+ + in a normal line, convert it to a sub heading.
+ + at an item, convert it into a subheading
+ + if there is an active region, convert all lines in the
+ region to headlines. However, if the first lie already is
+ a heading, remove the stars from all lines int he region.
+ Based on proposals by Bastien.
+*** Changes related to time stamps
+ - The value variable =org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes= is now
+ a list of two values. The first applies when creating a new
+ time stamp. The second applies when modifying a timestamp
+ with S-up/down. The default for this new task is 5 minutes,
+ but 15 may also be a very good value for many people. If
+ S-up/down is used on a time stamp where the minute part is
+ not compatible with this granularity it will be made so.
+ You can bypass this by using a prefix argument to exactly
+ specify the number of minutes to shift.
+ This was a proposal by Adam Spiers.
+ - New repeaters that shift a date relative to today, or that
+ make sure that the next date is in the future. For example:
+ :** TODO Call Father
+ : DEADLINE: <2008-02-10 Sun ++1w>
+ : Marking this DONE will shift the date by at least one week,
+ : but also by as many weeks as it takes to get this date into
+ : the future. However, it stays on a Sunday, even if you called
+ : and marked it done on Saturday.
+ :** TODO Check the batteries in the smoke detectors
+ : DEADLINE: <2005-11-01 Tue .+1m>
+ : Marking this DONE will shift the date to one month after
+ : today.
+ Proposed by Wanrong Lin and Rainer Stengle.
+*** New parameters for dynamic blocks ad the clock table
+ - There is a new =:link= parameter for the clocktable. When
+ set, the headlines listed in the table will be links to the
+ original headlines.
+ - There is a new =:content= parameter that is passed to the
+ writer function of the dynamic block. Use this parameter
+ to pass the previous content of the block to the writer
+ function, in case you want to make the outcome dependent on
+ the previous content.
+*** Limiting iCalendar export to fewer entries
+ - New way to limit iCalendar export to the entries captured in
+ an agenda view. This is done by "writing" the agenda view
+ using `C-x C-w' to a file with extension .ics.
+ This was a request by Kyle Sexton.
+*** Misc
+ - Due to a popular revolt shortly after the 5.22 release,
+ =M-RET= can again be used to split a line so that the rest
+ of the line becomes the new heading. However, if you do
+ this in a heading containing tags, the tags will stay in the
+ old line.
+ Customize the variable =org-M-RET-may-split-line= if you
+ don't want this command to split a line in the middle. The
+ same variable also influences line splitting in items and in
+ tables.
+ - There are three new hooks:
+ =org-follow-link-hook=: runs after following a link
+ =org-publish-before-export-hook=: runs before export
+ =org-publish-after-export-hook=: runs after export
+* Version 5.22
+** Incompatible changes
+ - The variable `org-log-done' is now less complex.
+ - The in-buffer settings for logging have changed. Some
+ options no longer exists, some new ones have been added.
+** Details
+*** Changes to logging progress
+ There is now more control over which state changes are being
+ logged in what way. Please read carefully the corresponding
+ sections in the manual. Basically:
+ - The variable `org-log-done' has been simplified, it no
+ longer influences logging state changes and clocking out.
+ - There is a new variable for triggering note-taking when
+ clocking out an item: `org-log-note-clock-out'.
+ - Logging of state changes now has to be configured on a
+ pre-keyword basis, either in `org-todo-keywords' or in the
+ #+TODO in-buffer setting.
+ - These per-keyword settings allow more control. For example
+ : WAIT(w@) Record a note when entering this state.
+ : WAIT(w!) Record a timestamp when entering this state.
+ : WAIT(w@/!) Recore a note when entering and timestamp
+ : when leaving this state. This is great for
+ : getting a record when switching *back* from
+ : WAIT to TODO.
+ : WAIT(/!) Record a timestamp when leaving this state.
+ : Here we not even define a fast access
+ : character, but just the logging stuff.
+ This was triggered by requests from Wanrong Lin and Bernt Hansen.
+*** Other
+ - M-RET no longer brakes a line in the middle, it will make a
+ new line after the current or (if cursor is at the beginning
+ of the line) before the current line.
+ - RET, when executed in a headline after the main text and
+ before the tags will leave the tags in the current line and
+ create a new line below the current one.
+* Version 5.21
+ Bug fixes, in particular the long-hunted bug about wrong window
+ positions after pressing SPACE in the agenda. Hopefully this
+ is really fixed.
+* Version 5.20
+** Overview
+*** Remember/Refile/Goto
+ - The use of prefix arguments for the commands `org-remember'
+ and `org-refile' has been normalized.
+ - The clock can now safely be used in a remember buffer.
+ - The variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive'
+ introduced only in 5.19 is already obsolete. Please use
+ `org-remember-interactive-interface' instead.
+ - It is no longer necessary to update the refiling targets.
+ - Automatic isearch in `org-goto'.
+ - Outline-path-completion as alternative org-goto interface.
+*** Misc
+ - Checkboxes now work hierarchically.
+ - `C-k' can now behave specially in headlines.
+ - Repeater for tasks in plain timestamps.
+ - All clock intervals of an item show in agenda/timeline.
+ - New parameter =:step= for clocktable, to get daily reports.
+ - Never loose a repeaded scheduled item from the agenda.
+ - Archiving a subtree now stores the outline path in a property.
+ - Links to messages in Apple Mail.
+ - Bug fixes.
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - The variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive'
+ introduced only in 5.19 is already obsolete. Please use
+ `org-remember-interactive-interface' instead.
+** Details
+*** Remember/Refile/Goto
+ - The use of prefix arguments for the commands `org-remember'
+ and `org-refile' has been normalized:
+ + when called without prefix argument, the command does its
+ normal job, starting a remember note or refiling a tree.
+ + when called with a single C-u prefix, these commands can be
+ used to select a target location and to jump there. In
+ the case of `org-remember', you will be prompted for a
+ template and then Emacs jumps to the default target
+ location or this template. In the case of `org-refile',
+ you select a location from the refile target list and jump
+ there.
+ + when called with two prefixes (`C-u C-u'), the command
+ jumps to the location last used for storing a note or a
+ moved tree.
+ - When the clock is running inside an remember buffer, storing
+ the remember buffer with `C-c C-c' will automatically clock
+ out. This was inspired by a request by Rainer Stengle.
+ - The variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive'
+ introduced only in 5.19 is already obsolete. Please use
+ `org-remember-interactive-interface' instead. This new
+ variable does select the interface that is used to select
+ the target for a remember note in an interactive way.
+ Possible values are:
+ + `outline': Use an outline of the document to select a
+ location.
+ + `outline-path-completion': Use completion of an outline
+ path to select a location.
+ + `refile': Offer the `org-refile-targets' as possible
+ targets.
+ - It is no longer necessary to update the refiling targets -
+ they are always current.
+ - In `org-goto', typing characters now automatically starts
+ isearch from the beginning of the buffer. The isearch is
+ special also because it only matches in headline. This
+ goes some way toward saving org-goto from being removed
+ from Org-mode. Thanks to Piotr Zielinski for the code, and
+ sorry that it took me so long to put it in. If you prefer
+ to use single letters n,p,f,b,u,q for navigation as before,
+ configure the variable `org-goto-auto-isearch'.
+ - Outline-path-completion is now available as an alternative
+ interface in the command `org-goto'. Please select the
+ default interface you'd like to use with the new variable
+ `org-goto-interface'. You can then select the alternative
+ interface with a prefix argument to `C-c C-j' (org-goto). I
+ am considering to make outline-path-completion the default
+ interface. Comments?
+*** Misc
+ - Checkboxes now work hierarchically. When a plain-list item
+ with a checkbox has children with checkboxes, the status of
+ the item's checkbox is calculated from the children, each
+ time a checkbox is toggled with C-c C-c. Thanks to Miguel
+ A. Figueroa-Villanueva for a patch to this effect.
+ - There is a new variable `org-special-ctrl-k'. When set,
+ `C-k' will behave specially in headlines:
+ + When the cursor is at the beginning of a headline, kill
+ the entire line and possible the folded subtree below the
+ line.
+ + When in the middle of the headline text, kill the
+ headline up to the tags.
+ + When after the headline text, kill the tags.
+ This is following a proposal by Piotr Zielinski.
+ - You can now also have a plain (as opposed to deadline or
+ scheduled) repeater timestamp in a task. Switching the task
+ to DONE will now also shift a plain time stamp. This was a
+ request by Austin Frank.
+ - If an entry is clocked multiple times, it will now show up
+ several times in the agenda and timeline buffers, when
+ log-mode is on. This was a proposal by Jurgen Defurne.
+ - The clock table accepts a new parameter =:step=. This
+ parameter can be `day' or `week' and will result in separate
+ tables for each day or week in the requested time interval.
+ This was triggered by a proposal by Sacha Chua in her [[http://sachachua.com/wp/2007/12/30/clocking-time-with-emacs-org/][blog]].
+ - A time-stamp with a repeater now no longer refers to the
+ date *closest* to the current day. Instead, it means either
+ today or the most recent match. This change makes sure that
+ overdue scheduled or deadline items never disappear from the
+ agenda. With the previous convention, an overdue scheduled
+ item would disappear. For example, a weekly item scheduled
+ for Sunday would appear as overdue until Wednesday, and the
+ suddenly disappear until next Sunday. Now the item will
+ show up as "Sched 7x" on Saturday. From Sunday on it will
+ be in the list as "Scheduled", i.e. old sins will be
+ forgiven. This follows a request by Warong, Dennis and
+ Bernt.
+ - Archiving a subtree now creates an additional property,
+ =ARCHIVE_OLPATH=. This property contains the "path" in the
+ outline tree to the archived entry, as it was in the
+ original file. For example, archiving =Fix the door= in the
+ following hierarchy
+ : * Tasks
+ : ** HOME
+ : *** Garage
+ : **** Fix the door
+ will file is with the following property
+ : :ARCHIVE_PATH: Task/HOME/Garage
+ Note that you can configure (i.e. limit) the information
+ that gets stored upon archiving with the variable
+ `org-archive-save-context-info'.
+ - New file `org-mac-message.el' by John Wiegley to create
+ links for messages in Apple Mail, and to follow these
+ links.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.19
+** Overview
+ - Column view can list the clocked times of a subtree.
+ - Storing remember notes can use the `org-refile' interface.
+ - Storing remember notes no longer produced empty lines.
+ - Moving subtrees now folds all siblings of the subtree.
+ - New variable `org-agenda-todo-keyword-format'.
+ - Hack to allow brackets in link descriptions.
+ - Clocking into an entry can enforce a specific TODO state.
+ - EXPORT_FILE_NAME may be an absolute file name with "~".
+ - Bug fixes, lots of them.
+** Details
+ - A new special column definition lists the sum of all CLOCK
+ entries in a subtree. For example
+ : #+COLUMNS: %20ITEM %10Time_Estimate{:} %CLOCKSUM
+ will allow you to compare estimated times (as given in the
+ Time_Estimate property) with the clocked times. This was a
+ request by Bernt Hansen.
+ - Storing remember notes can now use the `org-refile'
+ interface instead of the `org-goto' interface (see the
+ variable `org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive').
+ Nothing will change if the note is stored immediately after
+ pressing `C-c C-c' in the =*Remember*= buffer. But if you
+ have chosen (e.g. by pressing `C-u C-c C-c') to
+ interactively select the filing location (file and
+ headline), the refile interface will be used instead. I am
+ excited about this change, because the `org-goto' interface
+ is basically a failure, at least for this application. Note
+ that in any case the refile interface has to be configured
+ first by customizing `org-refile-targets'.
+ - Notes inserted with remember now remove any whitespace
+ before and after the note before being pasted, so that there
+ will be no empty lines inserted together with the note. We
+ could invent special syntax in remember templates to allow
+ creating empty lines before a note - is there anyone who'd
+ want this?
+ - Moving subtrees now folds all siblings of the subtree. This
+ is the only reasonably simple way I could find to avoid the
+ reported inconsistencies in the folding state of the outline
+ tree after moving entries. There are reasons to like this
+ new behavior, because it easily visualizes where the tree is
+ located after the move. Still, not everyone might be happy
+ with this. Massive complaining would be needed to make me
+ fix this.
+ - New variable `org-agenda-todo-keyword-format' to specify the
+ width of the TODO keyword field in the agenda display. Use
+ it to get things to line up better. This was a proposal by
+ Rainer Stengele.
+ - If a link description inserted with `C-c C-l' contains
+ brackets, the brackets will now be converted into curly
+ braces. This looks similar enough. Supporting brackets in
+ link descriptions is, for technical reasons too long to
+ explain here, complex.
+ - The new option `org-clock-in-switch-to-state' can be set to
+ a TODO state that will be enforced when the clock is started
+ on an entry. This follows an idea by Sacha Chua.
+ - The EXPORT_FILE_NAME property may now also be an absolute
+ file name, and it may contain abbreviations like "~" for the
+ users home directory. This was requested by Adam Spiers.
+ - Bug fixes, lots of them.
+* Version 5.18
+ Minor fixes.
+* Version 5.17
+** Details
+*** Whitespace
+ - When cutting, pasting, or moving subtrees and items, the
+ empty lines *before* the subtree/item now belong to the
+ part and will be moved with it. There is one exception to
+ this rule: If the first child is moved down (or,
+ equivalently, the second is moved up), the amount of empty
+ lines *above* the first child to be moved along with it is
+ limited by the number of empty lines *below* it. This
+ sounds complicated, but it allows to have extra empty space
+ before the first child and still have good behavior of the
+ subtree motion commands.
+ - Plain lists items work the same.
+ I believe we have finally nailed this one. Thanks to Daniel
+ Pittman for bring this up again and to Eric Schulte for
+ pointing out that it is the empty lines *before* an entry
+ that really count.
+ This change was non-trivial, please give it a good test and
+ let me know about any problems.
+*** Remember
+ - The new command `org-remember-goto-last-stored' will jump
+ to the location of the remember note stored most recently.
+ If you have `org-remember' on a key like `C-c r', then you
+ can go to the location with a double prefix arg: `C-u C-u
+ C-c r'. This was a proposal by Rainer Stengele.
+ - Template items that are being prompted for can now specify
+ a default value and a completion table. Furthermore,
+ previous inputs at a specific prompt are captured in a
+ history variable. For example:
+ : %^{Author|Roald Dahl|Thomas Mann|Larry Niven}
+ will prompt for an author name. Pressing RET without
+ typing anything will select "Roald Dahl". Completion will
+ give you any of the three names. And a history will be
+ kept, so you can use the arrow keys to get to previous
+ input. The history is tied to the prompt. By using the
+ same prompt in different templates, you can build a history
+ across templates. The ideas for this came from proposals
+ by Bastien and Adam.
+ - When a remember template contains the string `%!', the note
+ will be stored immediately after all template parts have
+ been filled in, so you don't even have to press `C-c
+ C-c'. The was a proposal by Adam Spiers.
+*** Refile
+ - `org-refile-targets' has a new parameter to specify a
+ maximum level for target selection. Thanks to Wanrong Lin
+ for this proposal.
+ - When the new option `org-refile-use-outline-path' is set,
+ refile targets will be presented like a file path to the
+ completion interface: "level 1/level 2/level 3". This
+ may be the fastest interface yet to get to a certain
+ outline entry. Do we need to use this interface in other
+ places? Thanks to Jose Ruiz for this proposal.
+* Version 5.16
+** Details
+*** Restriction lock on agenda scope
+ You can now permanently lock the agenda construction to a
+ certain scope, like a file or a subtree. So instead of
+ pressing "<" for each command in the agenda dispatcher, you
+ only once select a restriction scope. All subsequent agenda
+ commands will than respect this restriction. For example,
+ you can use this at work, to limit agendas to your work file
+ or tree, and at home to limit to the home file or tree. Or
+ you can use it during the day in order to focus in on certain
+ projects.
+ You select a scope with the command `C-c C-x <', which
+ restricts to the current subtree. When called with a `C-u'
+ prefix, the restriction is to the current file. You can also
+ make restrictions from the speedbar frame, see below.
+ When making a new restriction and an agenda window is
+ currently visible, it will immediately be updated to reflect
+ the new scope. If you like you can display an agenda view
+ and then watch it change in various scopes.
+ To get rid of the restriction, use the command "C-c C-x >".
+ Or press ">" in the agenda dispatcher. Also, and use of "<"
+ in the dispatcher will disable the restriction lock and
+ select a new restriction.
+ Thanks to Rick Moynihan for triggering this development.
+*** Imenu and Speedbar support
+ - Org-mode now supports Imenu. For example, with the setting
+ : (add-hook 'org-mode-hook
+ : (lambda () 'imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu"))
+ a menu will be created in each Org-mode buffer that
+ provides access to all level 1 and level 2 headings. The
+ depth of the menu can be set with the variable
+ `org-imenu-depth'.
+ - org-mode now supports Speedbar. This means that you can
+ drill into the first and second level headlines of an
+ Org-mode file right from the speedbar frame.
+ - You can set a restriction lock for the Org-mode agenda to a
+ file or a subtree directly from the speedbar frame. Just
+ press "<" with the cursor on an Org-mode file or subtree to
+ set the lock and immediately update the agenda if it is
+ visible. Use ">" to get rid of the lock again.
+* Version 5.15
+** Details
+ - There are new special properties TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_IA.
+ These can be used to access the first keyword-less active
+ and inactive timestamp in an entry, respectively.
+ - New variable `org-clock-heading-function'. It can be set to
+ a function that creates the string shown in the mode line
+ when a clock is running. Thanks to Tom Weissmann for this
+ idea.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.14
+** Overview
+ + Remember and related stuff
+ - New command `org-refile' to quickly move a note.
+ - Easy way to jump to the target location of remember template.
+ - New %-escapes in remember templates: %c %(...) and %[...]
+ - `org-remember-insinuate' simplifies remember setup
+ + Emphasis and Font-lock stuff
+ - Stacked emphasis is no longer allowed.
+ - You may finally emphasize a single character like ~*a*~.
+ - Font-lock now can hide the emphasis markers
+ - Text in the "=" emphasis is exported verbatim
+ - There is a new emphasis marker "~" for verbatim text
+ - Constructs treated specially by the exporters can be highlighted
+ + Properties and Column view
+ - More control over which properties use inheritance
+ - CATEGORY="work" can now be used in a tags/property search
+ - the {+} summary type can specify a printf-style output format
+ - New currency summary type {$}
+ + The date/time prompt
+ - While entering data, watch live the current interpretation.
+ - The date prompt now prefers to select the future
+ - Easier modification of time in an existing time stamp.
+ + Export
+ - You can now export some special strings in HTML, like "..."
+ - #+EMAIL: may contain several email addresses
+ + Agenda
+ - In the agenda, a few keys have changed: `g', `G', and `e'.
+ + Miscellaneous
+ - Class-dependent sectioning structures in LaTeX export.
+ - Radio-lists modeled after the radio tables.
+ - The default for `org-ellipsis' is back to nil
+ - Support for pabbrev-mode
+ - New variable `org-show-entry-below'.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - If you have customized the variable `org-emphasis-alist' or
+ org-export-emphasis-alist', you need to do it again by first
+ canceling your customization and then adding it again.
+ - I know that some people have defined their own private helper
+ functions to select a specific remember template, without being
+ prompted, like this:
+ : (defun my-remember-template-n ()
+ : (interactive)
+ : (org-remember ?n))
+ You need to modify this. The character selecting the template
+ must now be the /second/ argument to `org-remember':
+ : (defun my-remember-template-n ()
+ : (interactive)
+ : (org-remember nil ?n))
+ - `C-c C-w' now refiles an entry. To get a sparse tree of
+ deadlines, use `C-c / d' instead.
+** Details
+*** Remember and related stuff
+ - New command `org-refile' to quickly move a note to a
+ different place. It is bound to `C-c C-w'. The foremost
+ application might be to put a note or task captured with
+ `remember' into the proper list or project. The command
+ offers a list of possible refiling targets for completion.
+ These are headings under which the entry will be inserted
+ as a subitem. By default, this will offer all top-level
+ headings in the current buffer, but you can configure the
+ variable `org-refile-targets' to get more complex
+ definitions. For example:
+ : (setq org-refile-targets '((nil . (:level . 2))))
+ selects all level 2 headlines in the current buffer as
+ targets. And
+ : (setq org-refile-targets
+ : '((org-agenda-files . (:tag . "refile"))))
+ searches all agenda files and selects headlines that are
+ explicitly marked with the tag :refile: . Note that the
+ list of targets is built upon first use only, to rebuilt
+ it, call the command `C-c C-w' with a double prefix
+ argument.
+ This is based on an idea and example implementation by Max
+ Mikhanosha. Many thanks Max.
+ - You can now use a C-u prefix on `org-remember' to jump to
+ the location where a specific templates stores its notes.
+ For example, if you have `org-remember' bound to `C-c r',
+ then `C-u C-c r n' will get you to the file and headline
+ given in the template associated with the letter "n".
+ This was proposed by someone, but I have lost track who.
+ Sorry, and thanks anyway.
+ - New %-escapes in remember templates:
+ : %c insert the current clipboard, like C-y would do
+ : %(..) evaluate Lisp expression and insert the result
+ : %[..] include file
+ Thanks to Adam Spiers and Tim O'Callaghan.
+ - New function `org-remember-insinuate' that makes is easier
+ to set Org-mode specific values for remember variables.
+ Thanks to Michael Olson for this proposal. It is
+ equivalent to:
+ : (require 'remember)
+ : (setq remember-annotation-functions '(org-remember-annotation))
+ : (setq remember-handler-functions '(org-remember-handler))
+ : (add-hook 'remember-mode-hook 'org-remember-apply-template))
+ You might still want to set `org-default-notes-file' to
+ provide a default for templates without a file, and
+ `org-directory' to show where to find other org files.
+*** Emphasis and Font-lock stuff
+ - Stacked emphasis like ~*/bold italic/*~ is no longer allowed.
+ - You may finally emphasize a single character like ~*a*~.
+ - Font-lock now can hide the emphasis markers, just like Muse
+ does. Configure the variable `org-hide-emphasis-markers'
+ if you want this. Showing the characters continues to be
+ the default in Org-mode.
+ - Text in the "=" emphasis is now exported verbatim, i.e. no
+ further parsing and interpretation of this text takes place. So
+ you can write ~=quoted *xxx* a_x = b=~. This and the following
+ point implement a request by Daniel Clemente.
+ - There is a new emphasis marker "~" which marks text to be
+ exported verbatim, without special formatting. Inside an
+ org-mode file, this text is highlighted with the org-verbatim
+ face. I am not happy with the face yet (currently is is like
+ org-code, but underlined), please suggest a better one.
+ - Whether an emphasis environment is verbatim or not is now an
+ extra flag in the variable `org-emphasis-alist'. If you have
+ configured this variable, do it again by first canceling your
+ customization to revert to the default, and then adding it
+ again.
+ - New variable `org-highlight-latex-fragments-and-specials'.
+ When turned on, Org-mode will highlight all strings that
+ are treated in a special way by the exporters. This is
+ great for export-oriented writing, but maybe a bit noisy
+ for note taking, so this feature is off by default.
+*** Properties and Column view
+ - `org-use-property-inheritance' may now also be a list of
+ property names that should be treated with inheritance
+ during searches.
+ - CATEGORY="work" can now be used in a tags/property search,
+ even if the category is not specified as a property in the
+ entry, but rather is inherited or derived from #+CATEGORY.
+ Thanks to Adam, Tim, and Bastien for an interesting
+ discussion around this issue.
+ - Summary type improvements in column view.
+ * The {+} summary type can specify a printf-style output
+ format for computed values like this: {+;%5.2f}
+ This was triggered by a report by Levin.
+ * New currency summary type {$}, which so far is just a
+ shorthand for {+;%.2f}. Do we need to have a currency
+ symbol in front of each value. Scott Jaderholm asked for
+ this, but I am not sure if this is already what he meant.
+*** The date/time prompt
+ There have been several small but *very* useful additions to
+ the date prompt.
+ - While entering data at the date prompt, the current
+ interpretation of your input is shown next to your input in
+ the minibuffer. I find this great to understand how the
+ input works. If you find the extra stuff in the minibuffer
+ annoying, turn it off with `org-read-date-display-live'.
+ - The date prompt now prefers to select the future. If you
+ enter a date without a month, and the day number is before
+ today (for example, on the 16th of the month you enter
+ "9"), Org-mode will assume next month. Similarly, if you
+ enter a month and no year, next year will be assumed if the
+ entered month is before the current, for example if you
+ enter "May" in September. Thanks to John Rakestraw for
+ this great suggestion. If you find it confusing, turn it
+ off with `org-read-date-prefer-future'.
+ - When modifying an existing date using `C-c .' at the stamp,
+ the time or time range in the stamp are now offered as
+ default input at the prompt. This goes a long way to
+ simplifying the modification of an existing date. Thanks
+ to Adam Spiers for this proposal.
+*** Export (all implemented by Bastien...)
+ - You can now export special strings in HTML. Here is the
+ list of newly performed conversions:
+ | Org | Description | HTML |
+ |-----+------------------------------------+----------|
+ | ~\\-~ | double backslash followed by minus | ­ |
+ | ~--~ | two dashes (minuses) | – |
+ | ~---~ | three dashes (minuses) | — |
+ | ~...~ | three dots | … |
+ You can turn this globally on or off with
+ `org-export-with-special-strings' or locally with "-:t" or
+ "-:nil" in the #+OPTIONS line. Thanks to Adam Spiers for
+ starting the discussion, and thanks to Daniel Clemente and
+ William Henney for relevant inputs.
+ - Comma-separated emails in #+EMAIL: are correctly exported.
+ Thanks to Raman for pointing out this omission.
+*** Agenda
+ - In the agenda, a few keys have changed
+ : g does now the same a "r", refresh current display,
+ : because "g" is the Emacs standard for "refresh"
+ : G toggle the time grid, used to be "g"
+ : e Execute another agenda command, pretty much the same as
+ : `C-c a', but shorter and keep the same agenda window.
+*** Miscellaneous (much of it from Bastien)
+ - You can now select the sectioning structure of your LaTeX
+ export by setting it either globally
+ (`org-export-latex-default-class') or locally in each Org
+ file (with #+LaTeX_CLASS: myclass). You can also customize
+ the list of available classes and their sectioning
+ structures through the new `org-export-latex-classes'
+ option. Thanks to Daniel for discussions and suggestion on
+ this issue.
+ - You can send and receive radio lists in HTML,
+ LaTeX or TeXInfo, just as you send and receive radio
+ tables. Check the documentation for details and examples.
+ - The default for `org-ellipsis' is back to nil, some people
+ seem to have had problems with the face as a default.
+ - Support for pabbrev-mode, needs pabbrev version 1.1. Thanks
+ to Phillip Lord for adapting his package to make this
+ possible.
+ - New variable `org-show-entry-below' to force context-showing
+ commands to expose the body of a headline that is being
+ shown. Thanks to Harald Weis for pointing out this omission.
+* Version 5.13i
+** Details
+ - On the date/time prompt, you can now also answer with
+ something like +2tue to pick the second tuesday from today.
+ This was a proposal by Sacha Chua.
+ - When interpopating into Lisp formulas in the spreadsheet,
+ the values of constants and properties are no longer
+ enclosed into parenthesis. When interpolating for calc,
+ this still happens in order to allow expressions in
+ constants. This problem was reported by Eddward DeVilla.
+ - When a directory is listed in `org-agenda-files', all files
+ with extension matched by the new variable
+ `org-agenda-file-regexp' in that directory will be agenda
+ files.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.13
+** Overview
+ - Bug fixes and improvements in column view
+ + All known bugs fixed.
+ + A Column view can be captured into a dynamic block.
+ + The ITEM column is formatted core compactly.
+ + Also ITEM can be edited with `e'
+ - The agenda dispatcher
+ + `<' cycles through restriction states.
+ + Multi-character access codes to commands (= sub-keymaps).
+ - Sorting improvements
+ + User-defined sorting keys.
+ + Sorting by properties.
+ + Sorting of plain lists.
+ - HTML <div> structure
+ - Other stuff
+ + New variables, several of them.
+ + Drawers can be set on a per-file basis.
+ + Better control over priority fontification in agenda.
+ + M-up and M-down now move the current line up and down.
+ + Abort remember template selection with C-g.
+** Details
+*** Bug fixes and improvements in column view
+ - All the bugs described by Scott Jaderholm have been fixed
+ (at least I hope so...).
+ - You can now capture a column view into a dynamic block, for
+ exporting or printing it. The column view can be
+ + global, i.e. for the entire file
+ + local, i.e. for the subtree where the dynamic block is
+ + from an entry with a specific :ID: property.
+ You can identify the entry whose column view you want to
+ capture by assigning an :ID: property, and use that property
+ in the dynamic block definition. For example:
+ : * Planning
+ : :ID: planning-overview
+ : :END:
+ :
+ : [...]
+ :
+ : * The column view
+ : #+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id "planning-overview"
+ :
+ : #+END:
+ Use `C-c C-x r' to insert such a dynamic block, and you will
+ be prompted for the ID.
+ - When the current column format displays TODO keyword,
+ priority or tags, these parts are stripped from the content
+ of the ITEM column, making for more compact and readable
+ entries. When any of these "properties" are not listed in
+ the current column format, they are instead retained in the
+ ITEM column.
+ - You can now also edit the ITEM column with `e'.
+*** The agenda dispatcher
+ - Instead of pressing `1' to restrict an agenda command to
+ the current buffer, or `0' to restrict it to the current
+ subtree or region, you can now also press `<' once or
+ twice, respectively. This frees up `1' and `0' for user
+ commands, a request by Bastien. In fact, "<" cycles
+ through different restriction states. "1" and "0" are
+ still available for backward compatibility, until you bind
+ them to custom commands.
+ - The access code to custom agenda commands can now contain
+ several characters, effectively allowing to bundle several
+ similar commands into a sub-keymap. This follows an
+ excellent proposal by Adam Spiers. For example:
+ : (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
+ : '(("h" . "HOME + Name tag searches") ; describe prefix "h"
+ : ("hl" tags "+HOME+Lisa")
+ : ("hp" tags "+HOME+Peter")
+ : ("hk" tags "+HOME+Kim")))
+ - The user function option in org-agenda-custom-commands may
+ now also be a lambda expression, following a request by
+ Adam Spiers.
+*** Sorting improvements
+ We are using a new routine for sorting entries, courtesy of
+ John Wiegley. Many thanks to John.
+ - You can define your own function to extract a sorting key
+ and in this way sort entries by anything you like.
+ - Entries can now be sorted according to the value of a
+ property.
+ - Plain lists can be sorted.
+*** HTML <div> structure
+ There is now a <div>-based structure in exported HTML.
+ - The table of context is wrapped into a div with a class
+ "table-of-contents".
+ - The outline structure is embedded in <div> elements with
+ classes "outline-1", "outline-2" etc.
+ - The postamble, containing the author information and the
+ date is wrapped into a div with class "postamble".
+ I am not sure if the class names are the best choice, let me
+ know if there are more "canonical" choices.
+ Thanks to Mike Newman and Cezar for input, and in particular
+ to Mike for his clearly formulated specification.
+*** Other stuff
+ - New variable `org-agenda-window-frame-fractions' to
+ customize the size limits of the agenda window in the case
+ that you display the agenda window by reorganizing the
+ frame.
+ - Drawers can be set on a per-file basis using
+ This will define the drawers :HIDDEN: and :STATE:.
+ The :PROPERTY: drawer should always be part of this list, or
+ your properties will not be folded away.
+ Thanks to Richard G. Riley for this proposal.
+ - `org-agenda-fontify-priorities' may now also be an
+ association list of priorities and faces, to specify the
+ faces of priorities in the agenda individually.
+ - The variable `org-export-with-property-drawer' no longer
+ exists, please use `org-export-with-drawers' instead. Also,
+ the corresponding switch in the #+OPTIONS line has changed
+ from "p" to "d". Thanks to Bastien for pointing out that we
+ needed to handle not only the property drawer.
+ - M-up and M-down now move the current line up and down (if
+ not at a headline, item or table). Among other things you
+ can use this to re-order properties in the drawer. This was
+ a proposal by Bastien.
+ - New variable `org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date', based on a
+ request by Wanrong Lin.
+ - Aborting remember template selection with C-g now kills the
+ remember buffer and restores the old window configuration.
+ This was a request by Nuutti Kotivuori.
+* Version 5.12
+** Overview
+ - Remember templates can now have name.
+ - `C-c C-k' will abort taking a note (remember of log)
+ - `C-c C-x C-w' and `C-c C-x M-w' now accept a prefix arg.
+ - Lines in the agenda can be fontified according to priority.
+ - New variable `org-scheduled-past-days'.
+ - New variables `org-agenda-deadline-leaders' and
+ `org-agenda-scheduled-leaders'.
+ - New sparse tree function `org-sparse-tree'.
+ - The variable `org-ellipsis' now defaults to `org-link'.
+ - The #+OPTIONS line has a new option "tags".
+ - New variable `org-use-property-inheritance'.
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - `C-c /' now calls `org-sparse-tree'.
+** Details
+ - Remember templates can now have a template name as the first
+ element. The name will be listed along with the selection
+ character when prompting for a template. It is best to have
+ the name start with the selection character, for example if
+ you use ("Note" "n"), you will be prompted like "[n]ote".
+ Thanks to Matiyam for this proposal.
+ - `C-c C-k' will abort taking a note. You can use this in remember
+ buffers and when taking a logging note (e.g. for a state
+ change). Thanks to Bastien.
+ - `C-c C-x C-w' and `C-c C-x M-w' now accept a prefix arg to
+ cut N sequential subtrees. This was a proposal by John.
+ - Lines in the agenda are now bold if they have priority A and
+ italic if they have priority C. You can turn this off using
+ the variable `org-agenda-fontify-priorities'. Thanks to
+ John Wiegley for the idea and code.
+ - New variable `org-scheduled-past-days' to set the number a
+ scheduled item will be listed after its date has passed.
+ Default is 10000, i.e. indefinitely.
+ - New variables `org-agenda-deadline-leaders' and
+ `org-agenda-scheduled-leaders' to adjust the leading text o
+ scheduled items and deadline in the agenda. Thanks to John
+ Wiegley for a patch.
+ - New sparse tree function `org-sparse-tree'. This is now the
+ default binding for `C-c /'. It requires one additional
+ keypress to select a command, but in return is provides a
+ single interface to all the different sparse tree commands,
+ with full completion support.
+ - The variable `org-ellipsis' now defaults to the face
+ `org-link' because the visibility of the dots is really bad
+ and I have found this change very useful indeed.
+ - The #+OPTIONS line has a new option "tags" which can be used
+ to set `org-export-with-tags'. Thanks to Wanrong Lin for
+ this proposal.
+ - New variable `org-use-property-inheritance'. Configure it
+ to `t' if you want that searching for entries with certain
+ properties always should assume inheritance. This is not
+ well tested yet, please check it out.
+ - Bug fixes
+* Version 5.11
+** Overview
+ - SUMMARY, DESCRIPTION, LOCATION properties for iCalendar
+ - Command to jump to the running clock
+ - Clock entries can now have their own drawer
+ - `C-c C-x C-r' only updates a clocktable at point
+ - New way to assign a remember template to a single key
+ - `C-n' and `C-p' are back to their default binding
+ - `C-x C-s' in agenda buffer saves all org-mode buffers
+ - Schedule/deadline leaves note in agenda buffer
+ - Prefix argument for `C-c C-d/s' will remove date
+ - New variable to make block aranda more compact
+ - Better tag alignment in agenda
+** Incompatible changes
+ - If you have customized `org-drawers', you need to add
+ "CLOCK" to the list of drawers.
+ - The variable `org-agenda-align-tags-to-column' has been
+ renamed to `org-agenda-tags-column'. The old name is still
+ an alias, in Emacs 22 and in XEmacs, but not in Emacs 21.
+ - The default value for both `org-tags-column' and
+ `org-agenda-tags-column' is now -80.
+ - The variable
+ `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-before-properties-drawer'
+ is now obsolete.
+** Details
+ - The LOGGING property allows to modify the settings for
+ progress logging for a single entry. For example:
+ : :LOGGING: nologging nologrepeat
+ : :END:
+ turns off all progress logging for the current entry and its
+ children.
+ - The properties SUMMARY, DESCRIPTION and LOCATION have
+ special meaning during iCalendar export, when they translate
+ to the corresponding VEVENT and VTODO fields. If not given,
+ Org-ode continues to use cleaned-up version of the headline
+ and body as the summary and the description, respectively.
+ - New function to go to the entry with the currently running
+ clock. Bound to `C-c C-x C-j', in agenda also to "J". If
+ you use this often, you might even want to assign a global
+ key. Thanks to Bernt and Bastien.
+ - Clock entries can now have their own drawer, the :CLOCK:
+ drawer. Check out the variable `org-clock-into-drawer' for
+ configuration of this feature. The default is to create a
+ drawer when the second clocking line gets added to an entry.
+ Note that "CLOCK" has been added to the default value of
+ `org-drawers', but if you have configured that variable, you
+ must go back and add "CLOCK" yourself to get this drawer
+ folded away. Thanks to Tom Weissman for pointing out that
+ too many clock entries are visually annoying.
+ - `C-c C-x C-r' no longer tries to find the first clocktable
+ in a buffer and then updates it. Instead, it will update
+ the clocktable at point if there is one (same as C-c C-c
+ will do if the cursor is in the "#+BEGIN" line of the
+ table). If there is none at point, a new one will be
+ inserted. This change was necessary because the new :scope
+ parameter allows to have several clocktables in a buffer.
+ Thanks to Bastien for pointing this out.
+ To update all dynamic blocks in a file, use `C-u C-c C-x C-u'.
+ - The function `org-remember' can now be called with a
+ template selection key as argument. This helps to make key
+ bindings that go directly to a specific template without
+ being prompted for a template, like this:
+ : (global-set-key [f5] (lambda () (interactive) (org-remember "j")))
+ Thanks to Richard G Riley for bringing this up.
+ - `C-n' and `C-p' are back to their default binding
+ (next/previous line) in the agenda buffer. Enough people,
+ including recently Denis Bueno, have complained about this,
+ and I agree it is not good to break habits like that.
+ - `C-x C-s' in an agenda buffer now saves all org-mode buffers
+ (also `s' does this).
+ - Setting schedule or deadline dates from the agenda now
+ produces a note in the agenda, similarly to what happens
+ with S-left/right.
+ - Using a prefix argument for `C-c C-d' or `C-c C-s' will
+ remove the deadline or scheduling date from an item. Thanks
+ to Wanrong Lin for this proposal.
+ - New variable `org-agenda-compact-blocks'. When set, the
+ space between blocks in a block agenda is reduced as much as
+ possible, to show more items on a single screen.
+ - The variable `org-agenda-tags-column' (renamed from
+ `org-agenda-align-tags-to-column') can now also be negative,
+ to mean alignment to the left. The new default is -80, just
+ like it is now for `org-tags-column'.
+ - Bug fixes
+* Version 5.10
+** Overview
+ - Category and the archive location can be properties.
+ - The clocktable has a new =:scope= parameter.
+ - CSV support when importing a table.
+ - Better defaults when modifying a time stamp.
+ - New way to specify the duration of an appointment.
+ - More aggressive version of orgstruct-mode improved wrapping.
+ - Modifications to priority cycling.
+ - Modifications to computations in column view.
+ - New command `org-occur-in-agenda-files'.
+ - Bug fixes.
+** Details
+ - Both the category and the archive location in a (sub)tree of
+ the buffer can now be specified using a property, for
+ example:
+ : * Tree with special properties
+ : :CATEGORY: Examples
+ : :ARCHIVE: /some/special/file::
+ : :END:
+ This is a much cleaner way of dealing with multiple
+ categories and archives in a single file. The preferred use
+ of the =#+CATEGORY= and =#+ARCHIVE= lines is now to set a
+ *single* default for the file which is then locally
+ overruled by properties. This was a proposal from Bastien
+ if I remember correctly. Multiple =#+= lines still work
+ and I don't plan to remove this support soon, but I
+ encourage you to stop using them.
+ - The clocktable has a new =:scope= parameter that determines
+ the range in the file from which clock entries should be
+ taken. This can be anything from the local subtree to the
+ entire buffer to even the full list of agenda files. Legal
+ values are:
+ | value | scope |
+ |---------+-------------------------------------------------|
+ | nil | the current buffer or narrowed region |
+ | file | the full current buffer |
+ | subtree | the subtree where the clocktable is located |
+ | treeN | the surrounding level N tree, for example tree3 |
+ | tree | the surrounding level 1 tree |
+ | agenda | all agenda files |
+ Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer and Bernt Hansen for
+ inspiration. Thanks to cranreuch (what is you full name?)
+ for mentioning, at the right moment, that the clocktable is
+ not so bad - that remark made it seem worthwhile to add
+ features.
+ - The commands to import a table and to convert a region to a
+ table can now handle comma-separated values (CSV). The
+ algorithm does not yet treat quoting correctly, but for
+ basic input it works.
+ - When modifying an existing time stamp, or when entering the
+ second stamp of a range, the date prompt will now
+ consistently default to the date/time in the existing stamp.
+ This was triggered by Nuutti Kotivuori's request.
+ - At the date/time prompt, there is a new way to specify a
+ range of hours, by using "+DURATION" after the time. For
+ example:
+ : 14:00+2 means 14:00-16:00
+ : 2pm+2:30 means 14:00-16:30
+ Again, Nuutti Kotivuori's request.
+ - When you use the function `turn-on-orgstruct++' to turn on
+ orgstruct-mode, the special org-mode settings for
+ auto-filling, indentation and paragraphs are exported into
+ the buffer, so that typing list items with indentation works
+ better. This was Bastien's idea and request.
+ - New variable `org-priority-start-cycle-with-default'. When
+ t (the default), priority cycling will initially set the
+ default priority and then increase or decrease. When nil,
+ the first priority set by cycling is already 1 different
+ from the default priority. This was mostly driven by
+ Bastien.
+ - In column view: When an entry has a property for a summary
+ column defined, its value is normally overwritten by the sum
+ of all the children's values each time you enter column
+ view. Now there is an exception to this rule: If none of
+ the children has that particular property defined, the
+ parent's value stays. In this way you can still place TODO
+ items under such an entry without getting the property value
+ changed. Thanks to Russel Adams for pointing out that this
+ is a better way of doing things.
+ - In column view, computed values are now bold face, and
+ trying to edit them is an error. I think this works, but
+ testing is appreciated.
+ - New command `org-occur-in-agenda-files', this is basically
+ the quick command John Wiegley proposed the other day, but
+ it also works when the agenda files are not yet in buffers.
+ The key is `C-c C-x /', any better proposals?
+ - Links containing a space will now be handled correctly when
+ calling the browser. Note that you need to enclose such
+ links in square or angular brackets.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.09
+** Overview
+ - Taking a note upon TODO state changes can be restricted to
+ selected states.
+ - The format in which dates are shown in the daily/weekly
+ agenda can be configured.
+ - The default for `org-remember-store-without-prompt' is now t.
+ - `org-goto' has been made into a general lookup command.
+ - Priority cycling goes back to the nil state.
+ - You can store a remember note to the *last used* location.
+ - On Emacs 23, the headline faces for org-mode are now
+ inherited from the outline faces.
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - The default for `org-remember-store-without-prompt' is now
+ t, in order to better match the original intent of
+ remember.el (storing a note with minimum interruption of
+ work flow). I expect that many people will be hit by this
+ incompatible change - nevertheless I believe it is the right
+ thing to do.
+** Details
+ - You can now select specific states for recording a note when
+ switching to that state. With the setting
+ : #+STARTUP: lognotestate
+ only the states ORDERED and INVOICE will record a timestamp
+ and a note.
+ - You can now set the format of the string for each day in the
+ agenda and timeline buffers. You can use a format string
+ interpreted by `format-time-string', or you can write your
+ own function. Configure the new variable
+ `org-agenda-format-date'. Thanks to Levin for triggering
+ this development with a patch.
+ - The default for `org-remember-store-without-prompt' is now
+ t, in order to better match the original intent of
+ remember.el (storing a note with minimum interruption of
+ work flow). Since we can assign files and headlines to
+ templates, I guess this takes care of selecting a filing
+ location in most cases. For interactive filing, you now
+ need a prefix command when exiting `remember'.
+ - `org-goto' (bound to `C-c C-j') now uses an indirect buffer
+ and has additional commands enabled: Org-occur with `C-c /'
+ or even faster with `/', and the commands needed to select
+ and copy a region. This make `org-goto' a more general
+ lookup command instead of only a jumping command. Remember
+ that you can exit with `Q' to go back to the original
+ location. Thanks to William Henney for this idea.
+ - Setting the priority with S-up/down now cycles back to a
+ state where no priority is specified. This was requested by
+ Rick Moynihan.
+ - You can store a remember note to the *last used* location.
+ So if you select a location interactively once, you can
+ re-use it without having to find it again. For this, exit
+ the remember buffer with `C-u C-u C-c C-c'. The leading
+ comment in the remember buffer will tell exactly where the
+ note goes if you exit with a particular command.
+ Thanks to Maxim Loginov for this idea.
+ - On Emacs 23, the headline faces for org-mode are now
+ inherited from the outline faces. This is just a
+ convenience, so that you only have to configure one set of
+ faces, and that will then be outline-1 .. outline-8. You
+ will actually not see any difference in org-mode, because
+ Stefan Monnier has made the outline faces in Emacs 23 to
+ match the current org-mode faces.
+ This change does not effect XEmacs, nor Emacs 21 and 22.
+* Version 5.08
+** Incompatible changes
+ - The default for `org-deadline-warning-days' is now 14.
+** Details
+ - There is now a separate interface for fast and directly
+ setting a TODO keyword. This interface kicks in when you
+ have configured keys for TODO keywords like
+ C-c C-t still does the cycling thing, you need to use a
+ prefix argument to get to the fast interface. Or configure
+ the variable `org-use-fast-todo-selection' to t, then this
+ will be the default and the prefix argument will make the
+ command fall back to cycling.
+ The tag selection no longer does include TODO keywords -
+ Leo's arguments have convinced me that this is not a good
+ idea. If you'd like to see the TODO keywords in the tags
+ interface anyway, set the variable
+ `org-fast-tag-selection-include-todo'. Thanks to Leo and
+ others for input on this issue.
+ - New variable `org-edit-timestamp-down-means-later'. When
+ set, `S-down' on a timestamp will change the timestamp to
+ later. Thanks to Raman for this idea.
+ - Property names can now contain non-ascii word characters.
+ This follows a request from Daniel Clemente.
+ - For export, the date that should be given in the exported
+ file can now be set to a specific value with a line like
+ : #+DATE: 15 November 2003
+ If you want to use the date/time when the file was created,
+ use a format string that will be interpreted by
+ `format-time-string', for example:
+ : #+DATE: %Y/%m/%d %X
+ - The default of `org-deadline-warning-days' has changed to 14
+ days. 30 was really too much, I suspect most people (me
+ included) have changed this.
+ - When a deadline has an individual lead time, this lead time
+ obviously overrules `org-deadline-warning-days'. However,
+ if you bind `org-deadline-warning-days' to a number <=0, for
+ example during a custom agenda command, then the absolute
+ value of this number will be enforced also when a different
+ lead time has been specified. This is useful to get a list
+ of all deadlines coming up in the next N days.
+* Version 5.07
+** Overview
+ - Different faces for different TODO keywords.
+ - Setting TODO states through the TAG setting interface.
+ - Context information is stored when moving a tree to the archive.
+ - Sorting can be done by priority.
+ - `Org-ellipsis' can now also be a face.
+ - Scheduling info is no longer removed entry is marked CLOSED.
+ - Unavailable files in `org-agenda-files' can be skipped.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - The time of archiving is now stored as a property.
+ ARCHIVED is no longer a special time keyword.
+ - Scheduling info is no longer removed entry is marked CLOSED.
+** Details
+ - You can now define different faces for different TODO
+ keywords. This request has come up frequently, so here it
+ is: Use the variable `org-todo-keyword-faces'.
+ A Here is a configuration example:
+ : (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
+ : '(("TODO" . org-warning)
+ : ("DEFERRED" . shadow)
+ : ("CANCELED" . (:foreground "blue" :weight bold
+ : :underline t))))
+ Org-mode continue still use `org-todo' and `org-done' for
+ keywords that have no specific face assigned.
+ - Some People use TODO states more like tags. For them the
+ TODO keywords mark special states and they like to quickly
+ switch between states in arbitrary sequence. The standard
+ TODO interface is not perfect for this, because it assumes
+ that the states are reached in sequence. However, the fast
+ tag setting interface is in fact perfect for this. You can
+ now "misuse" the TAG selection interface to also set TODO
+ states. All you need to do is to assign keys to the TODO
+ states, just like you also do for tags.
+ : #+TAGS: @HOME(h) @OFFICE(o) @SHOP(s)
+ Next time you try to set tags with C-c C-c, the todo states
+ will be offered as well, and the corresponding key will
+ switch the entry to that state.
+ - New variable `org-archive-save-context-info' governs if
+ information that would be lost by moving a subtree to the
+ archive file, should be stored as special properties. For
+ example,
+ : (setq org-archive-save-context-info '(itags category))
+ will store the inherited tags and the category in properties
+ default setting for this variable is to save everything that
+ could be lost. This was a proposal by John Wiegley.
+ - Sorting (`C-c ^') can use the use the priority to sort. Use
+ the "p" and "P" keys at the prompt. John Wiegley, again.
+ - `Org-ellipsis' can now also be a face to make the folding
+ ellipsis more visible. This is based on a post by Tassilo
+ Horn. Since `org-ellipsis' only works in Org-mode, you
+ might want to use Tassilo Horn's hack directly in order to
+ affect the folding ellipsis globally.
+ - Scheduling info is no longer removed when an entry is marked
+ CLOSED. This was a request by Brian van den Broek. Let me
+ know if this breaks anything for you - then it will become
+ an option.
+ - New option `org-agenda-skip-unavailable-files'. Currently,
+ if a file does not exist, it will be removed from
+ `org-agenda-files' after a query. When this option is set,
+ the file will simply be skipped.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.06
+** Overview
+** Details
+ - When exporting only a region and this region is a single
+ (sub)tree (for example selected with `C-c @'), the title for
+ the exported document is taken to be the heading of the
+ subtree. The sublevels become top-level entries in the
+ export. Furthermore, if the head entry of the tree has or
+ inherits an EXPORT_FILE_NAME property, that file name (with
+ appropriately substituted extension) will be used for the
+ exported tree. Thanks to Patrick Drechsler and Jost Burkart
+ for these ideas.
+ - org-special-ctrl-a/e has a third allowed value, `reversed'.
+ When it is set to this value, the first C-a or C-e command
+ behaves normally, i.e. it goes to the true beginning or end
+ of the line. Only when you press C-a or C-e immediately
+ again, the the "special" position will be found. Additional
+ presses of the same key jump between the two positions. I
+ like this a lot better than the `t' setting, because now the
+ keys behave more predictable and still give easy access to
+ the special locations.
+ - New command to set or remove a tag from all headlines in a
+ region.
+ - When Org-mode visits a file, it will initially hide all
+ drawers.
+ - The default of the variable `org-cycle-global-at-bob' is now
+ nil, meaning that TAB no longer does global visibility
+ cycling at the beginning of the buffer.
+ - Bug fixes, in particular the problems with scheduling and
+ deadlines introduced in 5.05. Please check carefully if
+ this works correctly again, and complain if not.
+* Version 5.05
+** Overview
+ - LaTeX export, finally, thanks to Bastien.
+ - Extension mechanism for the hyperlink system.
+ - Global access to commands inserting and following links.
+ - Individual lead-times for deadlines.
+ - Option to show only the next instance of repeating timestamp.
+ - Store remember notes with only 2 keys: C-c C-c
+ - Appointment reminders from Org-mode.
+ - Global values for selected properties.
+ - Bug fixes.
+** Details
+ - Bastien's `org-export-latex.el' is now part of the org-mode
+ distribution. You can export an Org-mode document to a
+ LaTeX file with `C-c C-e l'. For more options, see the
+ manual, and the commentary in the Lisp file. Kudos to
+ Bastien for contributing this frequently requested feature.
+ I am sure this has been tough because of the many different
+ ways I have been allowing LaTeX snippets and environments to
+ be incorporated in lazy free-format ways.
+ - Org-mode has now an extension mechanism for the hyperlink
+ system. This should clear the road for all those mairix and
+ other ideas that have been floating around. Now it is on
+ *you* to write and share new link types for Org-mode. The
+ interface for adding a new link type is described in the
+ appendix of the manual, section A2. The unsolved problem is
+ currently how to handle the new link types for
+ export/publishing.
+ - New *global* commands `org-open-at-point-global' and
+ `org-insert-link-global'. You can bind these commands to
+ global keys and use them to insert and follow Org-mode-like
+ links anywhere in Emacs. Thanks to Adam Spiers for this
+ excellent idea.
+ - Each deadline timestamp may now specify its own interval of
+ lead-time display, given in days, weeks, months or years.
+ The syntax is like this
+ : DEADLINE: <2007-08-13 Mon -5d>
+ When combined with a repeater, the repeater has to come
+ first:
+ : DEADLINE: <2007-08-13 Mon +2w -5d>
+ You may now also customize the faces that are used in the
+ agenda to indicate the distance of an approaching deadline.
+ See the new option `org-agenda-deadline-faces'.
+ Thanks to Pavel Chalmoviansky and John Wiegley proposals in
+ this direction.
+ - New option `org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all'. When
+ set to nil, repeating time stamps will only show up once in
+ the agenda, either today or in the near future. Other
+ matches will be ignored. Thanks to John Wiegley for this
+ proposal.
+ - New variable `org-remember-store-without-prompt'. When set,
+ exiting the remember buffer with C-c C-c will store the note
+ without further prompts to the default location, and `C-u
+ C-c C-c' will get the prompts for file and location. So
+ this variable reverses the prefix-argument functionality for
+ storing remember notes. This follows a request from John
+ Wiegley.
+ - A new function `org-agenda-to-appt' activates all
+ appointments for the current day so that Emacs will display
+ reminders. This uses appt.el. Thanks to Bastien for this
+ function.
+ - You can now set default values for properties that can be
+ inherited by all entries in a buffer, or by all entries
+ globally. Global properties are set in the variable
+ `org-global-properties', like this:
+ (setq org-global-properties '(("NAME" "This is the value")))
+ Buffer-local values are set like this:
+ #+PROPERTY: NAME This is the value
+ When using org-entry-get to get the value of a property with
+ the `inherit' flag and the hierarchy above the entry does
+ not contain this property, the buffer-local and global lists
+ are checked as well. This is mostly useful (I think) to set
+ the list of allowed values for a property. Thanks to Bernt
+ Hansen and Bastien for these ideas.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.04
+** Details
+ - New variables `org-export-author-info' and
+ `org-export-time-stamp-file' to turn off inclusion of author
+ and time information into exported files. Thank to Patrick
+ Drechsler for pointing out that this would be useful.
+ - New variable to avoid moving DEADLINE and SCHEDULED info
+ into the property drawer. The default is now to not move
+ this stuff into the drawer.
+ `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-before-properties-drawer'
+ - `org-archive-mark-done' can be a string now, to select a
+ specific keyword that should be used for archived entries.
+ - New command "j" in agenda to jump to an arbitrary date.
+ Thanks to Bernt Hansen for the patch.
+ - Lots of minor fixes.
+* Version 5.03
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - The variable `org-special-ctrl-a' has been renamed to
+ `org-special-ctrl-a/e'. The old one is still an alias (but
+ not on Emacs 21 where variable aliases cannot be defined).
+** Details
+ - When the variable `org-special-ctrl-a/e' is set, C-e in a
+ headline first goes to the end of the headline ignoring the
+ tags. A second C-e then goes to after the tags.
+ - Typing and removing single characters in a headline now
+ keeps the tags in the headline aligned. This could have a
+ little impact on performance while deleting stuff - let me
+ know if we need to make this customizable.
+ - New option `org-n-level-faces' can be used to set the number
+ of different faces that are used for headlines. Default is
+ all 8 faces Org-mode defines for this purpose, level 9 uses
+ again the level-1 face. However, you can use fewer, and then
+ the level-1 face will be reused already for level N+1, etc.
+ - Column View and hidestars now work together.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 5.02
+** Overview
+ - The interfaces for properties and column view are finished
+ now and work well.
+ - Properties can be summaries, i.e. the parent nodes can
+ compute their value from the children's values.
+ - Headlines finally require a space ofter the star(s). The
+ conflict with bold text at the beginning of the line is no
+ longer there.
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - Bad news. It looks like it is going to be really hard to
+ make column view work on XEmacs and on Emacs 21. Emacs 22
+ is currently the only Emacs where this works. If you are
+ using Emacs 21 or XEmacs, you can still use properties, but
+ not column view.
+** Details
+ - Improvements for properties:
+ + There are interactive commands to insert and delete
+ properties. Read the manual chapter 7 for details.
+ + You can define /allowed values/ for a property. When
+ these are defined, you can change the value of a property
+ with S-left and S-right. And you may use completion when
+ inserting the property. This goes a long way to prevent
+ typos when entering properties.
+ - Improvements for column view.
+ + In column view, you may use the keys S-left/right (and
+ also the keys `n' and `p') to switch from one allowed
+ value to the next.
+ + You can define summaries for columns. For example,
+ parents can contain the sum of all children values of a
+ property, or the parent node can have a check box property
+ that is automatically checked when all children's boxes are
+ checked.
+ + There are interactive commands to add and remove columns,
+ and to change the attributes of a column like the summary
+ type.
+ These additions lead to the exciting fact that the example
+ from [[http://www.omnigroup.com/images/applications/omnioutliner/features/multicolumn.jpg][omni outliner]] posted by Scott Jaderholm can now be
+ accurately [[file:omni-org.jpg][reproduced by Org-mode]].
+ - The space after the stars is now required in a headline, in
+ order to remove the conflict with bold words at the
+ beginning of a line. So
+ : * This is a level 1 headline
+ : *this is bold text*
+ - S-up and S-down to navigate plain item lists are now also
+ available in orgstruct-mode.
+* Version 5.01
+** Overview
+ - A new minor mode, orgstruct-mode, exports the Org-mode
+ structure editing commands into any other mode.
+ - DRAWERS are a new level off folding for special sections
+ that should stay closed during visibility cycling and only
+ open if explicitly asked.
+ - Entries can now have PROPERTIES.
+ - A COLUMN VIEW implementation allows to easily view and edit
+ the properties of a hierarchy of entries (Emacs only, for
+ now).
+ - Formula evaluation in the spreadsheet is more consistent
+ now. Properties and per-file constants can be used during
+ evaluation.
+ - Bug fixes and minor changes.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - When using LEVEL=N in a tags search, things have changed if
+ you are also using `org-odd-levels-only'. If you are using
+ only odd levels (i.e. 1 or 3 or 5... stars), LEVEL=2 will
+ now refer to 3 stars, LEVEL=3 to 5 stars etc. Many thanks
+ to Leo (or blame on him if you must) who has convinced me
+ that this is the better convention.
+** Details
+*** Orgstruct minor mode
+ There is a new minor mode, orgstruct-mode. This modes works
+ in a similar way as Orgtbl-mode. It can be used to export
+ the Org-mode structure-editing commands into arbitrary major
+ modes in Emacs. For example, you can use it in Mail-mode to
+ easily create lists.
+ The functionality in Orgstruct mode is only active, if the
+ cursor is in a line that looks either like a headline, or
+ like the first line of a plain list item. Then the commands
+ `TAB', `M-cursor', `M-S-cursor', `M-RET', `M-S-RET', `C-c ^',
+ `C-c C-c', and `C-c -' will do structure-related editing just
+ like in Org-mode. If the cursor is not in such a line, all
+ these keys will do whatever the major mode or other active
+ minor modes have assigned to them.
+ Orgstruct-mode is the result of a proposal by Raman, quite
+ some time ago. It has taken a long time, but here is finally
+ the promised implementation.
+*** Drawers
+ The new concept of /drawers/ allows to create sections
+ that remain folded during visibility cycling. Drawers need
+ to be configured using the variable `org-drawers'. A drawer
+ starts with a line containing only the name of the drawer
+ bracketed by colons. It ends with :END:. For example,
+ after setting
+ : (setq org-drawers '("PROPERTIES" "HIDDEN"))
+ you can then create drawers like this:
+ : :HIDDEN:
+ : here is some stuff that remains hidden
+ : unless TAB is pressed directly in that line
+ : :END:
+ The PROPERTIES drawer has special meaning for ORG-mode, it
+ contains properties of an entry (see below).
+*** Properties and Column View
+ - Entries in Org-mode can now have arbitrary /properties/
+ associated with them. Org-mode handles some default
+ properties like the TODO state, the priority, the local
+ tags, and planning information like DEADLINE and SCHEDULED.
+ In addition, you can assign arbitrary properties by creating
+ a property drawer and inserting a line like
+ : :PROPNAME: This is the value of the property
+ Org-mode has an API for properties, if you want to write a
+ program using properties, use the functions
+ `org-entry-properties', `org-entry-get', `org-entry-put',
+ and `org-entry-delete'.
+ - Planning information like DEADLINE can be hidden in the
+ properties drawer.
+ If the PROPERTIES drawer starts in the first line after a
+ headline, also the DEADLINE, SCHEDULED and CLOCK information
+ will be inserted inside the drawer. If no PROPERTIES drawer
+ is present, or if it does not start in the line right after
+ the headline, this information remains in the lines directly
+ after the headline, outside the drawer.
+ - TAGS searches can now also query properties. For example,
+ the search
+ will find entries that
+ - are level 3
+ - have the tag BOSS
+ - have an ASSIGNED property with the value "Hans"
+ - are TODO status WAITING.
+ So here is an entry that will match:
+ : *** WAITING Clean up the factory :BOSS:
+ : :ASSIGNED: Hans
+ : :END:
+ You may also use a regular expression to match against a
+ property value. For example, to find stuff assigned to Hans
+ or Sarah, use
+ : ASSIGNED={^\(Hans\|Sarah\)$}
+ - Column View is a special way to look at property values in
+ tabular form. Column View can be used in any org-mode
+ file, and also in any agenda buffer. It works by placing
+ an overlay over each headline (or agenda line) that shows a
+ table of selected properties. You can look at and edit
+ properties from this view. Which properties are shown in
+ the table must be set up using the COLUMNS property. You
+ can set up different property columns on different levels
+ of an outline tree. For example:
+ : * People
+ : :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %Name
+ : :END:
+ : ** Family
+ : :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %Name %3Age
+ : :END:
+ : *** Sam
+ : Info about Sam, including a property list with Name and Age.
+ : *** Sarah
+ : Info about Sarah, including a property list with Name and Age.
+ : ** Office
+ : :COLUMNS: %25ITEM %Name %Function %Salary
+ : :END:
+ : *** Boss
+ : Info about the Boss, including a property list with Name,
+ : Function and Salary (if only we knew....).
+ Now we have defined three different sets of columns. If
+ you switch to column view in the /Family/ section, you
+ will get a different table than if you do it in the
+ /Office/ section. However, if you switch to column
+ view with the cursor on the /People/ section, the
+ table will cover all entries, but contain only the
+ /Name/.
+ Column view does, for the time being, only work on Emacs.
+ The XEmacs implementation needs a bit of work.
+ - Properties can be used in table formulas. To access the
+ value of the property :XYZ:, use $PROP_XYZ. The property
+ needs to be defined in the hierarchy above the table, not
+ necessarily in the same entry as the table. This was a
+ request by Eddward. File-wide constants can be defined with
+ #+CONSTANTS, see below.
+ - Things that still need to be sorted out about drawers,
+ properties and column view - comments and suggestions
+ welcome!
+ + How to deal with drawers and properties in HTML and ASCII
+ export?
+ + What key could be used to insert an empty property drawer
+ into an entry?
+ + Right now column view is invoked through the command C-c
+ C-x C-c. It is too easy to type C-x C-c by mistake, and
+ that causes Emacs to quit. Suggestions for a different
+ key?
+ + Fontification of drawers and properties is not good yet.
+ Any suggestions for better defaults?
+ + Mouse support for editing properties in column view would
+ be nice - maybe Piotr is interested to add this to
+ org-mouse.el?
+*** Spreadsheet
+ - In the spreadsheet, the evaluation of formulas has changed.
+ Previously, first the column formulas would be evaluated
+ everywhere, and then the field formulas would kick in, and
+ in some cases overwrite the results of column formulas in
+ the appropriate fields. This had the side effect that some
+ formulas might always use the wrong, intermediate content of
+ a field that is computed both by a column and a field
+ formula.
+ From now on, column formulas will no longer temporarily
+ overwrite field formulas. This gives much more consistent
+ results. For example you can now finally have a column of
+ increasing numbers by setting the first field to a fixed
+ number, and let the rest follow from a column formula.
+ Here is an example
+ : | 1 |
+ : | 2 |
+ : | 3 |
+ : #+TBLFM: $1=@-1+1::@1$1=1
+ - Constants for formulas in spreadsheets are globally defined
+ with the variable `org-table-formula-constants'. File-local
+ constants can now be set with a line like:
+ : #+CONSTANTS: c=299792458. pi=3.14 eps=2.4e-6
+*** Minor changes
+ - When entries are archived, a timestamp for the moment of
+ archiving is added to the line with planning information.
+ It looks like this:
+ : ARCHIVED: [2007-07-02 Mon 11:34]
+ Thanks to J. David Boyd for constructive comments.
+ - Bug fixes
+ Many bugs are fixed, as usually all the ones where I replied
+ "fixed" on emacs-orgmode. If you reported one of these
+ bugs, please check if it really has disappeared in the new
+ version, and complain if not. Thanks!
+* Version 4.79
+** Details
+ - We are back to a single file org.el that works both on Emacs
+ and on XEmacs. Merging comes at a speed penalty for you as
+ an XEmacs user, but *only if you do not compile* org.el.
+ Compilation completely removes the penalty.
+ - New L flag for literal interpolation in Lisp formulas.
+ See manual section 3.5.3.
+ - New options for turning off footnotes.
+ This was a request from Ignotus.
+ See the option `org-export-with-footnotes'.
+ - Default length for Agenda entries, but this is off by
+ default. This was a request from Micheal.
+ See the option `org-agenda-default-appointment-duration'.
+ - Bug fixes:
+ + org-agenda-date-later (Juraj Kubelka)
+ + letters off margin in orgcard.ps (Charles Cave)
+ + TODO export problems on XEmacs (ignotus@freemail.hu)
+ + args-out-of-range with table formulas (Cecil Westerhof)
+ + problem with org-file without a heading (Tim O'Callaghan)
+* Version 4.78
+** Overview
+ - Time stamps with a time range *included*, like
+ : <2007-06-18 Mon 17:33-18:23>
+ - Clock times without clocking in/out: CLOCK: => 2:00
+ - Language-specific characters allowed in TAGS (Emacs only).
+ - Promotion and demotion of items gets the indentation right.
+ - Indenting lines with TAB is more intelligent.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - There is now a special version of `org.el' for XEmacs.
+ Before installation, as an XEmacs user you must rename the
+ file org_xemacs.el to org.el, i.e. you must overwrite org.el
+ with the xemacs version. For example:
+ : mv org_xemacs.el org.el
+ This is necessary so that I can make use of some features
+ that would be cumbersome to support in a single file. The
+ XEmacs version is derived from the Emacs version with a
+ program, so no reason to fear that I might be dropping
+ XEmacs support any time soon. Sorry for the trouble.
+** Details
+ - A time stamp may now contain a range of times. So you no
+ longer need to use two separate stamps to indicate a time
+ interval on a single day. For example
+ : <2007-06-18 Mon 17:30-18:20>
+ This is now fully supported, including changing the time
+ with S-up/down while the cursor is on the end time. Also,
+ da the date/time prompt, you can simply write your time like
+ 12:00-14:00 and the range will be inserted.
+ This was proposed by Leo some time ago, and recently by
+ Michael.
+ - You may specify clocking times by hand (i.e. without
+ clocking in and out) using this syntax.
+ : CLOCK: => 2:00
+ Thanks to Scott Jaderholm for this proposal.
+ - TAGS may now contain language-specific word characters, as
+ long as they are matched by the "[:alnum:]" regexp syntax.
+ This is for Emacs only, the XEmacs version continues to use
+ the character class "a-zA-Z0-9_@" for tag names. Thanks to
+ David Smith for a patch to this effect (a modified version
+ of that patch was applied). I am considering to make the
+ same change for TODO keywords, but not yet. Note that files
+ using localization features may not work correctly in the
+ Emacs configuration of another user, so if you are sharing
+ org-mode files with other users, it might still be best to
+ stick to the ASCII characters.
+ - Promotion and demotion of plain list items (commands M-left,
+ M-right) no longer changes the indentation by just one
+ space. Instead, it uses intelligence gathered from the
+ surrounding list structure to do the right thing. Thanks to
+ William Henney for starting the discussion about this.
+ - TAB does now a better job of indenting lines.
+ + After tables and code segments (lines starting with ":"),
+ indentation goes back to what it was before (thanks to
+ William Henney for suggesting this behavior).
+ + When plain lists items are involved, we had a long
+ discussion on emacs-orgmode where I tried to show that a
+ too-sophisticated implementation will still be easily
+ fooled. Here is what I have implemented now - lets see
+ if we can agree on this:
+ Indentation will flatten lists with the same bullet type,
+ but indent another bullet type further. The time when
+ this fails is in a nested list, when you want to get back
+ out to a previous level. For example
+ : - item 1
+ : - item 2
+ : + item 2a
+ : + item 2b
+ : - item 3
+ When using TAB on every line in this list, the structure
+ will change to
+ : - item 1
+ : - item 2
+ : + item 2a
+ : + item 2b
+ : - item 3
+ So you need to change the level of the last line by hand,
+ using promotion and demotion functions.
+* Version 4.77
+** Overview
+ - Vertical lines in exported tables.
+ - New default for `org-show-following-heading'.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - The default for `org-show-following-heading' is now nil.
+** Details
+ - You can now specify column groups in tables, to the effect
+ that the groups will be separated by vertical lines in HTML
+ and ASCII output. Column groups are specified by the
+ characters "<" and ">" in a special table row. "<" starts a
+ group, ">" ends a group (in each case including the the
+ column where the character is specified). You may also use
+ "<>" to make a group a single column wide. For example:
+: | | N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N) |
+: |---+----+-----+-----+-----+---------+------------|
+: | / | <> | < | | > | < | > |
+: | # | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+: | # | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 1.4142 | 1.1892 |
+: | # | 3 | 9 | 27 | 81 | 1.7321 | 1.3161 |
+: #+TBLFM: $3=$2^2::$4=$2^3::$5=$2^4::$6=sqrt($2)::$7=sqrt(sqrt(($2))
+ A table row with with nothing but "/" in the first field is
+ never exported, but can be used to place column group
+ information into the table. In this table, we create a
+ group for column 2, one for columns 3-5 and one for columns
+ 6-7. HTML export will render a vertical line between these
+ groups.
+ Because HTML does not require closing <colgroup> tags with
+ </colgroup>), you can also simply start a new column
+ wherever you want a vertical line:
+: | N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N0 |
+: |---+-----+-----+-----+---------+------------|
+: | / | < | < | | < | |
+ - Vertical lines are now also omitted in ASCII export, unless
+ grouping explicitly requests these lines.
+ - The default for `org-show-following-heading' is now nil,
+ meaning that sparse trees will be more compact. This has
+ become possible due to in important remark by Jason Dunsmore
+ who pointed out that TAB should behave differently in the
+ inconsistent trees produced by the sparse tree commands.
+ TAB does now make sure that the heading after a freshly
+ unfolded tree is made visible at all, removing the confusing
+ behavior we had before.
+ - Several bugs fixed. In particular:
+ + Strings produced by agenda batch processing with
+ `org-batch-agenda' and `org-batch-agenda-csv' are now
+ properly encoded, so that you should be able to use
+ special characters in other languages as along as your
+ post-processing program handles them correctly. At least
+ for Emacs this should work now, but have not yet figured
+ out how to do this in XEmacs.
+* Version 4.76
+** Overview
+ - Exporting Footnotes to HTML
+** Details
+ - Footnotes like =here[1]= are now exported to HTML
+ : [1]This is a footnote
+ Thanks to Scott Jaderholm for this proposal and a detailed
+ HTML example on how the exported text should look like.
+ - Special version of the reference card, for letter paper.
+ - Switching to OVERVIEW with S-TAB no loner moves the cursor,
+ so after three `S-TAB' commands, you will be back where you
+ started.
+ - Bug fixes, lots of them again.
+* Version 4.75
+** Overview
+ - Cyclic time stamps that repeat after an interval.
+ - Special timestamps for appointments like "every 2nd Thursday
+ in a month".
+ - Completion of link abbreviation prefixes inside `C-c C-l'.
+ - Replacing a region of org-mode syntax with HTML.
+ - iCalendar export now honors ARCHIVE etc.
+ - New command to add/change emphasis markers.
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - The REPEAT(...) cookie is no longer supported, the repeater
+ interval now goes directly into the time stamp.
+** Details
+ - Time stamps can contain a repeater code, like +1w for once
+ every week, +2d for every two days, etc. For example,
+ <2007-05-16 Wed 12:30 +1w>
+ will apply to every Wednesday, starting from the date given.
+ I believe this syntax was actually suggested by someone on
+ the mailing list, but I cannot find the email back. To
+ collect your credit, let me know!
+ - You can use an sexp diary entry (with the syntax used by the
+ Emacs calendar/diary) in a time stamp, like this:
+ *** The nerd club meets on 2nd Thursday of every month
+ <%%(diary-float t 4 2)>
+ - You can put diary-style sexp entries directly into an
+ org-mode file, where they will be interpreted just like they
+ would in the diary. For example
+ * Birthdays and similar stuff
+ #+CATEGORY: Holiday
+ %%(org-calendar-holiday) ; special function for holiday names
+ %%(diary-anniversary 14 5 1956) Artur Dent %d is years old
+ %%(diary-anniversary 2 10 1869) Mahatma Gandhi
+ These entries must start at column 0 to be evaluated.
+ It turns out that evaluating the entries in an org-mode file
+ is actually faster than in the diary itself, because using
+ the diary has some overhead (creating fancy diary display,
+ then reading and re-interpreting the entries). I have moved
+ all the sexp entries from my diary into an org-mode file,
+ put in a few categories, and then turned off
+ `org-agenda-include-diary'. This has led to a noticeably
+ faster agenda display.
+ - New command `org-replace-region-by-html' that converts the
+ current region from org-mode syntax into HTML. For example,
+ you might write an itemized list in plain text in an HTML
+ buffer, and then invoke this command to convert it. Thanks
+ to Raman for this idea.
+ - When inserting a link with `C-c C-l', completion will now
+ fill in all valid link prefixes, like http or ftp, but also
+ link abbreviation prefixes. This is based on an idea by
+ Bastien.
+ - Highest, lowest, and default priority can be set on a
+ per-file basis with #+PRIORITIES: H L D
+ For example, to use priorities from 1 to 9, you could use
+ #+PRIORITIES: 1 9 9
+ Thanks to Dmitri Minaev for a patch to this effect.
+ - iCalendar export now honors (i.e. skips) subtrees marked as
+ - There is a new command to add or change the emphasis (like
+ bold or italic) of a piece of text. For lack of better
+ available keys the command is at `C-c C-x C-f', but you may
+ well want to choose a more convenient key like `C-c f' in
+ your private setup:
+ (add-hook 'org-load-hook
+ (lambda () (define-key org-mode-map "\C-cf" 'org-emphasize)))
+ The command will prompt for an emphasis type, and you may
+ reply either with the marker that triggers the emphasis, or
+ with the first letter of the corresponding HTML tag. For
+ example, to select italic, press either "/" or "i".
+ If there is an active region, the emphasis of this region
+ will be set or changed. If there is no region, only the
+ emphasis markers will be inserted and the cursor positioned
+ between them. Thanks to Bastien for proposing this feature.
+ - Bug fixes, everything where I have replied "fixed" on the
+ mailing list. Thanks to all of you for keeping these reports
+ coming.
+* Version 4.74
+** Overview
+ This release is about exporting agenda views, to HTML, to
+ postscript for printing, and to a special format (CSV) for
+ further processing in scripts.
+** Incompatible Changes
+ - The variable `org-agenda-remove-tags-when-in-prefix' has
+ been renamed to `org-agenda-remove-tags'.
+** Details
+ - Agenda views can be exported as plain text, as HTML, and as
+ Postscript(R). This can simply be done from the agenda
+ buffer with `C-x C-w' and then specifying a filename like
+ `myagenda.html' or `myagenda.ps'. See section 8.6.4 of the
+ manual.
+ - Each custom agenda view can specify a list of associated
+ files names. The command `C-c a e' then creates all views
+ that have associated file names and exports the views to
+ these files. This is great for producing paper versions of
+ your views, to take with you when you don't have your
+ computer. The manual has an example on how to do this, and
+ in particular on how to customize the format of the printed
+ version. See section 8.6.4 of the manual.
+ - You can produce a CSV format of agenda information with an
+ Emacs batch command. This is greate for further processing
+ in scipts. Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer for this idea.
+ See section 8.6.5 of the manual.
+ - New variable `org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done'. When set,
+ a deadline associated with a DONE item will not be shown in
+ the agenda. This is based upon a report by Denis Bueno.
+ - Quite a few bug fixes.
+* Version 4.73
+ Minor bug fixes.
+* Version 4.72
+** Overview
+ - Control over blank lines between trees in collapsed view.
+ - Info about the running clock is shown in the modeline.
+ - C-a can behave specially in headlines.
+ - Better color and scaling defaults for LaTeX fragments.
+ - Customizable list of keys in org-mode to be replaced.
+ - Stuck project descriptions have been extended.
+ - Emphasis code has been modified to fix some issues.
+ - Bug fixes.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - The option `org-format-latex-options' has changed. If you
+ have customized it, please revert to default and then redo
+ your customization.
+ - `org-CUA-compatible' no longer modifies S-RET by default,
+ because newer versions of CUA don't use this key anymore.
+ If you need this replacement, customize the variable
+ `org-disputed-keys'.
+ - The variable `org-CUA-compatible' is obsolete, please use
+ `org-replace-disputed-keys' instead. `org-CUA-compatible'
+ is still an alias for this new variable, though.
+** Details
+ - Better control over blank lines between trees in collapsed
+ view. This has come up several times in the past and most
+ recently by Scott Jaderholm. There is now a new variable
+ `org-cycle-separator-lines' with default value 2. It says
+ how many empty lines there need to be after the end of a
+ subtree to get an empty line in collapsed view. So with the
+ default, if you leave only one empty line it will disappear
+ in collapsed view. If you leave two, one empty line will
+ remain so that you can use double empty lines to structure
+ the collapsed views of a file. I love it, so many thanks to
+ Scott fro bringing this up again.
+ One property of the new setup is that you will never get
+ more than one blank line in collapsed view. We could do
+ something special to allow *several* empty lines in
+ collapsed view, but I think this is counter-productive.
+ In Emacs 22, if you want to make full use of this, make sure
+ that you have not set `outline-blank-line'.
+ - When the clock is running, Org-mode will put info about it
+ into the modeline. The info consists of the elapsed time
+ and the heading of the clocked item. This was a proposal
+ from Bastien who got the idea from Muse.
+ - C-a can behave specially in headlines when you set the
+ variable `org-special-ctrl-a'. It will bring the cursor
+ first back only to the beginning of the headline *text*,
+ i.e. after the stars and the TODO keyword, if any. A second
+ C-a will then move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
+ If the cursor is already at the beginning of the line, C-a
+ will spring *forward* to the headline text. This was a
+ proposal from Leo, based on a request from Scott Jaderholm.
+ I have not turned this turned this on by default, should I?
+ - When LaTeX fragments are processed into images, there is now
+ more control and (hopefully) betters defaults for colors and
+ scaling. Special values can be set for HTML export, so that
+ these values can differ from what is used for display in an
+ emacs buffer. The default foreground and background colors
+ for images embedded in emacs are now taken from the default
+ emacs face. Thanks to Xiao-Yong Jin for proposing these
+ changes.
+ - There is now a much better mechanism to change some keys in
+ org-mode if these keys clash with other modes you use. Turn
+ this on by setting `org-replace-disputed-keys' (aliased to
+ `org-CUA-compatible'). The list of keys to replace is now
+ fully customizable, see the option `org-disputed-keys'.
+ Many thanks to Meciej Katafiasz for a patch implementing
+ this.
+ - Stuck project descriptions have been extended. You can now
+ use "*" as a TODO keyword or tag to say that *any* TODO
+ keyword or TAG marks a project as non-stuck. You also can
+ give an arbitrary regular expression that, if it matches,
+ indicates a non-stuck project.
+ - The code for emphasis like bold, italic etc has been
+ modified - I might have broken something in the process,
+ please let me know if you find problems.
+ - A number of bugs have been fixed - those where I have
+ replied "Fixed" on the mailing list.
+* Version 4.71
+** Overview
+** Incompatible changes
+** Details
+ - New variables to customize the header and data tags in
+ exported HTML. These are the variables
+ `org-export-table-header-tags' and
+ `org-export-table-data-tags'. This follows a request from
+ Scott Otterson.
+ - New option `org-format-latex-header' for customizing the
+ header of the LaTeX file used to convert embedded LaTeX to
+ images. Thanks to `Matthieu Lemerre' for the suggestion.
+ - The prefix version of `org-todo-list' works again. This
+ means that `C-1 C-c a t' produces the list of TODO entries
+ for the first TODO keyword. If you use different TODO setups
+ in different agenda files, be careful: This number now
+ refers to the list of *all* todo keywords used in files
+ that are scanned for the agenda.
+ - Many bug fixes.
+* Version 4.70
+** Overview
+ - Dust settles after revamp of TODO keyword system.
+ - The export title can be taken from the first text line.
+ - TTY replacement keys have changed.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - Some TTY replacement keys are changed, see below.
+** Details
+ - Further development concerning TODO keywords.
+ + You can now have several DONE states in a sequence, like
+ The difference to the proposal discussed on the mailing
+ list (and which is also works!)
+ is that in the first case, the extra DONE states will be
+ reached with `C-c C-t' (or with `t' from the agenda), while
+ in the second case you need S-<right> to get to the special
+ states. I guess both ideas can be useful - I am leaning
+ toward using the latter.
+ + Setting up TODO keywords in Lisp previously used two
+ separate variables: `org-todo-keywords' and
+ `org-todo-interpretation'. The preferred way is now to use
+ only `org-todo-keywords', with a new structure:
+ (setq org-todo-keywords
+ '((sequence "TODO" "|" "DONE")
+ (sequence "BUG" "KNOWNCAUSE" "|" "FIXED" "IGNORED")
+ (type "Fred" "Lisa" "Peter" "|" "DONE")
+ (sequence "CANCELED") ; for things we decide to not do.
+ ))
+ If your setting has this new structure,
+ `org-todo-interpretation' will be ignored. This change
+ does not break backward compatibility. The old way of
+ using a flat list in `org-todo-keywords' and taking the
+ interpretation from the other variable still works.
+ + When listing *specific* TODO entries via a sparse tree
+ (`C-u C-c C-v') or via the agenda (`C-c a T' or `C-u C-c a
+ t'), you can now specify several keywords to be selected,
+ like "TODO|VERIFY|WAITING". This also works for custom
+ agenda commands. Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer for pointing
+ out this omission.
+ - If you have configured Org-mode to export also the text
+ before the first headline (this is done by setting the
+ variable `org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading' to nil),
+ then the first normal text line in the buffer becomes the
+ title of the exported document. A title set with #+TITLE
+ overules this default, and the first line then belongs to the
+ normal text. Thanks to David House for this proposal.
+ - TTY replacement keys. Some of the key bindings used by
+ Org-mode do not work on a tty, so replacement key sequences
+ are provided on ttys. In version 4.70, there are some
+ changes in the tty replacements. Thanks to Jason F. McBrayer
+ for coming up with the idea to use C-c <cursor> keys.
+ | Command | | Old TTY | New TTY |
+ | org-..... | Main Key | Replacement | Replacement |
+ |-------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------|
+ | shiftleft | S-left | C-c C-x left | C-c left |
+ | shiftright | S-right | C-c C-x right | C-c right |
+ | shiftup | S-up | C-c C-x up | C-c up |
+ | shiftdown | S-down | C-c C-x down | C-c down |
+ | shiftcontrolleft | C-S-left | | C-c C-x left |
+ | shiftcontrolright | C-s-right | | C-c C-x right |
+* Version 4.69
+** Overview
+ This time the changes affect the following areas:
+ - TODO keywords: Multiple sequences in a single file.
+ - Export: More control over text before the first heading.
+ - Export: More control over sub/superscript interpretation.
+ - Plain lists: Option to let empty lines terminate lists.
+ - Tables: New command to insert hline and move into line below.
+ - REPEATing items: Turn of note taking.
+ - Bug fixes.
+** Incompatible changes
+ - It used to be possible to spread the list of TODO keywords
+ over several lines, like
+ This is no longer possible. Each such line now specifies an
+ independent set of TODO keywords, with its own DONE state.
+ See below for details.
+ - The #+TEXT construct has been used to insert unchanged HTML
+ into an exported file. This is no longer possible, the TEXT
+ lines will be processed like any other lines. However,
+ there are now much better ways of getting quoted HTML into
+ the exported file.
+** Details
+ - You can now use multiple sets of TODO keywords in the same
+ buffer. For example, you may put the following three lines
+ into a file:
+ #+TYP_TODO: Fred Laura Peter Me OK
+ Each sub-sequence has its own DONE state. It is best to use
+ different keywords in all sequences, to make sure Org-mode
+ does not loose track in which specific sequence it is
+ working. You could use the same word for all DONE states,
+ but then cycling through to a TODO state might not bring you
+ where you want to be.
+ After initially setting a keyword, `C-c C-t' cycles through
+ a sublist, i.e. is cycles from TODO to DONE or from
+ KNOWNCAUSE to RESOLVED and further to (nothing) and back to
+ S-right and S-left allow to select any keyword, so they move
+ from DONE to REPORT and from RESOLVED to Fred.
+ C-S-right and C-S-left jump from one sub-sequence to the
+ next, for example from TODO or DONE to REPORT to Fred.
+ Thanks to Rick Moynihan for triggering this development.
+ - Text before the first headline can now be exported if you
+ configure Org-mode accordingly. Either set the variable
+ `org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading' to nil, or use the
+ new in-buffer option
+ #+OPTION: skip:nil
+ - Export content specified via the #+TEXT construct is now
+ fully processed, i.e. links, emphasis etc. are all
+ interpreted. #+TEXT lines may include
+ #+BEGIN_HTML...#+END_HTML sections to embed literal HTML.
+ - During HTML export, you can request to have a_{b}
+ interpreted as a subscript, but to leave a_b as it is. This
+ can be done by setting the variable
+ org-export-sub-superscript to the symbol `{}' with
+ (setq org-export-sub-superscript '{})
+ or by using
+ #+OPTIONS: ^:{}
+ Thanks to Eddward DeVilla for this idea.
+ - New variable `org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists'.
+ Default is nil, meaning that empty lines are part of the
+ previous list item, and that you can have several paragraphs
+ in one such item. Set this to t if you want an empty line
+ terminate all levels of plain list items.
+ Thanks to Mike Newman for triggering this development.
+ - C-c RET does insert a horizontal separator line and move the
+ cursor into the table line below it. Thanks to Bastien for
+ this proposal.
+ - Org-mode always offers you to record a note when a TODO item
+ automatically repeats, even if you are not logging state
+ changes. The new variable `org-log-repeat' allows to turn
+ this off, so that notes are really only been taken if you
+ are logging all state changes.
+ - Various Bug fixes, thanks to everyone who reported.
+* Version 4.68
+** Overview
+ - Priority handling in the tags view
+ - Date/time prompt follows the popup calender, and accepts AM/PM times.
+ - Standard references like B4 in the spreadsheet.
+ - Improvements to the formula editor.
+ - C-j does better indentation.
+ - Bug fixes
+** Details
+ - Priority handling in the tags view
+ + Agenda lists selected by tag are now sorted by priority.
+ Thanks to Andrew Korty for reporting this omission.
+ - Improvements to the date/time prompt.
+ + When you move (using S-cursor keys) the cursor in the pop-up
+ calendar window while responding to a date/time prompt, the
+ prompt is updated with the new default date (Emacs only).
+ + You can now enter AM/PM times at this prompt.
+ - Changes in the spreadsheet
+ + You can now also write B4 instead of @4$2 as a reference in
+ formulas. The column references without specified row can be
+ written as C& instead of $3. Such references make formulas
+ easier to read and are now the default way how references are
+ shown when you edit existing formulas. To get the old behavior
+ back (i.e. only @row$col references), set the variable
+ `org-table-use-standard-references' to nil.
+ Relative references like @-3$-2 or @II..III continue to use the
+ internal format.
+ - Changes in the formula editor (the one you get with "C-c '")
+ + The formulas are organized in a more logical way.
+ + There is now a menu with commands.
+ + When starting the formula editor with "C-c '", the cursor
+ immediately moves to the formula for the current field.
+ + With the cursor on a reference in the formula, you can use
+ S-cursor keys to change the field being referenced.
+ - C-j indents the following line correctly whe used in a headline
+ or in aplain list item. Thanks to Leo for this suggestion.
+ - Bug fixes
+ + Flyspell now knows about special org-mode commands.
+ Thanks to Vinod Valsalam for reporting this problem, and to
+ Andrew Korty for showing how to fix it.
+ + Most other bugs discussed recently on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
+ should be fixed, except the problem with non-ASCII characters
+ in tags....
+* Version 4.67
+ - Expert mode for fast tag selection.
+ When org-fast-tag-selection-single-key is `expert', not even
+ the selection window is shown, only the prompt. One more C-c
+ gets you the window, another one goes to multiple selection mode.
+ - Synchronized with Emacs once more: Emacs CVS has now org-mode
+ 4.67. At least until it causes a problem, then the Emacs people
+ will switch back to 4.56. Lets hope there will be no problem.
+ - Code cleanup
+ - Bug fixes
+* Version 4.66
+** Overview
+ - Sorting of top-level entries works now if the region contains
+ top-level entries, or if the cursor is before the first headline.
+ Thanks to "redblue" for reporting this bug.
+ - When entering date and time at the prompt, you can now mix
+ entering text and selecting something in the calendar. For
+ example, enter 22:15 at the prompt without pressing RET, and then
+ click on a date in the calendar. Both pieces of information will
+ be included in the resulting time stamp. You can also use
+ S-curser to move the cursor in the calendar to the desired date
+ and then enter 22:15 and press RET at the prompt.
+ - When setting a deadline or a schedule, entering a time now
+ automatically selects the time stamp format that includes the
+ time. Bug report (by means of a question) from Bastre.
+ - C-c C-l can be used to convert a plain link into a bracket link.
+ - Internal links now match inside (the visible part of) other
+ links. Thanks to Scott Otterson for reporting this bug.
+ - iCalendar export of TODO items fixed, see also the variable
+ `org-icalendar-include-todo'. Thanks to Philipp Raschdorf.
+ - The number of levels in the table of contents of an exported
+ document can now be set independently of the number of headline
+ levels. For example:
+ #+OPTIONS: H:4 toc:2
+ - The command `C-c }' toggles the display of row and column numbers
+ the the current table, to aid constructing formulas. To try it,
+ move the cursor to a table and press `C-c }', or use the menu
+ entry.
+ - Orgtbl translation functions (introduced in 4.65) have been
+ simplified using a generic function `orgtbl-to-generic' that can
+ be used for very general languanges. Writing your own translator
+ should be very easy now. More info in the manual.
+ - CONTENTS visibility can be limited to a certain level. The
+ command `C-3 S-TAB' will switch to CONTENTS view and show the
+ first 3 levels.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.65
+** Overview
+ - Orgtbl can be used to maintain tables in LaTeX, and in any other mode
+ - Editing Lisp formulas for tables improved.
+ - Better structure for HTML exported tables.
+ - New "calculation" marker "/" to mark lines that should not be exported.
+** Detailed description of changes
+ - You can use orgtbl mode to maintain a LaTeX table, or pretty much
+ any table in any mode.
+ This does *not* work by making Orgtbl aware of LaTeX syntax. That
+ would be a box of Pandora I am not willing to open. Instead, you
+ use a normal Orgtbl-mode table, and a converter program to
+ automatically place a LaTeX version of the table into the correct
+ spot in the LaTeX file. The orgtbl-mode table can be maintained
+ inside the same file, in a block comment.
+ I am providing translators for LaTeX, HTML, and TeXInfo. For
+ other applications, you need to write one yourself - but that is
+ not hard if you start from the LaTeX version and just modify it.
+ Thanks to Thomas Baumann for triggering this development through
+ a request for a table-to-LaTeX converter.
+ - In the special buffer to edit the formulas of a table (created
+ with "C-c '"), there is now better support for editing Lisp
+ formulas. TAB and M-TAB work like in an Emacs Lisp buffer,
+ indenting lines and completing lisp symbols. With the cursor on
+ a line defining a complex Lisp formula, a first press on TAB will
+ convert the formula into a pretty-printed version with proper
+ linebreaks and indentation. A second TAB folds the line back to
+ the compact form.
+ - Tables in HTML export have now additional structure elements
+ defined. The header (before the first hline) is wrapped into
+ <thead>..</thead>, and each part of the body (as separated in
+ org-mode by hlines) is wrapped into <tbody>..</tbody> tags. I
+ have also changed the CSS style for <td> fields and the value of
+ `org-export-html-table-tag' to get cleaner tables. Basically,
+ tables now have horizontal lines only where needed, and no
+ vertical lines at all, as generally recommended for tables in
+ printed text. I like the new look, but I am not sure if this
+ change will find general approval, please throw in your view if
+ you like. Thanks to Scott for driving this, and to goud-H for
+ pointing me to the row grouping in tables.
+ - In a table with calculation markers in the first column, you can
+ now also put "/" into the first column. It indicates that this
+ line should not be exported. The foremost application for this
+ are lines containing only "<N>" markers for narrowing columns.
+* Version 4.64
+** Overview
+ - Email links get better, configurable descriptions
+ - When inserting a link, selected text becomes the description
+ - Easier access to the list of stored links.
+ - Horizontal lines in HTML export.
+ - Remember templates and storing of notes improved.
+** Detailed description of changes
+ - The descriptive part of links to email messages can be configured
+ using the variable `org-email-link-description-format'. The new
+ default is "Email %c: %.30s" and leads to
+ Email from NAME: SUBJECT
+ If you configure the variable `org-from-is-user-regexp'
+ correctly, then for email you *sent* this will actually change to
+ Email to NAME: SUBJECT
+ The subject is limited to 30 characters. If you have become
+ attached to the previous default (look twice, the new one is
+ better), use "%f on: %s" as your format.
+ - Selecting text before entering a new link with C-c C-l now really
+ works, the selected text becomes the description part of the
+ link. Requested by Scott, buggy 4.62 implementation is now fixed.
+ - Stored links are part of the history list for C-c C-l, so to
+ reach them, you can use up/down rather than completion. Thanks
+ to Raman for this excellent idea.
+ - A line consisting only of "-", and at least 5 of them, is
+ exported into HTML as <hr/>, as proposed by Giovanni Ridolfi.
+ - Several changes to org <-> remember integration
+ - You can use `org-remember' as your default command to start
+ remember. It will automatically detect if there is an active
+ region and use it as initial content (we will probably make
+ remember.el work like this as well).
+ Also, when calling `org-remember' in a remember buffer that
+ was created with a template, you will again be asked to
+ select a template. The buffer is then re-created with the
+ new template, but the old context information. This is
+ useful if you change your mind about the template to use
+ (Leo's idea).
+ - Besides specifying a default *target* file for a note, you
+ can also give a default *heading* of which the note should
+ become a subitem. In many cases this avoids or speeds up
+ navigating to the right location. Both file and heading can
+ be different for each template. Both are non-binding, you
+ can change them while storing the note. However, when you
+ exit remember with C-u C-c C-c, these defaults will be used
+ without interaction.
+ - Templates can specify interactive fields. During expansion
+ of the template, you will be prompted for the information in
+ that field. For example %^t will pop up a calendar and ask
+ you to select a date. This new feature follows a proposal
+ from Leo, who in the mean time has said he does not need it
+ anymore. But I liked it, so here it is :-)
+ - Templates can access information specific to the link type
+ created, for example the author and subject of an email.
+ Syntax is %:fromname, %:fromaddress, %:subject etc, details
+ in the manual. Proposed by Peder O. Klingenberg.
+ - I have been considering to move, at some stage, the template
+ functionality into remember.el itself - which would of course
+ require consent of the remember.el maintainers. I am not
+ sure how well this would work though, since some things like
+ the interactive time stamps are org.el specific, so treating
+ them would require special hooks. Comments?
+* Version 4.63
+ - Bug fixes
+* Version 4.62
+ - Many changes to the spreadsheet functions in the table editor.
+ For details, please re-read the manual section 3.4.
+ + New Features
+ - It is much easier to assign formulas to individual fields.
+ - References to arbitrary fields and ranges.
+ - Absolute references are modified in row-editing commands.
+ - Formula editor that highlights referenced fields.
+ + Incompatible changes
+ - Empty fields are excluded in range references, see "E" mode flag.
+ - &... ranges no longer supported, use new @... ranges.
+ - Variable insertion into Lisp formulas work differently.
+ - Selected text becomes the default description for C-c C-l links.(Scott)
+ - The date format in the agenda/timeline views is now customizable.
+ See the new option `org-agenda-date-format'. (request by Victor)
+ - Link abbreviations no longer need a double colon, single colon is fine.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.61
+ - Avoiding keybinding clashes with flyspell
+ - Archiving is now also on `C-C C-x C-s' (was just `C-c $')
+ - Cycling through agenda files is now also on "C-'" (was just "C-,")
+ - Colon is considered part of number, to align times in clock tables.
+ - Fixed bug for list of stuck projects.
+ - Fixed several bugs/problems concerning linking to gnus.
+ - Block agendas can contain the list of stuck projects.
+ - #+ARCHIVE may now appear several times in the buffer.
+ - More bug fixes.
+* Version 4.60
+ - HTML export: inlining images, clickable images (manual 10.2.4).
+ - Incremental search now shows proper context when exiting.
+ - Tables calculation and Calc package.
+ - Calc is no longer needed when using only elisp formulas.
+ - Proper error messages when calc is needed and not available.
+ - Tracking TODO state changes with time stamps and notes.
+ - Empty entries go full circle.
+ - Links in iCalendar export cleaned up.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.59
+ - Cleanup code, bug fixes.
+* Version 4.58
+ - Full undo support in the agenda buffer.
+ - Listing stuck GTD projects (projects without any NEXT ACTIONS).
+ Configure `org-stuck-projects' before using it.
+ - C-c C-x b shows the current subtree in an indirect buffer, in
+ another, dedicated frame.
+ - Custom agenda commands take precedence over builtin commands.
+ - auto-fill for comments works on the Emacs side, XEmacs not yet.
+* Version 4.57
+ - Sorting of outline items on same level.
+ - Sorting tables automatically selects line range between hlines.
+ - Changes in Agenda buffer
+ - `C-c C-o' follows a link in the current line.
+ - `C-c $' archives the subtree corresponding to the line.
+ - Changing dates with S-left and S-right show new date in agenda,
+ but still do not move the entry to the new date.
+ - new option `org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done'.
+ - Agenda and sparse tree construction using tag matches can now
+ use regular expressions.
+ - When prompted for a date/time, entering "+7" indicates a date
+ 7 days from now - but only this is the only thing you give.
+ - Custom time formats also apply to exported html and ascii.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.56
+ - `C-k' in agenda kills current line and corresponding subtree in file.
+ - XEmacs compatibility issues fixed, in particular tag alignment.
+ - M-left/right now in/outdents plain list items, no Shift needed.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.55
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.54
+ - Improvements to fast tag selection
+ + show status also in target line.
+ + option to auto-exit after first change to tags list (see manual).
+ - Tags sparse trees now also respect the settings in
+ `org-show-hierarchy-above' and `org-show-following-heading'.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.53
+ - Custom time formats can be overlayed over time stamps.
+ - New option `org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines'.
+ - Work-around for flyspell bug (CVS Emacs has this fixed in flyspell.el).
+ - Work-around for session.el problem with circular data structures.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.52
+ - TAG matches can also specify conditions on TODO keywords.
+ - The fast tag interface allows setting tags that are not in the
+ predefined list.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.51
+ - Link abbreviations (manual section 4.5).
+ - More control over how agenda is displayed. See the new variables
+ `org-agenda-window-setup', `org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit'.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.50
+ - Closing a TODO item can record an additional note.
+ See variables `org-log-done' and `org-log-note-headings'.
+ - Inserting headlines and bullets can leave an extra blank line.
+ See variable `org-blank-before-new-entry'. (Ed Hirgelt patch)
+ - [[bracket links]] in the agenda are active just as in org-mode buffers.
+ - C-c C-o on a date range displays the agenda for exactly this range.
+ - The default for `org-cycle-include-plain-lists' is back to nil.
+ - Calls to `org-occur' can be stacked by using a prefix argument.
+ - The options `org-show-hierarchy-above' and `org-show-following-heading'
+ now always default to `t', but can be customized differently for
+ different types of sparse trees or jump commands.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.49
+ - Agenda views can be made in batch mode from the command line.
+ - `org-store-link' does the right thing in dired-mode.
+ - File links can contain environment variables.
+ - Full Emacs 21 compatibility has been restored.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.47
+ - Custom commands may produce an agenda which contains several blocks,
+ each block created by a different agenda command.
+ - Agenda commands can be restricted to the current file, region, subtree.
+ - The timeline command must now be called through the agenda
+ dispatcher (C-c a L). `C-c C-r' no longer works.
+ - Agenda items can be sorted by tag. The *last* tag is used for this.
+ - The prefix and the sorting strategy for agenda items can depend
+ upon the agenda type.
+ - The handling of `mailto:' links can be customized, see the new
+ variable `org-link-mailto-program'.
+ - `mailto' links can specify a subject after a double colon,
+ like [[mailto:carsten@orgmode.org::Org-mode is buggy]].
+ - In the #+STARTUP line, M-TAB completes valid keywords.
+ - In the #+TAGS: line, M-TAB after ":" inserts all currently used tags.
+ - Again full Emacs 21 support: Checkboxes and publishing are fixed.
+ - More minor bug fixes.
+* Version 4.45
+ - Checkbox lists can show statistics about checked items.
+ - C-TAB will cycle the visibility of archived subtrees.
+ - Documentation about checkboxes has been moved to chapter 5.
+ - Bux fixes.
+* Version 4.44
+ - Clock table can be done for a limited time interval.
+ - Obsolete support for the old outline mode has been removed.
+ - Bug fixes and code cleaning.
+* Version 4.43
+ - Bug fixes
+ - `s' key in the agenda saves all org-mode buffers.
+* Version 4.41
+ - Shift-curser keys can modify inactive time stamps (inactive time
+ stamps are the ones in [...] brackets.
+ - Toggle all checkboxes in a region/below a headline.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.40
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.39
+ - Special tag ARCHIVE keeps a subtree closed and away from agenda lists.
+ - LaTeX code in Org-mode files can be converted to images for HTML.
+ - Bug fixes.
+ - CDLaTeX-mode features can be used in Org-mode to help inserting
+ LaTeX environment and math.
+* Version 4.38
+ - noutline.el is now required (important for XEmacs users only).
+ - Dynamic blocks.
+ - Archiving of all level 1 trees without open TODO items.
+ - Clock reports can be inserted into the file in a special section.
+ - FAQ removed from the manual, now only on the web.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.37
+ - Clock-feature for measuring time spent on specific items.
+ - Improved emphasizing allows configuration and stacking.
+* Version 4.36
+ - Improved indentation of ASCII export, when headlines become items.
+ - Handling of 12am and 12pm fixed. Times beyond 24:00 can be used
+ and will not lead to conflicts.
+ - Support for mutually exclusive TAGS with the fast tags interface.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.35
+ - HTML export is now valid XHTML.
+ - Timeline can also show dates without entries. See new option
+ `org-timeline-show-empty-dates'.
+ - The bullets created by the ASCII exporter can now be configured.
+ See the new option `org-export-ascii-bullets'.
+ - New face `org-upcoming-deadline' (was `org-scheduled-previously').
+ - New function `org-context' to allow testing for local context.
+* Version 4.34
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.33
+ - New commands to move through plain lists: S-up and S-down.
+ - Bug fixes and documentation update.
+* Version 4.32
+ - Fast (single-key-per-tag) interface for setting TAGS.
+ - The list of legal tags can be configured globally and locally.
+ - Elisp and Info links (thanks to Todd Neal).
+ - `org-export-publishing-directory' can be an alist, with different
+ directories for different export types.
+ - All context-sensitive commands use `call-interactively' to dispatch.
+ - `org-confirm-shell-links' renamed to `org-confirm-shell-link-function'.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.31
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.30
+ - Modified installation: Autoloads have been collected in org-install.el.
+ - Logging (org-log-done) is now a #+STARTUP option.
+ - Checkboxes in plain list items, following up on Frank Ruell's idea.
+ - File links inserted with C-c C-l will use relative paths if the linked
+ file is in the current directory or a subdirectory of it.
+ - New variable `org-link-file-path-type' to specify preference for
+ relative and absolute paths.
+ - New CSS classes for tags, timestamps, timestamp keywords.
+ - Bug and typo fixes.
+* Version 4.29
+ - Inlining images in HTML export now depends on wheather the link
+ contains a description or not.
+ - TODO items can be scheduled from the global TODO list using C-c C-s.
+ - TODO items already scheduled can be made to disappear from the global
+ todo list, see `org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled'.
+ - In Tables, formulas may also be Lisp forms.
+ - Exporting the visible part of an outline with `C-c C-x v' works now
+ for all available exporters.
+ - Bug fixes, lots of them :-(
+* Version 4.28
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.27
+ - HTML exporter generalized to receive external options.
+ As part of the process, author, email and date have been moved to the
+ end of the HTML file.
+ - Support for customizable file search in file links.
+ - BibTeX database links as first application of the above.
+ - New option `org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels' to turn off listing TODO
+ entries that are sublevels of another TODO entry.
+* Version 4.26
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.25
+ - Revision of the font-lock faces section, with better tty support.
+ - TODO keywords in Agenda buffer are fontified.
+ - Export converts links between .org files to links between .html files.
+ - Better support for bold/italic/underline emphasis.
+* Version 4.24
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.23
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.22
+ - Bug fixes.
+ - In agenda buffer, mouse-1 no longer follows link.
+ See `org-agenda-mouse-1-follows-link' and `org-mouse-1-follows-link'.
+* Version 4.20
+ - Links use now the [[link][description]] format by default.
+ When inserting links, the user is prompted for a description.
+ - If a link has a description, only the description is displayed
+ the link part is hidden. Use C-c C-l to edit the link part.
+ - TAGS are now bold, but in the same color as the headline.
+ - The width of a table column can be limited by using a field "<N>".
+ - New structure for the customization tree.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.13
+ - The list of agenda files can be maintainted in an external file.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 4.12
+ - Templates for remember buffer. Note that the remember setup changes.
+ To set up templates, see `org-remember-templates'.
+ - The time in new time stamps can be rounded, see new option
+ `org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes'.
+ - Bug fixes (there are *always* more bugs).
+Version 4.00
+ - Headlines can contain TAGS, and Org-mode can produced a list
+ of matching headlines based on a TAG search expression.
+ - `org-agenda' has now become a dispatcher that will produce the agenda
+ and other views on org-mode data with an additional keypress.
+* Version 3.24
+ - Switching and item to DONE records a time stamp when the variable
+ `org-log-done' is turned on. Default is off.
+* Version 3.23
+ - M-RET makes new items as well as new headings.
+ - Various small bug fixes
+* Version 3.22
+ - CamelCase words link to other locations in the same file.
+ - File links accept search options, to link to specific locations.
+ - Plain list items can be folded with `org-cycle'. See new option
+ `org-cycle-include-plain-lists'.
+ - Sparse trees for specific TODO keywords through numeric prefix
+ argument to `C-c C-v'.
+ - Global TODO list, also for specific keywords.
+ - Matches in sparse trees are highlighted (highlights disappear with
+ next buffer change due to editing).
+* Version 3.21
+ - Improved CSS support for the HTML export. Thanks to Christian Egli.
+ - Editing support for hand-formatted lists
+ - M-S-cursor keys handle plain list items
+ - C-c C-c renumbers ordered plain lists
+* Version 3.20
+ - There is finally an option to make TAB jump over horizontal lines
+ in tables instead of creating a new line before that line.
+ The option is `org-table-tab-jumps-over-hlines', default nil.
+ - New command for sorting tables, on `C-c ^'.
+ - Changes to the HTML exporter
+ - hand-formatted lists are exported correctly, similar to
+ markdown lists. Nested lists are possible. See the docstring
+ of the variable `org-export-plain-list-max-depth'.
+ - cleaned up to produce valid HTML 4.0 (transitional).
+ - support for cascading style sheets.
+ - New command to cycle through all agenda files, on C-,
+ - C-c [ can now also be used to change the sequence of agenda files.
+* Version 3.19
+ - Bug fixes
+* Version 3.18
+ - Export of calendar information in the standard iCalendar format.
+ - Some bug fixes.
+* Version 3.17
+ - HTML export specifies character set depending on coding-system.
+* Version 3.16
+ - In tables, directly after the field motion commands like TAB and RET,
+ typing a character will blank the field. Can be turned off with
+ variable `org-table-auto-blank-field'.
+ - Inactive timestamps with `C-c !'. These do not trigger the agenda
+ and are not linked to the calendar.
+ - Additional key bindings to allow Org-mode to function on a tty emacs.
+ - `C-c C-h' prefix key replaced by `C-c C-x', and `C-c C-x C-h' replaced
+ by `C-c C-x b' (b=Browser). This was necessary to recover the
+ standard meaning of C-h after a prefix key (show prefix bindings).
+* Version 3.15
+ - QUOTE keyword at the beginning of an entry causes fixed-width export
+ of unmodified entry text. `C-c :' toggles this keyword.
+ - New face `org-special-keyword' which is used for COMMENT, QUOTE,
+ DEADLINE and SCHEDULED, and priority cookies. Default is only a weak
+ color, to reduce the amount of aggressive color in the buffer.
+* Version 3.14
+ - Formulas for individual fields in table.
+ - Automatic recalculation in calculating tables.
+ - Named fields and columns in tables.
+ - Fixed bug with calling `org-archive' several times in a row.
+* Version 3.13
+ - Efficiency improvements: Fewer table re-alignments needed.
+ - New special lines in tables, for defining names for individual cells.
+* Version 3.12
+ - Tables can store formulas (one per column) and compute fields.
+ Not quite like a full spreadsheet, but very powerful.
+ - table.el keybinding is now `C-c ~'.
+ - Numeric argument to org-cycle does `show-subtree' above on level ARG.
+ - Small changes to keys in agenda buffer. Affected keys:
+ [w] weekly view; [d] daily view; [D] toggle diary inclusion.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 3.11
+ - Links inserted with C-c C-l are now by default enclosed in angle
+ brackets. See the new variable `org-link-format'.
+ - ">" terminates a link, this is a way to have several links in a line.
+ Both "<" and ">" are no longer allowed as characters in a link.
+ - Archiving of finished tasks.
+ - C-<up>/<down> bindings removed, to allow access to paragraph commands.
+ - Compatibility with CUA-mode (see variable `org-CUA-compatible').
+ - Compatibility problems with viper-mode fixed.
+ - Improved html export of tables.
+ - Various clean-up changes.
+* Version 3.10
+ - Using `define-derived-mode' to derive `org-mode' from `outline-mode'.
+* Version 3.09
+ - Time-of-day specifications in agenda are extracted and placed
+ into the prefix. Timed entries can be placed into a time grid for
+ day.
+* Version 3.08
+ - "|" no longer allowed as part of a link, to allow links in tables.
+ - The prefix of items in the agenda buffer can be configured.
+ - Cleanup.
+* Version 3.07
+ - Some folding inconsistencies removed.
+ - BBDB links to company-only entries.
+ - Bug fixes and global cleanup.
+* Version 3.06
+ - M-S-RET inserts a new TODO heading.
+ - New startup option `content'.
+ - Better visual response when TODO items in agenda change status.
+ - Window positioning after visibility state changes optimized and made
+ configurable. See `org-cycle-hook' and `org-occur-hook'.
+* Version 3.05
+ - Agenda entries from the diary are linked to the diary file, so
+ adding and editing diary entries can be done directly from the agenda.
+ - Many calendar/diary commands available directly from agenda.
+ - Field copying in tables with S-RET does increment.
+ - C-c C-x C-v extracts the visible part of the buffer for printing.
+ - Moving subtrees up and down preserves the whitespace at the tree end.
+* Version 3.04
+ - Table editor optimized to need fewer realignments, and to keep
+ table shape when typing in fields.
+ - A new minor mode, orgtbl-mode, introduces the Org-mode table editor
+ into arbitrary major modes.
+ - Fixed bug with realignment in XEmacs.
+ - Startup options can be set with special #+STARTUP line.
+ - Heading following a match in org-occur can be suppressed.
+* Version 3.03
+ - Copyright transfer to the FSF.
+ - Effect of C-u and C-u C-u in org-timeline swapped.
+ - Timeline now always contains today, and `.' jumps to it.
+ - Table editor:
+ - cut and paste of rectangular regions in tables
+ - command to convert org-mode table to table.el table and back
+ - command to treat several cells like a paragraph and fill it
+ - command to convert a buffer region to a table
+ - import/export tables as tab-separated files (exchange with Excel)
+ - Agenda:
+ - Sorting mechanism for agenda items rewritten from scratch.
+ - Sorting fully configurable.
+ - Entries specifying a time are sorted together.
+ - Completion also covers option keywords after `#-'.
+ - Bug fixes.
+* Version 3.01
+ - New reference card, thanks to Philip Rooke for creating it.
+ - Single file agenda renamed to "Timeline". It no longer shows
+ warnings about upcoming deadlines/overdue scheduled items.
+ That functionality is now limited to the (multifile) agenda.
+ - When reading a date, the calendar can be manipulated with keys.
+ - Link support for RMAIL and Wanderlust (from planner.el, untested).
+ - Minor bug fixes and documentation improvements.
+* Version 3.00
+ - Multifile Agenda shows current entries from many different files.
+ - TeXInfo documentation (thanks to Christian Egli for the conversion).
+ - Additional applications for TODO keywords, see documentation.
+ Different files may have different TODO keywords etc.
+ - Priorities for TODO items.
+ - The browser mode used by `org-remember-handler' is improved.
+ - Images get inlined in HTML export (thanks to Carsten Wimmer).
+ - File links can contain line numbers, like file:/usr/etc/config:255
+ - Minor bug fixes.
+* Version 2.10
+ - TODO entries can have additional states besides TODO and DONE.
+ See new variable `org-todo-keywords'.
+ - TODO keywords can be interpreted as categories. See variable
+ `org-todo-interpretation'.
+ - M-TAB completion on TODO keywords, TeX symbols, and normal words.
+ - All keywords (like TODO, DEADLINE etc) are configurable.
+ - Cursor positioning optimized after pro/demotion and TODO cycling.
+ - Emphasizing in HTML works now for *bold*, /italic/ and _underline_.
+ - New commands to kill, copy and yank entire subtrees. Yanking
+ modifies the level of the tree before insertion.
+ - New command `org-goto' (C-c C-j) to quickly move to other locations
+ in the buffer without affecting outline visibility.
+ - Hooks for John Wiegley's remember.el.
+ - `org-read-date' pops up calendar for date selection with the mouse.
+ See variable `org-popup-calendar-for-date-prompt'.
+* Version 2.6
+ - TODO items can be SCHEDULED to a certain date.
+ - Expired DEADLINEs are ignored if in an entry marked DONE.
+ - From the diary or time-sorted view (C-c C-r), C-c C-t can be used to
+ change the TODO state of an item remotely.
+ - Horizontal computations in table editor. See `org-table-eval-formula'.
+ - Fixed bug with summing tables (command `org-table-sum', `C-c +').
+ - Calendar window follows the timestamp when a timestamp is changed.
+ New variable `org-calendar-follow-timestamp-change'.
+ - Time-sorted view (`org-diary-view', C-c C-r) now uses the prefix
+ argument to force inclusion of unscheduled TODO items.
+ - New variable `org-confirm-shell-links' to turn of safety query.
+ - New variable `org-open-non-existing-files'.
+* Version 2.4
+ - A time-sorted view on all time stamps can be created with C-c C-r.
+ - Timestamps and Deadlines can be shown in the Emacs diary.
+ - Date ranges introduced.
+ - Time-string formats are no longer configurable.
+ - Vertical lines in tables can be made invisible with `C-c |'.
+ - New "link" type to execute shell commands, like "shell:ls *.org"
+ - Upon export, "myfile.org" becomes "myfile.html" or "myfile.txt",
+ instead of "myfile.org.html" or "myfile.org.txt".
+ - When the cursor is in the white space at the beginning of a line,
+ TAB removes the whitespace before indenting again.
+* Version 2.0
+ - Windows (NT/2000) support.
+ - Works with both Emacs and XEmacs.
+ - Fully automatic table editor.
+ - New link types into Gnus, VM and BBDB.
+ - Other link system changes
+ - Time stamps are treated as links to the calendar.
+ - Easy creation of links with global command `org-store-link'.
+ - Insertion of links with `C-c C-l' works differently now.
+ - Space characters allowed as part of a link.
+ - Options in `org-file-apps' extended. The command may now be
+ symbol 'emacs', or a lisp form.
+ Please re-read the manual section about links.
+ - Timestamp changes
+ - `org-deadline' now prompts for a date.
+ - A line can now contain several timestamps. Updating of a
+ timestamp only happens if the cursor is at the timestamp.
+ - Changed the time-stamp-format to ISO, to make sure it will
+ always work (non-English month names had caused problems
+ with `parse-time-string'.). Changing the time stamp format
+ is not recommended.
+ - Picture mode enhancements have been removed from org.el
+* Version 1.4
+ - Some option name changes, not backward compatible.
+ - ASCII exporter upgrade: Table of contents.
+ - HTML exporter upgrade: fixed-width regions, better
+ sub/superscripts, many TeX symbols supported.
+ - Calendar support.
+* Version 1.3
+ - HTML exporter upgrade, in particular table of contents