@@ -376,13 +376,6 @@ This option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:
:group 'org-export-koma-letter
:type 'boolean)
-(defcustom org-koma-letter-use-location t
- "Non-nil prints the contents of the letter's extension below the header.
-This option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:
- :group 'org-export-koma-letter
- :type 'boolean)
(defcustom org-koma-letter-default-class "default-koma-letter"
"Default class for `org-koma-letter'.
The value must be a member of `org-latex-classes'."
@@ -453,7 +446,6 @@ e.g. \"title-subject:t\"."
(:with-foldmarks nil "foldmarks" org-koma-letter-use-foldmarks)
(:with-phone nil "phone" org-koma-letter-use-phone)
(:with-place nil "place" org-koma-letter-use-place)
- (:with-location nil "location" org-koma-letter-use-location)
(:with-subject nil "subject" org-koma-letter-subject-format)
(:with-title-as-subject nil "title-subject" org-koma-letter-prefer-subject)
(:with-headline-opening nil nil org-koma-letter-headline-is-opening-maybe)
@@ -471,13 +463,12 @@ e.g. \"title-subject:t\"."
(:inbuffer-with-email nil "email" 'koma-letter:empty)
(:inbuffer-with-foldmarks nil "foldmarks" 'koma-letter:empty)
(:inbuffer-with-phone nil "phone" 'koma-letter:empty)
- (:inbuffer-with-place nil "place" 'koma-letter:empty)
- (:inbuffer-with-location nil "location" 'koma-letter:empty))
+ (:inbuffer-with-place nil "place" 'koma-letter:empty))
:translate-alist '((export-block . org-koma-letter-export-block)
- (export-snippet . org-koma-letter-export-snippet)
- (headline . org-koma-letter-headline)
- (keyword . org-koma-letter-keyword)
- (template . org-koma-letter-template))
+ (export-snippet . org-koma-letter-export-snippet)
+ (headline . org-koma-letter-headline)
+ (keyword . org-koma-letter-keyword)
+ (template . org-koma-letter-template))
'(?k "Export with KOMA Scrlttr2"
((?L "As LaTeX buffer" org-koma-letter-export-as-latex)
@@ -767,42 +758,36 @@ a communication channel."
(format "\\KOMAoption{fromphone}{%s}\n"
(if (plist-get info :with-phone) "true" "false")))
;; Signature.
- (let* ((head-opening (plist-get info :with-headline-opening))
- (signature (funcall heading-or-key-value
- (if head-opening 'closing nil)
- :signature
- (if head-opening 'signature nil))))
- (and signature
- (format "\\setkomavar{signature}{%s}\n" signature)))
+ (let* ((heading-val
+ (and (plist-get info :with-headline-opening)
+ (org-string-nw-p
+ (org-trim
+ (org-export-data
+ (org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents 'closing)
+ info)))))
+ (signature (org-string-nw-p (plist-get info :signature)))
+ (signature-scope (funcall check-scope 'signature)))
+ (and (or (and signature signature-scope)
+ heading-val)
+ (not (and (eq scope 'global) heading-val))
+ (format "\\setkomavar{signature}{%s}\n"
+ (if signature-scope signature heading-val))))
;; Back address.
(and (funcall check-scope 'with-backaddress)
(format "\\KOMAoption{backaddress}{%s}\n"
(if (plist-get info :with-backaddress) "true" "false")))
;; Place.
- (let ((place-scoped (funcall check-scope 'with-place))
+ (let ((with-place-set (funcall check-scope 'with-place))
(place-set (funcall check-scope 'place)))
- (when (or (and place-scoped place-set)
- (and (eq scope 'buffer)
- (or place-scoped place-set)))
- (format "\\setkomavar{place}{%s}\n"
- (if (plist-get info :with-place) (plist-get info :place)
- ""))))
+ (and (or (and with-place-set place-set)
+ (and (eq scope 'buffer) (or with-place-set place-set)))
+ (format "\\setkomavar{place}{%s}\n"
+ (if (plist-get info :with-place) (plist-get info :place)
+ ""))))
;; Location.
- (let ((heading-val
- (org-koma-letter--add-latex-newlines
- (org-export-data
- (org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents 'location)
- info)))
- (with-location-set (funcall check-scope 'with-location))
- (location-set (funcall check-scope 'location))
- (location (plist-get info :location)))
- (when (or (and with-location-set (or location-set heading-val))
- (and (eq scope 'buffer) (or with-location-set location-set heading-val)))
- (format "\\setkomavar{location}{%s}\n"
- (if (plist-get info :with-location)
- (if (plist-get info :special-headings) (or heading-val location "")
- (or heading-val location ""))
- ""))))
+ (let ((location (funcall heading-or-key-value 'location :location)))
+ (and location
+ (format "\\setkomavar{location}{%s}\n" location)))
;; Folding marks.
(and (funcall check-scope 'with-foldmarks)
(let ((foldmarks (plist-get info :with-foldmarks)))