@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
(require 'cl))
(require 'ob)
(require 'cc-mode)
- (require 'cl))
(declare-function org-entry-get "org"
(pom property &optional inherit literal-nil))
@@ -72,40 +70,40 @@ This function calls `org-babel-execute:C++'."
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
(let ((org-babel-c-variant 'cpp)) (org-babel-C-execute body params)))
-;;(defun org-babel-expand-body:C++ (body params) ;; unused
-;; "Expand a block of C++ code with org-babel according to it's
-;;header arguments (calls `org-babel-C-expand')."
-;; (let ((org-babel-c-variant 'cpp)) (org-babel-C-expand body params)))
+(defun org-babel-expand-body:C++ (body params)
+ "Expand a block of C++ code with org-babel according to it's
+header arguments."
+ (let ((org-babel-c-variant 'cpp)) (org-babel-C-expand-C++ body params)))
(defun org-babel-execute:D (body params)
"Execute a block of D code with org-babel.
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
(let ((org-babel-c-variant 'd)) (org-babel-C-execute body params)))
-;; (defun org-babel-expand-body:D (body params) ;; unused
-;; "Expand a block of D code with org-babel according to it's
-;;header arguments (calls `org-babel-C-expand')."
-;; (let ((org-babel-c-variant 'd)) (org-babel-C-expand body params)))
+(defun org-babel-expand-body:D (body params)
+ "Expand a block of D code with org-babel according to it's
+header arguments."
+ (let ((org-babel-c-variant 'd)) (org-babel-C-expand-D body params)))
(defun org-babel-execute:C (body params)
"Execute a block of C code with org-babel.
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'."
(let ((org-babel-c-variant 'c)) (org-babel-C-execute body params)))
-;; (defun org-babel-expand-body:c (body params) ;; unused
-;; "Expand a block of C code with org-babel according to it's
-;;header arguments (calls `org-babel-C-expand')."
-;; (let ((org-babel-c-variant 'c)) (org-babel-C-expand body params)))
+(defun org-babel-expand-body:C (body params)
+ "Expand a block of C code with org-babel according to it's
+header arguments."
+ (let ((org-babel-c-variant 'c)) (org-babel-C-expand-C body params)))
(defun org-babel-C-execute (body params)
"This function should only be called by `org-babel-execute:C'
or `org-babel-execute:C++' or `org-babel-execute:D'."
(let* ((tmp-src-file (org-babel-temp-file
- (cond
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'c ) ".c" )
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'cpp) ".cpp")
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'd ) ".d" ))))
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ (c ".c" )
+ (cpp ".cpp")
+ (d ".d" ))))
(tmp-bin-file (org-babel-temp-file "C-bin-" org-babel-exeext)) ;; not used for D
(cmdline (cdr (assoc :cmdline params)))
(cmdline (if cmdline (concat " " cmdline) ""))
@@ -113,43 +111,47 @@ or `org-babel-execute:C++' or `org-babel-execute:D'."
(flags (mapconcat 'identity
(if (listp flags) flags (list flags)) " "))
- (cond ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'c ) (org-babel-C-expand-C body params))
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'cpp) (org-babel-C-expand-C++ body params))
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'd ) (org-babel-C-expand-D body params)))))
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ (c (org-babel-C-expand-C body params))
+ (cpp (org-babel-C-expand-C++ body params))
+ (d (org-babel-C-expand-D body params)))))
(with-temp-file tmp-src-file (insert full-body))
- (if (memq org-babel-c-variant '(c cpp)) ;; no separate compilation for D
- (org-babel-eval
- (format "%s -o %s %s %s"
- (cond
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'c ) org-babel-C-compiler)
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'cpp) org-babel-C++-compiler))
- (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-bin-file)
- flags
- (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-src-file)) ""))
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ ((c cpp)
+ (org-babel-eval
+ (format "%s -o %s %s %s"
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ (c org-babel-C-compiler)
+ (cpp org-babel-C++-compiler))
+ (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-bin-file)
+ flags
+ (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-src-file)) ""))
+ (d nil)) ;; no separate compilation for D
(let ((results
- (org-babel-trim
- (org-remove-indentation
- (org-babel-eval
- (cond ((memq org-babel-c-variant '(c cpp))
- (concat tmp-bin-file cmdline))
- ((equal org-babel-c-variant 'd)
- (format "%s %s %s %s"
- org-babel-D-compiler
- flags
- (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-src-file)
- cmdline)))
- "")))))
- (org-babel-reassemble-table
- (org-babel-result-cond (cdr (assoc :result-params params))
- (org-babel-read results t)
- (let ((tmp-file (org-babel-temp-file "c-")))
- (with-temp-file tmp-file (insert results))
- (org-babel-import-elisp-from-file tmp-file)))
- (org-babel-pick-name
- (cdr (assoc :colname-names params)) (cdr (assoc :colnames params)))
- (org-babel-pick-name
- (cdr (assoc :rowname-names params)) (cdr (assoc :rownames params)))))
- ))
+ (org-babel-eval
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ ((c cpp)
+ (concat tmp-bin-file cmdline))
+ (d
+ (format "%s %s %s %s"
+ org-babel-D-compiler
+ flags
+ (org-babel-process-file-name tmp-src-file)
+ cmdline)))
+ "")))
+ (when results
+ (setq results (org-babel-trim (org-remove-indentation results)))
+ (org-babel-reassemble-table
+ (org-babel-result-cond (cdr (assoc :result-params params))
+ (org-babel-read results t)
+ (let ((tmp-file (org-babel-temp-file "c-")))
+ (with-temp-file tmp-file (insert results))
+ (org-babel-import-elisp-from-file tmp-file)))
+ (org-babel-pick-name
+ (cdr (assoc :colname-names params)) (cdr (assoc :colnames params)))
+ (org-babel-pick-name
+ (cdr (assoc :rowname-names params)) (cdr (assoc :rownames params)))))
+ )))
(defun org-babel-C-expand-C++ (body params)
"Expand a block of C or C++ code with org-babel according to
@@ -160,24 +162,34 @@ it's header arguments."
"Expand a block of C or C++ code with org-babel according to
it's header arguments."
(let ((vars (mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var)))
+ (colnames (cdar (org-babel-get-header params :colname-names)))
(main-p (not (string= (cdr (assoc :main params)) "no")))
(includes (or (cdr (assoc :includes params))
(org-babel-read (org-entry-get nil "includes" t))))
(defines (org-babel-read
(or (cdr (assoc :defines params))
(org-babel-read (org-entry-get nil "defines" t))))))
+ (unless (listp includes) (setq includes (list includes)))
+ (setq includes (append includes '("<string.h>" "<stdio.h>" "<stdlib.h>")))
(mapconcat 'identity
;; includes
(lambda (inc) (format "#include %s" inc))
- (if (listp includes) includes (list includes)) "\n")
+ includes "\n")
;; defines
(lambda (inc) (format "#define %s" inc))
(if (listp defines) defines (list defines)) "\n")
;; variables
(mapconcat 'org-babel-C-var-to-C vars "\n")
+ ;; table sizes
+ (mapconcat 'org-babel-C-table-sizes-to-C vars "\n")
+ ;; tables headers utility
+ (when colnames
+ (org-babel-C-utility-header-to-C))
+ ;; tables headers
+ (mapconcat 'org-babel-C-header-to-C colnames "\n")
;; body
(if main-p
(org-babel-C-ensure-main-wrap body)
@@ -187,18 +199,28 @@ it's header arguments."
"Expand a block of D code with org-babel according to
it's header arguments."
(let ((vars (mapcar #'cdr (org-babel-get-header params :var)))
+ (colnames (cdar (org-babel-get-header params :colname-names)))
(main-p (not (string= (cdr (assoc :main params)) "no")))
(imports (or (cdr (assoc :imports params))
(org-babel-read (org-entry-get nil "imports" t)))))
+ (unless (listp imports) (setq imports (list imports)))
+ (setq imports (append imports '("std.stdio" "std.conv")))
(mapconcat 'identity
"module mmm;"
;; imports
(lambda (inc) (format "import %s;" inc))
- (if (listp imports) imports (list imports)) "\n")
+ imports "\n")
;; variables
(mapconcat 'org-babel-C-var-to-C vars "\n")
+ ;; table sizes
+ (mapconcat 'org-babel-C-table-sizes-to-C vars "\n")
+ ;; tables headers utility
+ (when colnames
+ (org-babel-C-utility-header-to-C))
+ ;; tables headers
+ (mapconcat 'org-babel-C-header-to-C colnames "\n")
;; body
(if main-p
(org-babel-C-ensure-main-wrap body)
@@ -233,46 +255,68 @@ support for sessions"
"Determine the type of VAL.
Return a list (TYPE-NAME FORMAT). TYPE-NAME should be the name of the type.
FORMAT can be either a format string or a function which is called with VAL."
+ (let* ((basetype (org-babel-C-val-to-base-type val))
+ (type
+ (case basetype
+ (integerp '("int" "%d"))
+ (floatp '("double" "%f"))
+ (stringp
+ (list
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "string" "const char*")
+ "\"%s\""))
+ (t (error "unknown type %S" type)))))
+ (cond
+ ((integerp val) type) ;; an integer declared in the #+begin_src line
+ ((floatp val) type) ;; a numeric declared in the #+begin_src line
+ ((and (listp val) (listp (car val))) ;; a table
+ `(,(car type)
+ (lambda (val)
+ (cons
+ (format "[%d][%d]" (length val) (length (car val)))
+ (concat
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "[\n" "{\n")
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (v)
+ (concat
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) " [" " {")
+ (mapconcat (lambda (w) (format ,(cadr type) w)) v ",")
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "]" "}")))
+ val
+ ",\n")
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "\n]" "\n}"))))))
+ ((or (listp val) (vectorp val)) ;; a list declared in the #+begin_src line
+ `(,(car type)
+ (lambda (val)
+ (cons
+ (format "[%d]" (length val))
+ (concat
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "[" "{")
+ (mapconcat (lambda (v) (format ,(cadr type) v)) val ",")
+ (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "]" "}"))))))
+ (t ;; treat unknown types as string
+ type))))
+(defun org-babel-C-val-to-base-type (val)
+ "Determine the base type of VAL which may be
+'integerp if all base values are integers
+'floatp if all base values are either floating points or integers
+'stringp otherwise."
- ((integerp val) '("int" "%d"))
- ((floatp val) '("double" "%f"))
+ ((integerp val) 'integerp)
+ ((floatp val) 'floatp)
((or (listp val) (vectorp val))
- (lexical-let ((type (org-babel-C-val-to-C-list-type val)))
- (list (car type)
- (lambda (val)
- (cons
- (format "[%d]%s"
- (length val)
- (car (org-babel-C-format-val type (elt val 0))))
- (concat (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "[ " "{ ")
- (mapconcat (lambda (v)
- (cdr (org-babel-C-format-val type v)))
- val
- ", ")
- (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) " ]" " }")))))))
- (t ;; treat unknown types as string
- (list
- (if (equal org-babel-c-variant 'd) "string" "const char*")
- "\"%s\""))))
-(defun org-babel-C-val-to-C-list-type (val)
- "Determine the C array type of a VAL."
- (let (type)
- (mapc
- #'(lambda (i)
- (let* ((tmp-type (org-babel-C-val-to-C-type i))
- (type-name (car type))
- (tmp-type-name (car tmp-type)))
- (when (and type (not (string= type-name tmp-type-name)))
- (if (and (member type-name '("int" "double" "int32_t"))
- (member tmp-type-name '("int" "double" "int32_t")))
- (setq tmp-type '("double" "%f"))
- (error "Only homogeneous lists are supported by C. You can not mix %s and %s"
- type-name
- tmp-type-name)))
- (setq type tmp-type)))
- val)
- type))
+ (let ((type nil))
+ (mapc (lambda (v)
+ (case (org-babel-C-val-to-base-type v)
+ (stringp (setq type 'stringp))
+ (floatp
+ (if (or (not type) (eq type 'integerp))
+ (setq type 'floatp)))
+ (integerp
+ (unless type (setq type 'integerp)))))
+ val)
+ type))
+ (t 'stringp)))
(defun org-babel-C-var-to-C (pair)
"Convert an elisp val into a string of C code specifying a var
@@ -295,6 +339,68 @@ of the same value."
+(defun org-babel-C-table-sizes-to-C (pair)
+ "Create constants of table dimensions, if PAIR is a table."
+ (when (listp (cdr pair))
+ (cond
+ ((listp (cadr pair)) ;; a table
+ (concat
+ (format "const int %s_rows = %d;" (car pair) (length (cdr pair)))
+ "\n"
+ (format "const int %s_cols = %d;" (car pair) (length (cadr pair)))))
+ (t ;; a list declared in the #+begin_src line
+ (format "const int %s_cols = %d;" (car pair) (length (cdr pair)))))))
+(defun org-babel-C-utility-header-to-C ()
+ "Generate a utility function to convert a column name
+into a column number."
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ ((c cpp)
+ "int get_column_num (int nbcols, const char** header, const char* column)
+ int c;
+ for (c=0; c<nbcols; c++)
+ if (strcmp(header[c],column)==0)
+ return c;
+ return -1;
+ )
+ (d
+ "int get_column_num (string[] header, string column)
+ foreach (c, h; header)
+ if (h==column)
+ return to!int(c);
+ return -1;
+ )))
+(defun org-babel-C-header-to-C (head)
+ "Convert an elisp list of header table into a C or D vector
+specifying a variable with the name of the table."
+ (let ((table (car head))
+ (headers (cdr head)))
+ (concat
+ (format
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ ((c cpp) "const char* %s_header[%d] = {%s};")
+ (d "string %s_header[%d] = [%s];"))
+ table
+ (length headers)
+ (mapconcat (lambda (h) (format "%S" h)) headers ","))
+ "\n"
+ (case org-babel-c-variant
+ ((c cpp)
+ (format
+ "const char* %s_h (int row, const char* col) { return %s[row][get_column_num(%d,%s_header,col)]; }"
+ table table (length headers) table))
+ (d
+ (format
+ "string %s_h (ulong row, string col) { return %s[row][get_column_num(%s_header,col)]; }"
+ table table table))))))
(provide 'ob-C)
;;; ob-C.el ends here