@@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ See the end of the file for license conditions.
Please send Org bug reports to emacs-orgmode@gnu.org.
* Version 8.3
** Incompatible changes
*** Properties drawers syntax changes
-Properties drawers are now required to be located right after
-a headline and its planning line, when applicable.
+Properties drawers are now required to be located right after a
+headline and its planning line, when applicable.
It will break some documents as TODO states changes were sometimes
-logged before the property drawer. The following function will repair
+logged before the property drawer.
+The following function will repair them:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-repair-property-drawers ()
@@ -49,12 +53,13 @@ them.
(unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))))))))))))
*** =#+CATEGORY= keywords no longer apply partially to document
It was possible to use several such keywords and have them apply to
the text below until the next one, but strongly deprecated since Org
5.14 (2008).
-=#+CATEGORY= keywords are now global to the document. You can use
-node properties to set category for a subtree, e.g.,
+=#+CATEGORY= keywords are now global to the document. You can use node
+properties to set category for a subtree, e.g.,
,* Headline
@@ -63,106 +68,62 @@ node properties to set category for a subtree, e.g.,
*** New variable to control visibility when revealing a location
~org-show-following-heading~, ~org-show-siblings~,
~org-show-entry-below~ and ~org-show-hierarchy-above~ no longer exist.
Instead, visibility is controlled through a single variable:
~org-show-context-detail~, which see.
*** Replace disputed keys again when reading a date
~org-replace-disputed-keys~ has been ignored when reading date since
version 8.1, but the former behavior is restored again.
Keybinding for reading date can be customized with a new variable
*** No default title is provided when =TITLE= keyword is missing
Skipping =TITLE= keyword no longer provides the current file name, or
buffer name, as the title. Instead, simply ignore the title.
-*** Signature changes
+*** Functions signature changes
The following functions require an additional argument. See their
docstring for more information.
- ~org-export-collect-footnote-definitions~
- ~org-html-format-headline-function~
- ~org-html-format-inlinetask-function~
- ~org-latex-format-headline-function~
- ~org-latex-format-inlinetask-function~
- ~org-link-search~
*** Default bindings of =C-c C-n= and =C-c C-p= changed
The key sequences =C-c C-n= and =C-c C-p= are now bound to
~org-next-visible-heading~ and ~org-next-visible-heading~
respectively, rather than the =outline-mode= versions of these
functions. The Org version of these functions skips over inline tasks
(and even-level headlines when ~org-odd-levels-only~ is set).
*** ~org-element-context~ no longer return objects in keywords
~org-element-context~ used to return objects on some keywords, i.e.,
=TITLE=, =DATE= and =AUTHOR=. It now returns only the keyword.
*** Behavior of ~org-return~ changed
-If point is before or after the headline title, insert newline without
-changing the headline.
+If point is before or after the headline title, insert a new line
+without changing the headline.
*** ~org-timer-default-timer~ type changed from number to string
If you have, in your configuration, something like =(setq
org-timer-default-timer 10)= replace it with =(setq
org-timer-default-timer "10")=.
-** Removed functions
-*** Removed function ~org-translate-time~
-Use ~org-timestamp-translate~ instead.
-*** Removed function ~org-beamer-insert-options-template~
-This function inserted a Beamer specific template at point or in
-current subtree. Use ~org-export-insert-default-template~ instead, as
-it provides more features and covers all export back-ends. It is also
-accessible from the export dispatcher.
-*** Removed function ~org-timer-cancel-timer~
-~org-timer-stop~ now stops both relative and countdown timers.
-*** Removed function ~org-export-solidify-link-text~
-This function, being non-bijective, introduced bug in internal
-references. Use ~org-export-get-reference~ instead.
-*** Removed function ~org-end-of-meta-data-and-drawers~
-The function is superseded by ~org-end-of-meta-data~, called with an
-optional argument.
-*** Removed functions ~org-table-colgroup-line-p~, ~org-table-cookie-line-p~
-These functions were left-over from pre 8.0 era. They are not correct
-anymore. Since they are not needed, they have no replacement.
-** Removed options
-*** ~org-list-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists~ is deprecated
-It will be kept in code base until next release, for backward
-If you need to separate consecutive lists with blank lines, always use
-two of them, as if this option was nil (default value).
-*** ~org-export-with-creator~ is a boolean
-Special ~comment~ value is no longer allowed. It is possible to use
-a body filter to add comments about the creator at the end of the
-document instead.
-*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-command=
-This undocumented option defaulted to the value of =shell-file-name=
-at the time of loading =ob-shell=. The new behaviour is to use the
-value of =shell-file-name= directly when the shell langage is =shell=.
-To chose a different shell, either customize =shell-file-name= or bind
-this variable locally.
-*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-var-quote-fmt=
-This undocumented option was supposed to provide different quoting
-styles when changing the shell type. Changing the shell type can now
-be done directly from the source block and the quoting style has to be
-compatible across all shells, so a customization doesn't make sense
-anymore. The chosen hard coded quoting style conforms to POSIX.
-*** Removed option ~org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point~
-Setting this option to anything else that the default value (nil)
-would create invalid planning info. This dangerous option is now
-*** Removed option ~org-koma-letter-use-title~
-Use org-export-with-title instead. See also below.
-*** Removed option ~org-entities-ascii-explanatory~
-This variable has no effect since Org 8.0.
-*** Removed option ~org-table-error-on-row-ref-crossing-hline~
-This variable has no effect since August 2009.
-*** Removed MathML-related options from ~org-html-mathjax-options~
-MathJax automatically chooses the best display technology based on the
-end-users browser. You may force initial usage of MathML via
-~org-html-mathjax-template~ or by setting the ~path~ property of
-*** Removed comment-related filters
-~org-export-filter-comment-functions~ and
-~org-export-filter-comment-block-functions~ variables do not exist
** New features
*** Hierarchies of tags
The functionality of nesting tags in hierarchies is added to org-mode.
This is the generalization of what was previously called "Tag groups"
@@ -272,118 +233,184 @@ The new behaviour is the following:
- Otherwise, toggle overlays in the current section.
*** Additional markup with =#+INCLUDE= keyword
The content of the included file can now be optionally marked up, for
instance as HTML. See the documentation for details.
*** File links with =#+INCLUDE= keyword
Objects can be extracted via =#+INCLUDE= using file links. It is
possible to include only the contents of the object. See manual for
more information.
-*** Additional =:hline= processing to ob-shell
-If the argument =:hlines yes= is present in a babel call, an optional
-argument =:hlines-string= can be used to define a string to use as a
-representation for the lisp symbol ='hline= in the shell program. The
-default is =hline=.
*** Drawers do not need anymore to be referenced in =#+DRAWERS=
One can use a drawer without listing it in the =#+DRAWERS= keyword,
which is now obsolete. As a consequence, this change also deprecates
~org-drawers~ variable.
*** ~org-edit-special~ can edit export blocks
Using C-c ' on an export block now opens a sub-editing buffer. Major
mode in that buffer is determined by export backend name (e.g.,
"latex" \to "latex-mode"). You can define exceptions to this rule by
configuring ~org-src-lang-modes~, which see.
+*** Additional =:hline= processing to ob-shell
+If the argument =:hlines yes= is present in a babel call, an optional
+argument =:hlines-string= can be used to define a string to use as a
+representation for the lisp symbol ='hline= in the shell program. The
+default is =hline=.
*** Markdown export supports switches in source blocks
For example, it is now possible to number lines using the =-n= switch
in a source block.
*** New option in ASCII export
Plain lists can have an extra margin by setting
~org-ascii-list-margin~ variable to an appopriate integer.
*** New blocks in ASCII export
ASCII export now supports =#+BEGIN_JUSTIFYRIGHT= and
=#+BEGIN_JUSTIFYLEFT= blocks. See documentation for details.
*** More back-end specific publishing options
The number of publishing options specific to each back-end has been
increased. See manual for details.
*** Export inline source blocks
Inline source code was used to be removed upon exporting. They are
now handled as standard code blocks, i.e., the source code can appear
in the output, depending on the parameters.
*** Extend ~org-export-first-sibling-p~ and ~org-export-last-sibling-p~
These functions now support any element or object, not only headlines.
*** New function: ~org-export-table-row-in-header-p~
*** New function: ~org-export-get-reference~
*** New function: ~org-element-lineage~
This function deprecates ~org-export-get-genealogy~. It also provides
more features. See docstring for details.
*** New function: ~org-element-copy~
*** New filter: ~org-export-filter-body-functions~
Functions in this filter are applied on the body of the exported
document, befor wrapping it within the template.
-*** Improve radio tables
+*** Various improvements on radio tables
Radio tables feature now relies on Org's export framework ("ox.el").
~:no-escape~ parameter no longer exists, but additional global
parameters are now supported: ~:raw~, ~:backend~. Moreover, there are
new parameters specific to some pre-defined translators, e.g.,
~:environment~ and ~:booktabs~ for ~orgtbl-to-latex~. See translators
docstrings (including ~orgtbl-to-generic~) for details.
*** Non-floating minted listings in Latex export
It is not possible to specify =#+attr_latex: :float nil= in conjunction with
source blocks exported by the minted package.
*** Field formulas can now create columns as needed
Previously, evaluating formulas that referenced out-of-bounds columns
would throw an error. A new variable
~org-table-formula-create-columns~ was added to adjust this
behavior. It is now possible to silently add new columns, to do so
with a warning or to explicitly ask the user each time.
*** ASCII plot
Ability to plot values in a column through ASCII-art bars. See manual
for details.
*** New hook: ~org-archive-hook~
This hook is called after successfully archiving a subtree, with point
on the original subtree, not yet deleted.
*** New option: ~org-attach-archive-delete~
When non-nil, attachments from archived subtrees are removed.
*** New option: ~org-latex-caption-above~
This variable generalizes ~org-latex-table-caption-above~, which is
now deprecated. In addition to tables, it applies to source blocks,
special blocks and images. See docstring for more information.
*** New option: ~org-latex-prefer-user-labels~
See docstring for more information.
*** Export unnumbered headlines
Headlines, for which the property ~UNNUMBERED~ is non-nil, are now
exported without section numbers irrespective of their levels. The
property is inherited by children.
*** Tables can be sorted with an arbitrary function
It is now possible to specify a function, both programatically,
through a new optional argument, and interactively with ~f~ or ~F~
keys, to sort a table.
*** Table of contents can be local to a section
The ~TOC~ keywords now accepts an optional ~local~ parameter. See
manual for details.
*** Countdown timers can now be paused
~org-timer-pause-time~ now pauses and restarts both relative and
countdown timers.
*** New option ~only-window~ for ~org-agenda-window-setup~
When ~org-agenda-window-setup~ is set to ~only-window~, the agenda is
displayed as the sole window of the current frame.
*** ~{{{date}}}~ macro supports optional formatting argument
It is now possible to supply and optional formatting argument to
~{{{date}}}~. See manual for details.
*** ~{{{property}}}~ macro supports optional search argument
It is now possible to supply an optional search option to
~{{{property}}}~ in order to retrieve remote properties optional. See
manual for details.
*** New option ~org-export-with-title~
It is possible to suppress the title insertion with ~#+OPTIONS:
title:nil~ or globally using the variable ~org-export-with-title~.
*** New entities family: "\_ "
"\_ " are used to insert up to 20 contiguous spaces in various
back-ends. In particular, this family can be used to introduce
leading spaces within table cells.
*** New MathJax configuration options
Org uses the MathJax CDN by default. See the manual and the docstring
of ~org-html-mathjax-options~ for details.
*** New behaviour in `org-export-options-alist'
When defining a back-end, it is now possible to specify to give
`parse' behaviour on a keyword. It is equivalent to call
`org-element-parse-secondary-string' on the value.
@@ -392,73 +419,210 @@ However, parsed =KEYWORD= is automatically associated to an
=:EXPORT_KEYWORD:= property, which can be used to override the keyword
value during a subtree export. Moreover, macros are expanded in such
keywords and properties.
*** Viewport support in html export
Viewport for mobile-optimized website is now automatically inserted
when exporting to html. See ~org-html-viewport~ for details.
*** New ~#+SUBTITLE~ export keyword
Org can typeset a subtitle in some export backends. See the manual
for details.
-*** Edit remotely a footnote definition
+*** Remotely edit a footnote definition
Calling ~org-edit-footnote-reference~ (C-c ') on a footnote reference
allows to edit its definition, as long as it is not anonymous, in
a dedicated buffer. It works even if buffer is currently narrowed.
*** New function ~org-delete-indentation~ bound to ~M-^~
Work as ~delete-indentation~ unless at heading, in which case text is
added to headline text.
*** Support for images in Texinfo export
~Texinfo~ back-end now handles images. See manual for details.
*** Support for captions in Texinfo export
Tables and source blocks can now have captions. Additionally, lists
of tables and lists of listings can be inserted in the document with
=#+TOC= keyword.
*** Countdown timer support hh:mm:ss format
In addition to setting countdown timers in minutes, they can also be
set using the hh:mm:ss format.
*** Extend ~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~
~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~ now accepts 0 as an argument for
the number of clones, which removes the repeater from the original
subtree and creates one shifted, repeating clone.
-*** None-floating tables, graphics and blocks can have captions
-*** New time block for clock tables : ~untilnow~
+*** New time block for clock tables: ~untilnow~
It encompasses all past closed clocks.
*** Support for the ~polyglossia~ LaTeX package
See the docstring of ~org-latex-classes~ and
~org-latex-guess-polyglossia-language~ for details.
+*** None-floating tables, graphics and blocks can have captions
*** `org-insert-heading' can be forced to insert top-level headline
+** Removed functions
+*** Removed function ~org-translate-time~
+Use ~org-timestamp-translate~ instead.
+*** Removed function ~org-beamer-insert-options-template~
+This function inserted a Beamer specific template at point or in
+current subtree. Use ~org-export-insert-default-template~ instead, as
+it provides more features and covers all export back-ends. It is also
+accessible from the export dispatcher.
+*** Removed function ~org-timer-cancel-timer~
+~org-timer-stop~ now stops both relative and countdown timers.
+*** Removed function ~org-export-solidify-link-text~
+This function, being non-bijective, introduced bug in internal
+references. Use ~org-export-get-reference~ instead.
+*** Removed function ~org-end-of-meta-data-and-drawers~
+The function is superseded by ~org-end-of-meta-data~, called with an
+optional argument.
+*** Removed functions ~org-table-colgroup-line-p~, ~org-table-cookie-line-p~
+These functions were left-over from pre 8.0 era. They are not correct
+anymore. Since they are not needed, they have no replacement.
+** Removed options
+*** ~org-list-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists~ is deprecated
+It will be kept in code base until next release, for backward
+If you need to separate consecutive lists with blank lines, always use
+two of them, as if this option was nil (default value).
+*** ~org-export-with-creator~ is a boolean
+Special ~comment~ value is no longer allowed. It is possible to use
+a body filter to add comments about the creator at the end of the
+document instead.
+*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-command=
+This undocumented option defaulted to the value of =shell-file-name=
+at the time of loading =ob-shell=. The new behaviour is to use the
+value of =shell-file-name= directly when the shell langage is =shell=.
+To chose a different shell, either customize =shell-file-name= or bind
+this variable locally.
+*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-var-quote-fmt=
+This undocumented option was supposed to provide different quoting
+styles when changing the shell type. Changing the shell type can now
+be done directly from the source block and the quoting style has to be
+compatible across all shells, so a customization doesn't make sense
+anymore. The chosen hard coded quoting style conforms to POSIX.
+*** Removed option ~org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point~
+Setting this option to anything else that the default value (nil)
+would create invalid planning info. This dangerous option is now
+*** Removed option ~org-koma-letter-use-title~
+Use org-export-with-title instead. See also below.
+*** Removed option ~org-entities-ascii-explanatory~
+This variable has no effect since Org 8.0.
+*** Removed option ~org-table-error-on-row-ref-crossing-hline~
+This variable has no effect since August 2009.
+*** Removed MathML-related options from ~org-html-mathjax-options~
+MathJax automatically chooses the best display technology based on the
+end-users browser. You may force initial usage of MathML via
+~org-html-mathjax-template~ or by setting the ~path~ property of
+*** Removed comment-related filters
+~org-export-filter-comment-functions~ and
+~org-export-filter-comment-block-functions~ variables do not exist
** Miscellaneous
*** Strip all meta data from ITEM special property
ITEM special property does not contain TODO, priority or tags anymore.
*** File names in links accept are now compatible with URI syntax
Absolute file names can now start with =///= in addition to =/=. E.g.,
*** Footnotes in included files are now local to the file
As a consequence, it is possible to include multiple Org files with
footnotes in a master document without being concerned about footnote
labels colliding.
*** Mailto links now use regular URI syntax
This change deprecates old Org syntax for mailto links:
*** =QUOTE= keywords do not exist anymore
=QUOTE= keywords have been deprecated since Org 8.2.
*** Select tests to perform with the build system
The build system has been enhanced to allow test selection with a
regular expression by defining =BTEST_RE= during the test invocation.
This is especially useful during bisection to find just when a
particular test failure was introduced.
*** Exact heading search for external links ignore spaces and cookies
Exact heading search for links now ignore spaces and cookies. This is
the case for links of the form ~file:projects.org::*task title~, as
well as links of the form ~file:projects.org::some words~
when ~org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline~ is not nil.
*** ~org-latex-hyperref-template~, ~org-latex-title-command~ formatting
New formatting keys are supported. See the respective docstrings.
Note, ~org-latex-hyperref-template~ has a new default value.
*** ~float, wasysym, marvosym~ are removed from ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~
If you require any of these package add them to your preamble via
~org-latex-packages-alist~. Org also uses default LaTeX ~\tolerance~
*** When exporting, throw an error on unresolved id/fuzzy links and code refs
+This helps spotting wrong links.
* Version 8.2
** Incompatible changes