@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This file is used for maintenance of org on the server.
+.PHONY: helpserver reltest rel-dirty warn
+help helpall helpserver::
+ $(info )
+ $(info Maintenance)
+ $(info ===========)
+ $(info reltest - clean up and create TAR/ZIP release archives)
+ @echo ""
+ORGTAR = $(ORGDIR).tar.gz
+ORGDIST = README Makefile default.mk targets.mk request-assign-future.txt \
+ lisp/ etc/ doc/ contrib/
+ORG_MAKE_DOC = info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation for release
+reltest: cleanall doc autoloads rel-dirty
+ ln -s . $(ORGDIR)
+ tar -zcf $(ORGTAR) $(foreach dist, $(ORGDIST), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
+ zip -r9 $(ORGZIP) $(foreach dist, $(ORGDIST), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
+ -@$(RM) $(ORGDIR)
+ $(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
+ @$(MAKE) warn)
+ $(info ======================================================)
+ $(info = =)
+ $(info = A release should only be made from a revision that =)
+ $(info = has an annotated tag! =)
+ $(info = =)
+ $(info ======================================================)