@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This file is used to upload the Org documentation to the server
+.PHONY: helpserver \
+ doc-up \
+ upload \
+ tagwarn version
+help helpserver::
+ $(info )
+ $(info Maintenance)
+ $(info ===========)
+ $(info upload - clean up, populate the server with documentation)
+ @echo ""
+SERVROOT ?= upload
+SERVERMK ?= true # or just any value at all, really
+release: cleanall info pdf card tagwarn
+PKG_TAG = $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
+PKG_DOC = "Outline-based notes management and organizer"
+PKG_REQ = "" # marmalade chokes on explicit "nil"
+ $(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
+ $(info ======================================================) \
+ $(info = =) \
+ $(info = A release should only be made from a revision that =) \
+ $(info = has an annotated tag! =) \
+ $(info = =) \
+ $(info ======================================================))
+ @echo "ORGVERSION ?= $(ORGVERSION)" > mk/version.mk
+ @echo "GITVERSION ?= $(GITVERSION)" >> mk/version.mk
+doc-up: info pdf card html
+ $(MAKE) -C doc manual guide
+ $(CP) doc/org.html $(SERVROOT)
+ $(CP) doc/org.pdf $(SERVROOT)
+ $(CP) doc/orgguide.html $(SERVROOT)
+ $(CP) doc/orgguide.pdf $(SERVROOT)
+ $(CP) doc/manual/* $(SERVROOT)/manual
+ $(CP) doc/guide/* $(SERVROOT)/guide
+upload: cleanall doc-up