@@ -18369,6 +18369,36 @@ file is exported to, say, HTML or LaTeX formats.
exported file. Whether the code is evaluated at all depends on
other options. Example: =:exports none=.
+If a source block is named using =NAME= keyword, the same name will be
+assigned to the results of evaluation. This way, fuzzy links pointing
+to the named source blocks exported using =:exports results= will
+remain valid and point to the results of evaluation.
+Results of evaluation of a named block can also be explicitly named
+using a separate =NAME= keyword. The name value set via =NAME=
+keyword will be preferred over the parent source block.
+: #+NAME: code name
+: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports both value
+: (+ 1 2)
+: #+END_SRC
+: #+NAME: results name
+: #+RESULTS: code name
+: 3
+: This [[code name][link]] will point to the code block.
+: Another [[results name][link]] will point to the results.
+Explicit setting of the result name may be necessary when a named code
+block is exported using =:exports both=. Links to such block may
+arbitrarily point either to the code block or to its results when
+results do not have a distinct name.
+Note that all the links pointing to a source block exported using
+=:exports none= will be broken. This will make export process fail,
+unless broken links are allowed during export (see [[*Export Settings]]).
#+vindex: org-export-use-babel
To stop Org from evaluating code blocks to speed exports, use the
header argument =:eval never-export= (see [[*Evaluating Code Blocks]]).