@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ After a match, group 1 contains the repeat expression.")
(org-load-modules-maybe 'force)
(org-element-cache-reset 'all)))
-(defcustom org-modules '(org-w3m org-bbdb org-bibtex org-docview org-gnus org-info org-irc org-mhe org-rmail org-eww)
+(defcustom org-modules '(ol-w3m ol-bbdb ol-bibtex ol-docview ol-gnus ol-info ol-irc ol-mhe ol-rmail ol-eww)
"Modules that should always be loaded together with org.el.
If a description starts with <C>, the file is not part of Emacs
@@ -751,60 +751,60 @@ For export specific modules, see also `org-export-backends'."
:package-version '(Org . "9.2")
'(set :greedy t
- (const :tag " bbdb: Links to BBDB entries" org-bbdb)
- (const :tag " bibtex: Links to BibTeX entries" org-bibtex)
+ (const :tag " bbdb: Links to BBDB entries" ol-bbdb)
+ (const :tag " bibtex: Links to BibTeX entries" ol-bibtex)
(const :tag " crypt: Encryption of subtrees" org-crypt)
(const :tag " ctags: Access to Emacs tags with links" org-ctags)
- (const :tag " docview: Links to doc-view buffers" org-docview)
- (const :tag " eww: Store link to url of eww" org-eww)
- (const :tag " gnus: Links to GNUS folders/messages" org-gnus)
+ (const :tag " docview: Links to Docview buffers" ol-docview)
+ (const :tag " eww: Store link to URL of Eww" ol-eww)
+ (const :tag " gnus: Links to GNUS folders/messages" ol-gnus)
(const :tag " habit: Track your consistency with habits" org-habit)
(const :tag " id: Global IDs for identifying entries" org-id)
- (const :tag " info: Links to Info nodes" org-info)
+ (const :tag " info: Links to Info nodes" ol-info)
(const :tag " inlinetask: Tasks independent of outline hierarchy" org-inlinetask)
- (const :tag " irc: Links to IRC/ERC chat sessions" org-irc)
- (const :tag " mhe: Links to MHE folders/messages" org-mhe)
+ (const :tag " irc: Links to IRC/ERC chat sessions" ol-irc)
+ (const :tag " mhe: Links to MHE folders/messages" ol-mhe)
(const :tag " mouse: Additional mouse support" org-mouse)
(const :tag " protocol: Intercept calls from emacsclient" org-protocol)
- (const :tag " rmail: Links to RMAIL folders/messages" org-rmail)
+ (const :tag " rmail: Links to RMAIL folders/messages" ol-rmail)
(const :tag " tempo: Fast completion for structures" org-tempo)
- (const :tag " w3m: Special cut/paste from w3m to Org mode." org-w3m)
- (const :tag " eshell: Support for links to working directories in eshell" org-eshell)
+ (const :tag " w3m: Special cut/paste from w3m to Org mode." ol-w3m)
+ (const :tag " eshell: Links to working directories in Eshell" ol-eshell)
- (const :tag "C annotate-file: Annotate a file with org syntax" org-annotate-file)
- (const :tag "C bookmark: Org links to bookmarks" org-bookmark)
+ (const :tag "C annotate-file: Annotate a file with Org syntax" org-annotate-file)
+ (const :tag "C bookmark: Links to bookmarks" ol-bookmark)
(const :tag "C checklist: Extra functions for checklists in repeated tasks" org-checklist)
(const :tag "C choose: Use TODO keywords to mark decisions states" org-choose)
(const :tag "C collector: Collect properties into tables" org-collector)
(const :tag "C depend: TODO dependencies for Org mode\n\t\t\t(PARTIALLY OBSOLETE, see built-in dependency support))" org-depend)
(const :tag "C drill: Flashcards and spaced repetition for Org mode" org-drill)
- (const :tag "C elisp-symbol: Org links to emacs-lisp symbols" org-elisp-symbol)
+ (const :tag "C elisp-symbol: Links to emacs-lisp symbols" ol-elisp-symbol)
(const :tag "C eval-light: Evaluate inbuffer-code on demand" org-eval-light)
(const :tag "C eval: Include command output as text" org-eval)
(const :tag "C expiry: Expiry mechanism for Org entries" org-expiry)
- (const :tag "C git-link: Provide org links to specific file version" org-git-link)
+ (const :tag "C git-link: Links to specific file version" ol-git-link)
(const :tag "C interactive-query: Interactive modification of tags query\n\t\t\t(PARTIALLY OBSOLETE, see secondary filtering)" org-interactive-query)
(const :tag "C invoice: Help manage client invoices in Org mode" org-invoice)
(const :tag "C learn: SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm" org-learn)
(const :tag "C mac-iCal: Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary" org-mac-iCal)
(const :tag "C mac-link: Grab links and url from various mac Applications" org-mac-link)
(const :tag "C mairix: Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs" org-mairix)
- (const :tag "C man: Support for links to manpages in Org mode" org-man)
- (const :tag "C mew: Links to Mew folders/messages" org-mew)
- (const :tag "C notify: Notifications for Org-mode" org-notify)
- (const :tag "C notmuch: Provide org links to notmuch searches or messages" org-notmuch)
+ (const :tag "C man: Links to man pages in Org mode" ol-man)
+ (const :tag "C mew: Links to Mew folders/messages" ol-mew)
+ (const :tag "C notify: Notifications for Org mode" org-notify)
+ (const :tag "C notmuch: Provide Org links to notmuch searches or messages" ol-notmuch)
(const :tag "C panel: Simple routines for us with bad memory" org-panel)
(const :tag "C registry: A registry for Org links" org-registry)
- (const :tag "C screen: Visit screen sessions through Org links" org-screen)
- (const :tag "C screenshot: Take and manage screenshots in Org-mode files" org-screenshot)
+ (const :tag "C screen: Visit screen sessions through links" org-screen)
+ (const :tag "C screenshot: Take and manage screenshots in Org files" org-screenshot)
(const :tag "C secretary: Team management with Org" org-secretary)
(const :tag "C sqlinsert: Convert Org tables to SQL insertions" orgtbl-sqlinsert)
(const :tag "C toc: Table of contents for Org buffer" org-toc)
(const :tag "C track: Keep up with Org mode development" org-track)
(const :tag "C velocity Something like Notational Velocity for Org" org-velocity)
- (const :tag "C vm: Links to VM folders/messages" org-vm)
+ (const :tag "C vm: Links to VM folders/messages" ol-vm)
(const :tag "C wikinodes: CamelCase wiki-like links" org-wikinodes)
- (const :tag "C wl: Links to Wanderlust folders/messages" org-wl)
+ (const :tag "C wl: Links to Wanderlust folders/messages" ol-wl)
(repeat :tag "External packages" :inline t (symbol :tag "Package"))))
(defvar org-export-registered-backends) ; From ox.el.