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Makefile: add contrib already for autoloads so that uncompiled can have contrib/, too

* mk/targets.mk: Add contrib files already for autoloads so that
  uncompiled can have contrib/lisp/ added, too.  Remove all files from
  contrib/lisp/ that are found in lisp/ for `cleanlisp´ so that
  switching between different contrib configurations becomes easier.
  Remove variable ORG_TO_LISP since it is not needed anymore.
Achim Gratz hace 12 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 18 adiciones y 19 borrados
  1. 18 19

+ 18 - 19

@@ -10,13 +10,6 @@ SUBDIRS       = $(OTHERDIRS) $(LISPDIRS)
 INSTSUB       = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)
 ORG_MAKE_DOC ?= info html pdf
-ORG_FROM_CONTRIB = $(wildcard \
-			$(addsuffix .el, \
-			$(addprefix contrib/lisp/, \
-			$(basename \
-			$(notdir $(ORG_ADD_CONTRIB))))))
-ORG_TO_LISP      = $(ORG_FROM_CONTRIB:contrib/%=%)
 ifneq ($(wildcard .git),)
   GITVERSION ?= $(shell git describe --abbrev=6 HEAD)
   ORGVERSION ?= $(subst release_,,$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 HEAD))
@@ -53,8 +46,12 @@ config config-all::
 	$(foreach var,$(CONF_BASE),$(info $(var)	= $($(var))$(EOL)))
 	$(foreach var,$(CONF_DEST),$(info $(var)	= $(DESTDIR)$($(var))$(EOL)))
 	$(info ========= Additional files from contrib/lisp)
-	$(info ORG_FROM_CONTRIB =)
-	$(info $(ORG_TO_LISP:lisp/%=%))
+	$(info $(notdir \
+		$(wildcard \
+		$(addsuffix .el, \
+		$(addprefix contrib/lisp/, \
+		$(basename \
+		$(notdir $(ORG_ADD_CONTRIB))))))))
 config-test config-all::
 	$(info )
 	$(info ========= Test configuration)
@@ -89,9 +86,6 @@ local.mk:
 all compile::
-ifneq ($(ORG_FROM_CONTRIB),)
-	$(CP) $(ORG_FROM_CONTRIB) lisp/
 	$(foreach dir, doc lisp, $(MAKE) -C $(dir) clean;)
 compile compile-dirty::
 	$(MAKE) -C lisp $@
@@ -127,6 +121,13 @@ $(INSTSUB):
 	$(MAKE) -C $(@:install-%=%) install
 autoloads: lisp
+ifneq ($(ORG_ADD_CONTRIB),)
+	$(CP) $(wildcard \
+		$(addsuffix .el, \
+		$(addprefix contrib/lisp/, \
+		$(basename \
+		$(notdir $(ORG_ADD_CONTRIB)))))) lisp/
 	$(MAKE) -C $< $@
@@ -134,22 +135,20 @@ cleandirs:
 clean:	cleanlisp cleandoc
-cleanall: cleandirs cleantest
+cleanall: cleandirs cleantest cleanaddcontrib
 	-$(FIND) . \( -name \*~ -o -name \*# -o -name .#\* \) -exec $(RM) {} \;
 	-$(FIND) $(CLEANDIRS) \( -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc \) -exec $(RM) {} \;
 	-$(FIND) $(@:clean%=%) \( -name \*~ -o -name \*.elc \) -exec $(RM) {} \;
-ifneq ($(ORG_TO_LISP),)
-cleanlisp:	cleanaddcontrib
-	$(RM) $(ORG_TO_LISP)
 	$(MAKE) -C lisp $@
+	-$(RM) $(wildcard $(addprefix lisp/,$(notdir $(wildcard contrib/lisp/*.el))))
+cleanlisp:	cleanaddcontrib
 cleanlisp cleandoc:
 	$(MAKE) -C $(@:clean%=%) clean