@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; org-persist.el --- Persist data across Emacs sessions -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; org-persist.el --- Persist cached data across Emacs sessions -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -22,8 +22,46 @@
;;; Commentary:
-;; This file implements persistant data storage across Emacs sessions.
-;; Both global and buffer-local data can be stored.
+;; This file implements persistant cache storage across Emacs sessions.
+;; Both global and buffer-local data can be stored. This
+;; implementation is not meant to be used to store important data -
+;; all the caches should be safe to remove at any time.
+;; Example usage:
+;; 1. Temporarily cache Elisp symbol value to disk. Remove upon
+;; closing Emacs:
+;; (org-persist-write 'variable-symbol)
+;; (org-persist-read 'variable-symbol) ;; read the data later
+;; 2. Temporarily cache a remote URL file to disk. Remove upon
+;; closing Emacs:
+;; (org-persist-write '("url") "https://static.fsf.org/common/img/logo-new.png")
+;; (org-persist-read '("url") "https://static.fsf.org/common/img/logo-new.png")
+;; `org-persist-read' will return the cached file location or nil if cached file
+;; has been removed.
+;; 3. Temporarily cache a file, including TRAMP path to disk:
+;; (org-persist-write '("file") "/path/to/file")
+;; 4. Cache value of a Elisp variable to disk. The value will be
+;; saved and restored automatically (except buffer-local
+;; variables).
+;; ;; Until `org-persist-default-expiry'
+;; (org-persist-register 'variable-symbol)
+;; ;; Specify expiry explicitly
+;; (org-persist-register 'variable-symbol :expiry 'never)
+;; ;; Save buffer-local variable (buffer-local will not be
+;; ;; autoloaded!)
+;; (org-persist-register 'org-element--cache (current-buffer))
+;; ;; Save buffer-local variable preserving circular links:
+;; (org-persist-register 'org-element--headline-cache (current-buffer)
+;; :inherit 'org-element--cache)
+;; 5. Load variable by side effects assigning variable symbol:
+;; (org-persist-load 'variable-symbol (current-buffer))
+;; 6. Version variable value:
+;; (org-persist-register '(("elisp" variable-symbol) (version "2.0")))
+;; 7. Cancel variable persistence:
+;; (org-persist-unregister 'variable-symbol 'all) ; in all buffers
+;; (org-persist-unregister 'variable-symbol) ;; global variable
+;; (org-persist-unregister 'variable-symbol (current-buffer)) ;; buffer-local
;; Most common data type is variable data. However, other data types
;; can also be stored.
@@ -73,7 +111,7 @@
;; file;
;; - `:persist-file': data file name;
;; - `:associated' : list of associated objects;
-;; - `:last-access' : last date when the container has been read;
+;; - `:last-access' : last date when the container has been accessed;
;; - `:expiry' : list of expiry conditions.
;; - all other keywords are ignored
@@ -95,6 +133,14 @@
;; a number - data will expire after the number days from last access;
;; a function - data will expire if the function, called with a single
;; argument - collection, returns non-nil.
+;; Data collections associated with files will automatically expire
+;; when the file is removed. If the associated file is remote, the
+;; expiry is controlled by `org-persist-remote-files' instead.
+;; Data loading/writing can be more accurately controlled using
+;; `org-persist-before-write-hook', `org-persist-before-read-hook', and `org-persist-after-read-hook'.
;;; Code: