@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ org-contacts.el --- Contacts management
org-contribdir.el --- Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
org-contribdir.el --- Dummy file to mark the org contrib Lisp directory
org-depend.el --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
org-depend.el --- TODO dependencies for Org-mode
org-drill.el --- Self-testing with org-learn
org-drill.el --- Self-testing with org-learn
+org-effectiveness.el --- Measuring your personal effectiveness
org-element.el --- Parser and applications for Org syntax
org-element.el --- Parser and applications for Org syntax
org-elisp-symbol.el --- Org links to emacs-lisp symbols
org-elisp-symbol.el --- Org links to emacs-lisp symbols
org-eval-light.el --- Evaluate in-buffer code on demand
org-eval-light.el --- Evaluate in-buffer code on demand
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ org-interactive-query.el --- Interactive modification of tags query
org-invoice.el --- Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
org-invoice.el --- Help manage client invoices in OrgMode
org-jira.el --- Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org
org-jira.el --- Add a jira:ticket protocol to Org
org-learn.el --- SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
org-learn.el --- SuperMemo's incremental learning algorithm
+org-license.el --- Insert free licenses to your org documents
org-mac-iCal.el --- Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary
org-mac-iCal.el --- Imports events from iCal.app to the Emacs diary
org-mac-link.el --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
org-mac-link.el --- Grab links and URLs from various Mac applications
org-mairix.el --- Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs
org-mairix.el --- Hook mairix search into Org for different MUAs