소스 검색

Makefile: allow for different compilation methods

* targets.mk: Remove targets compile-source and compile-single,
  obsoleted by new configuration option.  Remove repetitive code in
  clean targets by using pattern substitution.  Avoid superfluous
  invocations of find by using multiple path arguments.

* Makefile: Remove compile-source and compile-single target

* default.mk: Add new option _COMPILE_ to select compilation method.
  Set default value to keep current behaviour.

* lisp/Makefile: Use new $(_COMPILE_) to dispatch compilation target.
  Implement private targets compile-dirall (default), compile-single,
  compile-slint1 and compile-slint2.

The additional compilation methods catch more and/or different errors
in the sources by compiling the sources in a single Emacs process per
compilation and with different conditions of the source directory, but
take much longer to compile even in the absence of such errors.  The
default method to use can be changed (like all other options) via
local.mk or temporarily on the command line.
Achim Gratz 12 년 전
4개의 변경된 파일37개의 추가작업 그리고 25개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 0 2
  2. 7 0
  3. 19 11
  4. 11 12

+ 0 - 2

@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ help helpall::
 	$(info make test           - ditto)
 	$(info make compile-dirty  - build only stale Org ELisp files)
-	$(info make compile-single - build using one Emacs process per file)
-	$(info make compile-source - ditto, but immediately remove byte-compiled file )
 	$(info make test-dirty     - check without building first)
 	$(info )
 	$(info Compatibility)

+ 7 - 0

@@ -131,3 +131,10 @@ SUDO	= sudo
 # Name of the program to install info files
 # INSTALL_INFO = ginstall-info # Debian: avoid harmless warning message
 INSTALL_INFO = install-info
+# target variant for 'compile'
+# _COMPILE_ = single # one Emacs process per compilation
+# _COMPILE_ = source # ditto, but remove compiled file immediately
+# _COMPILE_ = slint1 # possibly elicit more warnings
+# _COMPILE_ = slint2 # possibly elicit even more warnings
+_COMPILE_ = dirall

+ 19 - 11

@@ -7,23 +7,31 @@ endif
 LISPV = org-version.el
 LISPI = org-install.el
-LISPF = $(filter-out $(LISPA),$(wildcard *.el))
+LISPF = $(filter-out $(LISPA),$(sort $(wildcard *.el)))
 LISPC = $(filter-out $(LISPN:%el=%elc),$(LISPF:%el=%elc))
-.PHONY:	all compile compile-dirty compile-single \
-		autoloads \
-		install clean cleanauto cleanall clean-install
+.PHONY:	all compile compile-dirty \
+	compile-single compile-source compile-slint1 compile-slint2 \
+	autoloads \
+	install clean cleanauto cleanall cleanelc clean-install
 # do not clean here, done in toplevel make
-all compile::	autoloads
-all compile compile-dirty::	 $(LISPI) $(LISPV)
-compile-single: clean autoloads $(LISPC)
-compile-source: clean autoloads
+all compile compile-dirty::	 autoloads
+	$(MAKE) compile-$(_COMPILE_)
+	@$(ELCDIR)
+compile-single: $(LISPC)
+compile-source: cleanelc
 	@$(foreach elc,$(LISPC),$(MAKE) $(elc) && $(RM) $(elc);)
+compile-slint1:	compile-dirall
+	@$(foreach elc,$(LISPC),$(RM) $(elc); $(MAKE) $(elc);)
+	$(MAKE) compile-source compile-slint1
 %.elc:	%.el
-	-$(ELC) $(<)
+	@$(info Compiling single $(abspath $<)...)
+	-@$(ELC) $<
 autoloads:	cleanauto $(LISPI) $(LISPV)
@@ -45,7 +53,7 @@ install:	$(LISPF) compile
 cleanauto clean cleanall::
 	$(RM) $(LISPA) $(LISPA:%el=%elc)
-clean cleanall::
+clean cleanall cleanelc::
 	$(RM) *.elc

+ 11 - 12

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ endif
 	cleancontrib cleantesting cleanutils
 	cleanrel clean-install cleanelc cleandirs \
 	cleanlisp cleandoc cleandocs cleantest \
-	compile compile-single compile-source compile-dirty uncompiled \
+	compile compile-dirty uncompiled \
 	config config-test config-exe config-all config-eol
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ local.mk:
 all compile::
 	$(foreach dir, doc lisp, $(MAKE) -C $(dir) clean;)
-compile compile-dirty compile-single compile-source::
+compile compile-dirty::
 	$(MAKE) -C lisp $@
 all clean-install::
 	$(foreach dir, $(SUBDIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) $@;)
@@ -118,26 +118,25 @@ clean:	cleanrel
 	$(MAKE) -C lisp clean
 	$(MAKE) -C doc clean
-cleanall: cleandirs cleantest cleancontrib cleantesting cleanutils
+cleanall: cleandirs cleantest
 	-$(FIND) . -name \*~ -o -name \*# -o -name .#\* -exec $(RM) {} \;
+	-$(FIND) contrib testing UTILITIES -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;
-	-$(FIND) contrib -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;
+cleancontrib cleantesting cleanUTILITIES:
+	-$(FIND) $(@:clean%=%) -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;
-	-$(FIND) testing -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;
-	-$(FIND) UTILITIES -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc -exec $(RM) {} \;
+cleanutils:	cleanUTILITIES
 	$(RMR) org-7.*
 	$(RMR) org-7*zip org-7*tar.gz
-cleanelc cleanlisp:
+	$(MAKE) -C lisp $@
 	$(MAKE) -C lisp clean
-	-$(FIND) lisp -name \*~ -exec $(RM) {} \;
 cleandoc cleandocs:
 	$(MAKE) -C doc clean