@@ -148,12 +148,20 @@ change only this file, use =--only=.
This is still a significant headache. Some hand work is needed here.
-Emacs uses bzr, and while I see all the advantages this would have, I
-cannot bring myself to switch away from git for my day-to-day work.
+Emacs uses bzr. A useful introduction to bzr for Emacs developers can
+be found [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/BzrForEmacsDevs][here]]. While I see all the advantages this would have, I
+cannot bring myself to switch away from git for my day-to-day work,
+because I know git so well, and because git seems to me as being much
+more powerful, conceptionally simple (once you have [[http://www.newartisans.com/2008/04/git-from-the-bottom-up.html][bent your head
+around it]]), and so much faster.
So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
1. I do not update the version in Emacs too often. Just once every
few month - this is frequently enough for the Emacs release cycle.
+ Care must be taken to get in a *new and stable* version shortly
+ before Emacs goes into feature freeze and pretest, because that
+ version is going to be in the wild for a long time.
2. I watch the Emacs diffs for changes made by the maintainers of
Emacs in the org-mode files in Emacs. Any changes that come up
@@ -167,9 +175,10 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
3. When I have made a release (usually I wait for the minor releases
to stabilize), I *copy* org files into the Emacs repository. Yes,
I do not merge, I copy. This has been the source of some problems
- in the past - but I have not had the patience to work out a better
- mechanism, and I really dislike the idea that the version in Emacs
- starts diverging from my own.
+ in the past - Emacs developers are not happy when I accidentally
+ overwrite changes they made. But I have not had the patience to
+ work out a better mechanism, and I really dislike the idea that the
+ version in Emacs starts diverging from my own.
Careful: Copy /org.texi/ and /orgcard.tex/ into the right places,
and also copy the lisp files with *two exceptions*: Do *not* copy
@@ -197,14 +206,18 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
When you run the =make_emacs_changelog= program, you will be
prompted for a date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD, this date will be
- used in the ChangeLog entries - Emacs wants these dates to be the
- time when the change has been installed into Emacs, not the time
- when we made the change in our own repository. You will also be
+ used in the ChangeLog entries - Emacs developers want these dates
+ to be the time when the change has been installed into Emacs, not
+ the time when we made the change in our own repository. So all the
+ ChangeLog entries will get the same date. You will also be
prompted for the kind of ChangeLog you want to make, possible
answers are =lisp=, =texi=, and =card=. The program will then
select the correct entries for the specified ChangeLog file. If
you don't like being prompted, you can give the date and type as
- second and third command line arguments to =make_emacs_changelog=.
+ second and third command line arguments to =make_emacs_changelog=,
+ for example
+ : UTILITIES/make_emacs_changelog release_7.02.05..release_7.03.02 2010-12-11 lisp
These entries need to be added to the ChangeLog files in Emacs.
You should, in the ChangeLog file, select the inserted region of
@@ -217,8 +230,6 @@ So the way I have been doing things with Emacs is this:
developers often look throught the commit and make minor changes -
these need to be merged back into our own repo.
* Updating the list of hooks on Worg
The file org-configs/org-hooks.org contains a list of all hooks in